Hi all do many people with fibro suffer from lower back pain?,iv seen on a few posts some people mm mention that,u just wondered as a fibro sufferer I have had really bad lower back pain for a year no now particularly when walking,I went to see a go at my practice who's a muscle/joint specialist an he's saying its weak muscles an I'm weak in my core,so has arranged pysio I get the feeling he's a fibro no believer,I'm due to start the pysio soon
Lower back pain: Hi all do many people... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Lower back pain

Hi, I have exactly same problem Had it for several years Chronic pain physio said due to very weak core muscles He was great, gave me really gentle exercises to build the muscles up, he said it could take 2 yrs as I don't get the rest he advised, to lie down 6 times a day for twenty minutes It did seen to be doing good, but then he left and next physio was like a boot camp trainer! Rheumatologist said I shouldn't have been doing any of the exercises she gave me, I'd told her they were agony but she wouldn't listen Should be gentle stretching exercises , may cause a bit if discomfort, but shouldn't be severe pain was what Rhumatologust told me Just mske sure physio takes your conditions into account The second one I had didn't, she was new to chronic pain clinic and didn't have a clue! Good luck with your treatment and I hope it helps, a lot of back pain seems to be weak core muscles Regards Sandra x
Same here. The recommended exercises hurt worse and caused more pain. I was a former power lifter and body builder and know muscles well. I finally am doing what I think and it is helping some. I am probably more qualified than them any way. Doctors are not always correct.... they still don't know the main cause of current hip issues
One said AVN
One said bone on bone
One said not hip but pedicle screws coming out of fusion
And one now looking in thoracic... baffling but brutal. I am working out in gym again and turned my office into PT room
I would sen pics if knew how. My office is like a gym .. so hitting it twice day . Ugh
Well sounds like you've really been though it its good your working out again,my doc told me to stop going too the gym side it was making my fibro worse told me to just walk instead, I'm struggling to do that some days!! Ha ha its like a vicious circle I know being imobiles not good but its hard to move a lot some days so can't win
Hi Dougjl, that all sounds great Even without the training and experience you have I think we all know our bodies well enough to know what's doing good and what's doing harm. I wish I had you knowledge , it must take some grit to do what you are doing Good on you , I wish you all the success, it sounds to be going well I'm stale mate at the moment deciding where to go next with things Any advise you have is welcome Keep us updated won't you? All the best Sandra
Yes back pain can be caused by week surrounding hip muscles that no one really exercises and core. Whoever told you it takes two years to build muscles is an idiot and less you're 90 years old. You should be able to see results in about six weeks. Any exercise that causes extreme pain is a signal that it is the wrong exercise and you can look on the Internet and find 1000 different remedies and exercises however you have to find out what works with your body structure… One exercise plan does not fit all… I try to follow several and also won a PT gave me and all of them were bad due to my curvature of my spine and not normal. I analyzed on my body and put together my program and it is working much better, the exercises they gave me for my hiphere actually hurt my hip more. Same with my back. I have stuck with basic exercises as back bins for low back weighted crunch for abs and waited side bends for obliques
If your doctor is not in shape he likely doesn't know jack about exercising. I have been training with weight since I was 13 I still train today and I'm 54
I think I have a better understanding of my body than a doctor and my latest exercises have helped me 100% will… I feel 100% better but I'm still 99% off where I need to be
I can help anybody structure a PT program. I have trained bodybuilders in the gym, I once was a competitive power lifter and bodybuilder and I know how the body works but yet listen to some doctor as my symptoms got worse
There simply is too much information on the Internet you start reading and all of a sudden you go from back problems do does a dying from cancer
Yes. Extreme low back pain. I do PT every morning 7 days a week... 45 minutes for core and supporting muscles... no help. Actually have pedicle screws coming loose from 10 yr 4 level fusion:(. Still do PT every day.... makes me feel human but pay for it at night. Exercise helps defend against depression etc
Yes I do it is the bain of my life. I also have osteo and sometimes don't know what is causing what pain. I did ask to see a physio about 4 years back because of persistent hip pain which is osteo but not bad enough yet for an operation. I was given core and flexing exercises and I must say my lower back pain usually is less severe than it was and I can certainly walk farther most days. To be honest I don't think they know what to do with us. I feel sometimes they think k we are only fit for the scrap heap, lol. Good luck with the physio let us know how you get on.x
I have Osteo and severe hip pain too. And it is different every day so really baffled as to why and where.... also severe back pain (5 fusions.. one horribly failed). Walking on the femoral nerve is not fun i have found ... doing aggressive low back free weight work seems to help ? Nerve pain sucks....
I have just looked up about the femoral nerve and that has explained my thigh pain so thanks for that.x
The femoral nerve is brutal… It can be pinched, impinged or have a bone spur hitting it… Or your hip can be bone on bone on the nerve. I thought chronic back pain from my mant fusions was severe until I try to walk on the nerve every day you just don't get used to it. Getting off the toilet is the hardest part of my day ha ha I take that back putting on my socks is the hardest part of my day… If I get both socks on without ripping one and falling over into the wall it will be a good day.
It is funny but many doctors think fibromyalgia is a neurotic disorder
My neurosurgeon does not believe it exist yet cannot explain the amount of pain I am in daily nor do I think anyone can believe it therefore I quit talking about it as no one really wants to. Except on this forum. I hate mentioning pain because you mentioned it when it is the forefront of every day and people act like it is non-injury that's going to go away. Well… It hasn't gone away in 15 years, I was on 360 mg of morphine per day and it did not go away, OxyContin 80 mg three times a day and it did not go away… And they all quit working so I quit taking them. With drawl was a bitch
I currently don't take any pain medication. I take Kratom twice per day about 10 to 15 g and it gives me such incredible energy I forget about the pain for short periods of time.
People may say what they want about Kratom but I think it is a godsend to some people. It does not work for everyone but for me it is better than any drug on the market, it is legal here, and I would rather be addicted to an herb then street drugs or painkillers.
I guess I started to ramble… The femoral nerve hurts like a bitch. I must go by pitbull is ready to have his dinner… Oh for anyone who hasn't heard me ramble about animals they cure their unconditional love
I think people tune out to our pain. If we had s broken leg we would have all the sympathy but as they can't see anything they some how don't think it is real. I meet a group if women who I went to school with and apart from minor niggles they are all fit! One does have a daughter with lupus and I think at one time they thought it was fibro. Someone said something and she actually was a bit angsty with them and said fibro is a horrible illness fancy having your muscles and joints aching all the time like you have flu. There was a deathly silence I could have cheered.
Yes animals are marvellous I get great distraction from the birds. Hopefully when my OH has fit through all his cancer treatments we will look for another Rescue dog.
My present GP won't give people Morphine for fibro as he says what you have unfortunately found out that it can initially help then more and more are required to sit he same thing and you reach a plateau when it stood working and you can end up in a worse place then you were before. My last GP was if the same mind but at least they both believed in fibro but both said it was something that couldn't be cured you just had to learn to live with it.
I have never heard of Kratom?x
Yeah. I go to gym daily and hardly anyone has issues.... can't compare with others though as everyone has something they struggle with. Mine is both very apparent with a heavy limp .... the nerve pain is not apparent.
I had no issues until 42 then after first 4 levels fusion it all began with nerve issues ..... can't explain it so deemed Fibro...
Your doc is right. In US Health is a busy for profit so pain clinics are abundant and want you on " revolving door". No problem to get high dose as they know you will be back every month....
I quit cold turkey.... highly do NOT recommend that! Kratom helps
Unfortunately, it appears that the drug has been banned in the UK since 2016 but so glad it is helping you.x
That is ridiculous. It is an HERB and less harmful than Marijuana. No one has ever died from it .... far less damaging that alcohol. THE FDA is trying to ban here as it is denting their Narcotic sales. Pooey..... you would like it.
They are legalizing Marijuana in Austin this year. I have been told to try that, but I hate it and hated it from times I used in college.
I just don't understand why they made it illegal Perhaps, not enough is known about it? Ketamine therapy is huge here too, but I am scared to even try it given it is the base ingredients os SUPER K that teens smoke and get crazy. They do infusions of Ketamine here and it is supposed to help some.
Making things like this illegal, prompts folks to look for street drugs......not good.
It does explain the pain but does not explain why it happened to you. I just stepped out of bed one morning and hit the floor it was sudden and has not let up. I have found that training leg extensions, leg curls and butt exercises tighten the muscles up where I can walk easier. Goal is to build such muscle mass there that it supports my lack of tissue… I hope so. They say it is not possible but I'm not supposed to be walking now either due to a thoracic disc clamps on my spinal cord that was misdiagnosed and the lumbar for a period of almost a year almost severing my spinal cord and leaving me no I'm in my feet calves and fingers so I bought a lot of things big deal… I'm on my fifth Mr. coffee in six months I have dropped the glass container every month and broken it because I can't feel my fingers.
The physio gave me different stretching and core exercises and I definately feel even though they are hard work it has helped. I definitely walk easier and for much longer. Some days it is hard with the different pains but in other ways I am better than when I first had fibro.
It sounds as though you have been through a horrendous timex
Touch horrendous time? That is sweet of you. That is one way to describe it .... for me it is the norm so getting used to. Got more imaging done on my hip and they founds cysts that are causing much pain.....going in for injectin tomorrow.
So, my wish list for X-mas is total hip replacement and a back surgery too. Got to love Chritmas. I am SO ready for the hip replacement. Walking on bone on bone and the Femoral nerve this year has aged me :() But, that is okay we will get it done and get on down the road.
I get tattoos over my scars (one positive thing I look forward too. I have a Japanese Proverb tattood down my entire spine :
7 Falls, 8 Climbing
That mean you fall donw, get knocked down 7 times, you shake it off and go for 8..... story of my life and very nice tattoo (they try to sew the letters straight with ever fusion!)
Love the thought of the tatoo such a positive thing to do. one of the ladies i knew had a wonderful tatoo done to disguise where they took a cancerous lump from her breast you could barely see the scar.
My friend is waiting for replacement hip surgery and like you it is bone on bone and she is counting the days she said any operation is preferable to this pain.
Just shows that everyones wish list for Christmas is entirely individual, lol.x.
Just posted pic of me. I have lots of tattoos
I dont have pic of my cut up back
Putting one over my stomach scar this week. Haven't had new tattoos for 15 years. Love Japanese proverbs
My entire tattoos are about over coming adversity. Hope pic is not offensive.. I posted under create a post
No more of me. Only dog pics. Just trying to say just because you don't SEE pain doesn't mean it os there
Hi Lorsxxx I have a TENS machine for my lower back , I wear it as I plod all day, I also discovered Voltarol Plasters (not heat pads) that can be left on, over night-bit expensive but do the trick
Oh yes and it's very painful ,do you get it so bad that you can't walk .About 4 years ago I went to see my mother in law and I walked it's about twenty mins normally .When I set off to walk back home my lower back hurt so bad I had to keep leaning against a wall😭 I'm not kidding it took me nearly two hours to get home , I hadn't taken my phone so I couldn't call anyone ,as soon as I sit down the pain goes as long as it's a supportive chair .Most doctors dont know much about fibro .Xx hope you feel better soon .😇 Xx
You are lucky. My pain does not subside even when I'm lying in bed in fact it is worse sitting or laying feels like somebody is shooting lightning rods up my ass and down my legs. I understand feeling like you can't support yourself with your back. Of late I'm doing about 20 sets of waited backbends seven days a week and it has helped tremendously as the muscle seems to be tight and supports me better… Yes on the only man with a cane in the gym very hardheaded. I only use the cane to get up off benches so my for moral nerve is not pinched so bad I cannot get home
Most people would say we bitch a lot and I have heard that I complain a lot but when severe pain is the forefront of your life you just feel like blurting it out. I have had days when I hit myself in the hip repeatedly with a meat cleaver in order to walk… Yes with a hammer hitting the nerve so it would pulsate and allow me to walk. I try not to talk about pain but found that you can talk about it here and as I have stated to anyone who questions me
My shoes are size 12 would you like to wear them… Otherwise shut the F up
I guess I am lucky but I have lived with chronic pain since I was 11/12 years old and had three children I also suffer with the pain from hell that is trigeminal neuralgia which I have had for 25 years now that pain is called the suicide pain . I have lots of different chronic illness all long term all very painful .
Very funny about the walking stick in gym you go tiger and show them us crocks can do it . Well I do t talk to anyone about my pain much they can tell by my face if the pain is off the scale .
It's very hard to live with chronic pain day in and day out it can be all you think about , I know this is our life but we can come here as you said and find people who are suffering like us . I think I'm choosing to do the best I can on any given day . Have a good day whatever you're doing and hope it is shining down on you , we have had a lovely day here children playing and running around my fav sort of thing xx😇
and, I will hit them over the head with my cane if they don't act right. YOu cannot tell at all by looking at me what i deal with as I am in great shape, and work on it daily. Have been Body Building for 40 years.
Someone told me today that I walk like a JIVE Turkey ... the "cool" walk of ghetto folks.
I think if I did not work out everyday, I would be ten times worse. It is more difficult to work out these days, but I do not miss as I love it (and my cane !!!
I do it for me, and not for looks though. I have no ego or such. I just loving training. Used to fight competitive in Martial Arts (Krav Maga) but had to give up that sport due to pain. I miss it a lot but would rather be able to walk I still have one good fight in me for any one that offends me, or one of my new pain buddies.
Funny, I am not even in UK, but in Austin TX and no one has told me to leave ! I like the UK folks.
I have lower back pain 24 / 7.....under a physiotherapist now and also have a tens machine which does help....
You poor girl I know you're pain well . Hope you can get some sleep tonight xx😇
thank you me to 😊 x
You're welcome sleep well xx😇
i got told to try Epsom salts in a bath and I tried it...and actually got some sorta good sleep last nite xx
Glad you got some sleep I didn't realise you could still get Epsom salts sometimes the old remedies are the best. I'd love a hot soak in a bath but iv only got a wet room/shower
thank you lovely..yes thank goodness I got some sleep...you have a shower room..did you know that boots do a Epsom salt shower/bath gel..i hope I don't get in trouble for mentioned a product...x
You need to go on line to the famous auction site which begins with E... and you can a 11 kilo tub for about £11-00 and it's great and so cheap .
Hope this helps happy bathing
Thanks I will have a look think I'm gonna try dome of that,anything that might helps worth s try :0) x
I mean *sorry I can't type !!
Be careful buying bath salts online. Look carefully at what you're buying many of them are pseudo-names for methamphetamine sales. They sell them as bath salts now. I almost bought some by mistake don't think the police would believe me
Just my experience maybe I'm naïve
Thanks for all your replays,I feel more hopefull an positive about the pysio so will let you all know its gos , an yes matrix after only a few yards sometimes its agony an I don't get very far at all it takes me SO long to get anywhere I was coping OK with the fibro until this backach started I have used a tens machine for years but it doesn't help this back pain thanks again all hope your all having a reasonable pain free evening
I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disorder about 15 years as I have always had back pain .. had acupuncture and massage for a year and nothing!! It is also the neck and shoulders....
Try some meditation and deep breathing... I've tried so much but I also say to myself.. it isn't going to kill me or break me.
Healing thoughts x
I will try. Its odd as my fibro was never as bad until they gave me lignicain,infusion last year they told me it stops some peoples pain for months or years,but seems to have made mine much worse! Still you have to try these things
I also have degenerative disc disorder but many people just state that is natural aging process and arthritis… Really? I don't think so how many fusions have you had brother? I've had five. Is that normal? Is that just normal arthritis? Or do you have
To say so you just blurt out some stupid remark? Degenerative disc disease is not just a normal arthritis it wears on you it wears down and it hurts.
Well you have to do is walk I hear… Really. I ask again how many fusions have you had to the person that tells me that they say none I am always careful. Will me too
So I do understand degenerative disc disorder that's one of the many diagnoses that iPad although my neurosurgeons refused to except it fibromyalgia even exist one commented that it was just neurotic women looking for an outlet to bitch. May the fleas of 1000 camels infest your armpits brother and you be inflicted with an imaginary disease which brings you to your knees every day
I think the neurosurgeons refused to except the disease because they can't operate on it and make money here… Just Saying...
I guess Donald Trump p will come up with a cure for it oh I forget he's trying to take pre-existing conditions out of health insurance to protect big business
Anyone who recognizes on from the United States I did not vote for that fkig idiot and I am embarrassed that he represents Country
Back pain has been with me for around seven years it was my first problem Fibro is bonus prize for me!
Multiple steroid jabs in spine nerve root blocks but comes back again.
My most comfortable moment was about three years ago when my appendix burst had surgery really enjoyed the general anaesthetic.
I'm convinced my undiagnosed burst appendix was the start of my Fibro had key hole surgery I discovered after that they should have opened me up and washed my guts on the table!
It had burst about three weeks prior so infected Inards!

That sounds awfull,its like a domino effect you get one thing etc :0/
Yes dominoes for sure this year has been one domino session from a fused back to a vascular necrosis to femor nerve pinch. Then get more imaging and it turns out that pedicle screws are coming out of a fusion I had 10 years ago is that a domino effect a little bit more than I can handle and I can feel them when I walk my back feels like the disk or flopping up and down however it is offset by my hip popping when I walk to
Domino effect for sure this year has been the domino year but next year will be better and I am on a hardheaded, driven individual who will find ways to make it better on my own… Still working on that will get back with you ha ha
Oh then you find out because you've been walking in properly on your hip because it's on the nerve that your knee is also out of alignment causing damage there however how much could there be as I tore my ACL three years ago too. No I'm not kidding I just have a lot of bad luck I guess people tell me that anyway I just think it's par for the course and I get used to it though you never really get used to stepping out of bed on a nerve… To top it all off my office is upstairs in my house and upstairs or a bitch now
What ever I am blessed to work at home and I think I work at home because no one wants to work around me because I have to sit on an aerobics ball and all other sort of contraption in order to be able to type on a computer
The aerobic ball is a permanent part of my day as I drive myself over in various matters to try to loosen myself up I think I spend more time on the aerobics ball than I do anything it's just my hanging out spot

I shall look forward to my anesthetic in Oct then lol:0)
The femoral nerve is brutal… It can be pinched, impinged or have a bone spur hitting it… Or your hip can be bone on bone on the nerve. I thought chronic back pain from my mant fusions was severe until I try to walk on the nerve every day you just don't get used to it. Getting off the toilet is the hardest part of my day ha ha I take that back putting on my socks is the hardest part of my day… If I get both socks on without ripping one and falling over into the wall it will be a good day.
It is funny but many doctors think fibromyalgia is a neurotic disorder
My neurosurgeon does not believe it exist yet cannot explain the amount of pain I am in daily nor do I think anyone can believe it therefore I quit talking about it as no one really wants to. Except on this forum. I hate mentioning pain because you mentioned it when it is the forefront of every day and people act like it is non-injury that's going to go away. Well… It hasn't gone away in 15 years, I was on 360 mg of morphine per day and it did not go away, OxyContin 80 mg three times a day and it did not go away… And they all quit working so I quit taking them. With drawl was a bitch
I currently don't take any pain medication. I take Kratom twice per day about 10 to 15 g and it gives me such incredible energy I forget about the pain for short periods of time.
People may say what they want about Kratom but I think it is a godsend to some people. It does not work for everyone but for me it is better than any drug on the market, it is legal here, and I would rather be addicted to an herb then street drugs or painkillers.
I guess I started to ramble… The femoral nerve hurts like a bitch. I must go by pitbull is ready to have his dinner… Oh for anyone who hasn't heard me ramble about animals they cure their unconditional love
Ha ha ramble away it's interesting you seem to know s lot I take oramorp but after 5years it's not working very well I took myself off it once, never again the withdrawal was horrendous I can't take anything else as I have crohns disease it upsets that to much I'd say the o/morp takes the edge off the pain witch is better that nothing what's kratom ? Iv never heard of it, :0) at your socks, just don't wear any I know what u mean I love animals,iv had dogs but only have a cat now :0)
Yes morphine does take the edge off but I got where I was taking so much I had to take it just to feel normal. I was much more comfortable on high levels of morphine as I feel everything now
Kratom is an herb from Thailand although it is illegal in Thailand now. The people there to do it like they did the coca leaf or energy. They sell it in capsules I take mine in bulk powder. It hits the same receptors that morphine does and depending on the amount you Jake and make you every bit as high as being on cocaine or sedate as marijuana
Many states in the US or outline yet as I hear it is taking away from the drug Company sales. Look it up online. It was a godsend to me I am embarrassed to say that I became addicted to methamphetamine's to try to deal with my pain and lack of will or energy to do anything and also to try to withdraw from morphine. I would not recommend that to anybody but if you are in pain as I was are you are you search for anything. The methamphetamines actually made me productive at work and gave me the energy I needed to get through the day as I was not taking morphine anymore but like any drug you become addicted to it. I did not smoke it or injected I merely snorted it in small amounts probably just a little bit more than a coffee buzz but realize that it was a drug mix with all sort of hazard and stuff and I was addicted to it. However you did Day go by and I could do anything like I used to but it is faulty energy and then your body where is down from you running around on speed when you got no nerves and your back is fused etc.
I find that I can be honest on here I'm sorry if I offended somebody. I know many people that become addicted to methamphetamine's that have this sort of pain as I cannot function or get out of bed otherwise. A doctor actually talked about prescribing it to me
All of this rambling to say I became addicted to methamphetamine's but I could never get off learned about Kratom and was off it in three days with no pain and have never looked back. If you've never used drugs as seductive and strong as methamphetamines people do not get off because you withdraw so bad and you feel so depressed you want to kill yourself you can't get out of bed so being that I am a full-time insurance agent and could not miss work I could not go through that free week. Laying in bed so I continued on it.
And I read about Kratom and that it was used to get people off of morphine heroin and pain killers. So I looked up to see if it would help with math and your enough they said it would. And I can honestly say that I suffered no with drawls came off of a one year addiction from Meth means and have never looked bac
There was simply no withdrawal and I felt wonderful it was a godsend and I continue to Kratom Twice per day. And once again it is a herb probably like marijuana or medical marijuana but legal in Texas in many states. Much of the stuff on the Internet that says bad about it is from drug companies do not want them to tap into their moneys because as you all know health insurance is a profitable business in the United States. That's right our healthcare is a business for profit and it sucks.
So sorry for rambling again I'm so happy that I'm off of methamphetamines and I went to this herb. It is a natural painkiller and depending on which strain you use and how much it can make you extremely energetic and focused kill pain or make you sedate. No one has ever died from it
I don't know why some states have outlawed it or countries but I think it cuts into their pharmaceutical sales. It's just a bunch of herbs ground up and pretty nasty to drink but you can make tea with it and probably the reason I ramble on is because it is still affecting at this time. I think it is a wonder drug and I will continue to use it because I take no painkillers and no other sorts of drugs I don't drink alcohol or anything and it helps so why not
I hope that is not more than you wanted and I hope it's OK to be very openly honest on these forms… I am not a street drug addict I am a successful insurance agent in Texas who has not leaked of war that to anybody other than here how ever I hope it was of some help
Kratom Will take away 100% of morphine or heroin withdraw it is that good.
Get some more animals girl… I have eight dogs and only two cats now down from 16 cats
I live on 5 acres in Austin Texas and bill them their own room on the back of the house with indoor outdoor access to my land however they stay in the main house and mostly on my bed ha ha
My life would be miserable without all my animal love I would send some pictures here but I don't know how to send pictures on this form in fact that's pretty much all I have is dog pictures
I have a lot of time to write because I actually removed all TVs from my house when Donald Trop one president and valve not to put one in until that . Is gone. I have found that not having a TV makes me invest much more time and quality things like taking care of my animals sitting on my porch feeding the deer on my land of taking care of that your babies…
Yes I'm serious I remove every TV from my house because I don't want to see that man on my TV that represent my country now that's a adam that I am about him sorry if anyone disagrees… He's also trying to remove the pre-existing conditions from health insurance or none of us can have any coverage and all of big business makes my email they all go to hell. After remember that health insurance is business for profit here that means they make money off of you at any expense I could ramble but I already have so I close
Yes morphine does take the edge off but I got where I was taking so much I had to take it just to feel normal. I was much more comfortable on high levels of morphine as I feel everything now
Kratom is an herb from Thailand although it is illegal in Thailand now. The people there to do it like they did the coca leaf or energy. They sell it in capsules I take mine in bulk powder. It hits the same receptors that morphine does and depending on the amount you Jake and make you every bit as high as being on cocaine or sedate as marijuana
Many states in the US or outline yet as I hear it is taking away from the drug Company sales. Look it up online. It was a godsend to me I am embarrassed to say that I became addicted to methamphetamine's to try to deal with my pain and lack of will or energy to do anything and also to try to withdraw from morphine. I would not recommend that to anybody but if you are in pain as I was are you are you search for anything. The methamphetamines actually made me productive at work and gave me the energy I needed to get through the day as I was not taking morphine anymore but like any drug you become addicted to it. I did not smoke it or injected I merely snorted it in small amounts probably just a little bit more than a coffee buzz but realize that it was a drug mix with all sort of hazard and stuff and I was addicted to it. However you did Day go by and I could do anything like I used to but it is faulty energy and then your body where is down from you running around on speed when you got no nerves and your back is fused etc.
I find that I can be honest on here I'm sorry if I offended somebody. I know many people that become addicted to methamphetamine's that have this sort of pain as I cannot function or get out of bed otherwise. A doctor actually talked about prescribing it to me
All of this rambling to say I became addicted to methamphetamine's but I could never get off learned about Kratom and was off it in three days with no pain and have never looked back. If you've never used drugs as seductive and strong as methamphetamines people do not get off because you withdraw so bad and you feel so depressed you want to kill yourself you can't get out of bed so being that I am a full-time insurance agent and could not miss work I could not go through that free week. Laying in bed so I continued on it.
And I read about Kratom and that it was used to get people off of morphine heroin and pain killers. So I looked up to see if it would help with math and your enough they said it would. And I can honestly say that I suffered no with drawls came off of a one year addiction from Meth means and have never looked bac
There was simply no withdrawal and I felt wonderful it was a godsend and I continue to Kratom Twice per day. And once again it is a herb probably like marijuana or medical marijuana but legal in Texas in many states. Much of the stuff on the Internet that says bad about it is from drug companies do not want them to tap into their moneys because as you all know health insurance is a profitable business in the United States. That's right our healthcare is a business for profit and it sucks.
So sorry for rambling again I'm so happy that I'm off of methamphetamines and I went to this herb. It is a natural painkiller and depending on which strain you use and how much it can make you extremely energetic and focused kill pain or make you sedate. No one has ever died from it
I don't know why some states have outlawed it or countries but I think it cuts into their pharmaceutical sales. It's just a bunch of herbs ground up and pretty nasty to drink but you can make tea with it and probably the reason I ramble on is because it is still affecting at this time. I think it is a wonder drug and I will continue to use it because I take no painkillers and no other sorts of drugs I don't drink alcohol or anything and it helps so why not
I hope that is not more than you wanted and I hope it's OK to be very openly honest on these forms… I am not a street drug addict I am a successful insurance agent in Texas who has not leaked of war that to anybody other than here how ever I hope it was of some help
Yes dominoes for sure this year has been one domino session from a fused back to a vascular necrosis to femor nerve pinch. Then get more imaging and it turns out that pedicle screws are coming out of a fusion I had 10 years ago is that a domino effect a little bit more than I can handle and I can feel them when I walk my back feels like the disk or flopping up and down however it is offset by my hip popping when I walk to
Domino effect for sure this year has been the domino year but next year will be better and I am on a hardheaded, driven individual who will find ways to make it better on my own… Still working on that will get back with you ha ha
Oh then you find out because you've been walking in properly on your hip because it's on the nerve that your knee is also out of alignment causing damage there however how much could there be as I tore my ACL three years ago too. No I'm not kidding I just have a lot of bad luck I guess people tell me that anyway I just think it's par for the course and I get used to it though you never really get used to stepping out of bed on a nerve… To top it all off my office is upstairs in my house and upstairs or a bitch now
What ever I am blessed to work at home and I think I work at home because no one wants to work around me because I have to sit on an aerobics ball and all other sort of contraption in order to be able to type on a computer
The aerobic ball is a permanent part of my day as I drive myself over in various matters to try to loosen myself up I think I spend more time on the aerobics ball than I do anything it's just my hanging out spot