Before I developed full blown fibromyalgia I had a horse riding accident. I fell onto my left hip and was unable to remount the horse it was so bad. It was a beautiful colour with blacks purples etc spreading down my left thigh.
After a few weeks I started riding again, albeit carefully and eventually back to full force. Last year shortly after diagnosis I stopped riding due to pain levels.
Ever since the accident I haven't tolerated hot water (bath water really) on my hip. It feels odd when first getting in, like surface numbness. The longer I stay in the more painful it gets, like it's being pushed against.
This accident happened in August 2012, so a while ago now. X-rays show no damage to the bones yet my walking is now suffering to the point I need help on the not so good days and cannot walk far without serious discomfort. I have repeatedly told my GP but to no avail.
My question is this (sorry for all the writing, just trying to give an accurate picture) is my current pain fibro or is there something else going on that has been missed? I accept that this probably led to the fibro, I just feel that the concentration of pain in my hip is the bane of my existence right now. I have pain elsewhere but not to the level of my left hip.