Fatigue: Chronic Fatigue morning all... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Birds profile image
16 Replies

Chronic Fatigue morning all does anyone feel like this as l feel it's getting worse. It can come on like turning a switch and it's overwhelming I'm to tired to eat but feel like l need chocolate to give me some energy. Just lately we have had a few days that haven't been very warm and this sends my body into pain l end up with the heating on and wrap up with thick cardigan and scarf l think l need to talk to my doctor as I'm wondering if l have diabetes but my gp is not seeing any one what do you think xx

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Birds profile image
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16 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Hey I feel the same, I posted on here last night about it. Like you I wonder if I have diabetes as it’s a sensation of coming crashing down and needing a sugary food or drink. It’s an awful feeling and all of a sudden. Although GP aren’t seeing anyone they are doing phone consultations so I would ask for one of them. Then they may do a blood test to see if you have any issues with your bloods. I am being investigated for diabetes and awaiting results, please phone them as if there is something wrong they can treat it for you 😀then hopefully you will feel better x

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thanks for getting back to l hope you get sorted soon thank you so much xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Birds

You too 😀

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

I get overwhelming fatigue that just hits me like a ton of bricks... and yes, sometimes a sugar hit from chocolate etc can help a little, but usually only enough to let me get home and have a lie down.

If the level of fatigue you are getting is worse /different from you usual - then please give your gp a phone. The could be many reasons for this, not only diabetes.

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Thanks for your reply and yes it is different and if l do get to lie down l feel like l have been drugged not very nice at all my husband said l start to look really ill when it happens xx

nadine111 profile image
nadine111 in reply to Birds

i know this is odd but have you had your potassium checked? i have chronic fatigue. also have times when have to lay down. can't move. shake. landed up in the hospital while they got potassium up. it's so hard to know what is wrong when have fibro. can you call your dr. ask for blood tests. worth a try. good luck.

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to nadine111

Thank you all so much for your advice l will call the doctor to day because on top of all this I have started to elusernate when l try and sleep thanks again stay safe xx

Bruton profile image

Hi this may sound weired but my symptoms are exacerbated by low pressure. I asked if others had the same; i was amazed at how many responses said yes.Also fibro is linked to low seratonin, chocolate is one of the things thats high in seratonin.. you could try talking to gp, if he rules out diabetes sugest trying the suplement 5htp, or antidepresants that contain seratonin. Hope this helps

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to Bruton

Thank for your reply I'm popping to the doctors this morning to see if I can get anything done as they don't answer the phone eather l will let you know if anything happened thanks again x

Latip profile image
Latip in reply to Bruton

Hi, I mentioned to my consultant that I feel worse when the weather is cold. He told me that fibromyalgia is definitely affected by low air pressure. Apparently it also affects other types of conditions. I keep a check on the weather reports so I know how I'm going to be feeling over the next few days.

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to Latip

Thanks for the advice l will definitely check it out cheers x

Bruton profile image
Bruton in reply to Bruton

Good luck

Morning. I think we are affected by the weather. It has been quite damp this week and my shoulders have been out of action. I have slept much better since starting Amitriptyline. Ask your GP. I’ve put on weight but sleep is heaven. Also I have started taking Seven Seas Women 50+ which has all sorts of vitamins and minerals, and an additional daily B12.

Birds profile image
Birds in reply to

Thanks for replying l just feel like what's happening to me is a bit different to the normal fibro and it's happening more most days so with the support l have received I'm popping to the doctors this morning thanks for all the help xx

E3178 profile image

I am the same and had bloods done last month. No problems showed. Chocolate will give you a high but will be followed by a low so good for instant energy but will drop you lower than you were before. Banana would probably be better.

Makie-Uppie profile image

For years every time I met a new medical representative they jumped on the diabetes thing immediately, even if I went in with a gunshot wound to the head they would probably make me starve overnight, drink a small drink with half a bag of sugar in it and extract half my blood to see the reaction.No need to read the notes of previous medical experts and if they were read no need to take any notice of them.Turns out I most likely have Fybromyalgia and/or some form of rheumatic post viral fatigue or perhaps it is an hysterical illness. All those blood tests did show up that my blood is not normal and leads to knowing nods and that is about it.

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