Hi all. I have just had my flu jab, about the 5th year now, all well after the onset of fibro (10 yrs). This year I have had unpleasant side effects.. nausea, extra fatigue and muscle aches. I'm not allergic to eggs, which I gather can be an issue because they use hen's eggs to grow the vaccine. These have lasted 3 days and I am now feeling better, with no other symptoms of a cold or flu. Has anyone with fibro suffered these problems, particularly the nausea, as I have read up on NHS website about side effects and it doesn't include nausea. I mentioned it on My FB page. A friend who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and another fibro sufferer have said they felt unwell too. I'm glad to have had it done as I don't want to add to the risk of being seriously ill at my age with Covid about as well. But is there something about fibro/CFS that make side effects worse? If so any ideas why this should happen? is there any way of preventing the unpleasant side effects (other than declining the vaccine!) Cheers and gentle hugs. Jools.
Any fibromites had side effects from ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Any fibromites had side effects from flu jab?

The vaccine stimulates your immune system and this can cause your body to react.
I’ve had the flu jab for the last few years and this is the first year I haven had any side effects. Last year the arm was red, swollen and very sore and stiff. It lasted a week. This year didn’t feel the injection and no side effects😁
I had a flu jab for the first time yesterday, my arm felt hot and like someone had punched it but today so far so good 🤞
One jab i will never have
The unpleasant side effects mean that your body is building up antibodies... so although it’s unpleasant for a few days... it means it was worthwhile having it!
Hi Jools, I had the flu jab last Wednesday. Noticed not straight away but I have had severe naseous feeling, I have not vomitted but I had diarrhea couple of days ago. I also have ear infection which has made me very wobbly and unbalanced. I have got ear spray for that. I have had continuous neck and shoulder pain before the jab. You are not alone. I assumed I must have ate something that didn't agree with me. Take care & stay safe
Hi my doc advised me not to have a flu jab said it will make my symptoms worse so I’ve never had one because of what she advised when I asked. 🙂
Hi I had it a few years ago, and it made me so ill I had a huge flare was off work for months, I will never have it again. What I went through was much worse than the flu not for me .
Yes ibjustvhad mine again but they gave me pneumonia jab as well dont know what happened but by the time I came out of the surgery I was feeling quite unwell and then for about 5 days was in pain getting hot and cold sweats feeling really unwell I still feel exceptionally tied all day now more than before I guess I just had bad reaction to getting both together I normally have a couple if bad days when it come to flu jab but nothing like this
It depends on which strains of Flu they use to produce the vaccine; It changes every year, depending on which viruses are prevalent in that year.
It is always a mix of three strains. All are deactivated strains, but you may get a reaction if it contains a strain that you have not previously encountered, which will give you mild symptoms while the antibodys are activated.
My first Flu Vaccine (in the 70s, when I was nursing) was one that caused me to react, but I have never had a reaction since, and I get a jab every year.
Hope this is helpful.
Cheers, Midori
Thanks Midori, that explains why I have not had problems in the past but have this year. Not very much fun, but balanced with the risk of serious illness with flu, I'll put up with it once a year! At least I'm retired so I can rest at home and not worry about being off sick from work.
"Fibromites" - love it, jools!
I had a reaction to the flu jab 2 yrs ago was off work for 2 months and more or less housebound. I ended up having a flare and was put on steroids due to my SLE. I decide not to have one last year however this year I'm doing whatever I can to make sure I'm up to date with my jabs and medication.
Im due to have my flu jab this Friday in the hope that I won't have the same reaction 🤞
I refused the flu jab for about 4-5yrs now because I had a very bad reaction and thought I was going to die. Put me off a bit. But thanks Midori for that explanation, was helpful to know why I'd had such a bad reaction when I never did before.
However, last year I got the pneumonia jab and had a bad flare after it where I couldn't lift my arm up for over three months.
Last year I was so bad for over a week after flue jab and my arm was so swollen. Not had it yet this year has they have not got it in for my age group yet.
Yes never had it in the past, then went onto immune suppressants in March so was given last years vaccine. This year was very tired for about 9 days then sinus problems, runny eyes and wax build up in ears, not able to hear well out of one ear for days now, olive oil treatment again, think the ears may not be related but the jab also gave my dad who has copd and is 87 a dreadful cold and cough.
I am so glad I just came across this. I had the flu jab about two days ago and I feel horrendous! Each year I have it due to a autoimmune disease I have. I often feel a bit off colour but this year I feel awful! Pain is worse, fatigue is getting near unbearable I am exhausted! Appetite has just gone, not even feeling hungry. I’ve spent the past two days led on my sofa or in bed. I thought I was going mad but it seems that I’m not the only one! Hoping the symptoms ease soon🤞Hope you feel better soon too!