Head aches intense ?: Hi Everyone I'm... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Head aches intense ?

5 Replies

Hi Everyone I'm getting chronic head aches I've never been a head ache sufferer before the fibromyalgia does any one else get these Terrible head aches and funny ligh flashes ?

5 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi, that sounds more like aura migraine. I do suffer with aura migraines.

Claire133 profile image

I get excruciating headaches and can't tolerate light when it happens, I went to GP and was referred straight to Neurologist as i had never suffered with Headaches before apart from a bought of them 17 years prior (I'm 46). When I saw the GP which referred, I had had a severe constant headache for 6 whole weeks.

Neurologist did thorough exam and MRI and said it was severe migraine (which can develop anytime, it doesn't have to be throughout your life). They put me in a beta blocker to slow blood going to head and it is a miracle, they had to find the right dosage which ended up 80mgs Half Beta Prograne slow release each morning. Now I never get headache unless I forget to take the capsule.

Might be worth asking for Neurology referral, or the GP letting you try the start dose of the Propranolol if the headaches go on for many weeks.

Another tip is to follow some neck exercises from a physio, or a good PT on YouTube so you know you're doing them right. Headaches can often be caused by a neck problem that people aren't even aware of, the neck stretches are excellent and do help. The most important one is a strange one, I'll describe it so you can try it or the GP can show you. You sit on a good dining chair, back straight, looking directly forwards. You make a fist and put it on the front of your chin, so your tip of your chin sits on the cupped area in between your thumb and pointy finger. You push into your chin and you will feel the base of your skull at the back lift up and away from the top of your neck vertebra. You hold for 10 seconds, release pressure, then do another 10 seconds....continue for 10 repetitions. Do morning, lunchtime, afternoon and its likely you will get a heck of a lot of relief. With me I get a little crunch noise which is absolutely normal.

Over the years I've had around 40 physio referrals for various spine n neck pain and no NHS physio ever showed me this exercise, I got it from a private physio and I was super upset that I hadn't been shown it before, because it is brilliant.

Also, make sure you're not dehydrated, you should drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Also try and check if you're in an area where 5G mobile is active because there are some areas where it has been tested, I'm fuming because I'm in Watford and they used my town as a test area. Two of my boys are now in agony with headaches and fatigue over the last 4 months and I know 5G is massively dangerous and the telecommunications companies are lying when they say there's no evidence that it causes harm. There have been loads of studies with evidence saying otherwise, and Sweden, Brussels and Geneva have banned it. Headaches is the first sign so that's why I'm letting you know about this just incase. I'm at the 5G summit 1-5th June which is being held virtual instead of in person, because of current events, its starting today 3pm UK time if you want to join (being run from USA)

Good luck and hope you get some relief 🙏

paula9087 profile image
paula9087 in reply to Claire133

Hi Claire 133 I suffer with headaches neck and shoulder pain and I find neck exercises help a great deal. When I do the exercises I also have a crunching noise, like sand paper being rubbed together lol. Is it wear and tear of the neck?

Esradral profile image

Hi, I suffered extremely bad headaches out of the blue, the pain was like I had a clamp on the back of my head from behind each ear. The pain was so bad I tried ice then hot water bottle but nothing helped. After suffering a whole weekend I didn’t know what to do with myself so rang the docs (something I rarely do) they said I could have an emergency appointment and my partner drove me there. I felt pathetic as I am the type of person to hide pain where possible as I don’t like to be fussed over, but I was so bad I was very tearful. The doc checked me out with a number of tests and wasn’t sure what caused it but gave me a prescription for a big pink ibuprofen horse pill to take when I could feel the headaches starting, this seemed to do the trick. Several months later I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the rheumatologist said the muscles at the base of the neck become tense and were probably the cause of the headaches. When I feel them coming on I take my big pink horse pill and.... touch wood.... it stops it from escalating into a full blown head explosion.

Glad something helps with your headaches. I've been getting migraines for quite a while & at times they are just vile! I get auras & sickness & I spend hours in bed. Make me very grumpy too. I have medication which helps but not completely. I use some neck & shoulder cream for pain in that area which I find helpful. I can't find it at the moment or I'd tell you what it is. It's a famous one with menthol in it but specifically for neck & shoulder. Perhaps it might help you too as your neck muscles are so tight? I put it on my forehead as well right up to my hair line. Best wishes x

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