Me again, I’m just curious if anyone else has this or if it’s more of a hormonal thing....... does anyone else since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia find them selves constantly craving sugary food like chocolate etc? Like not just as a sweet tooth but like ALL the time
SUGAR!!!!: Me again, I’m just curious... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I get sweet cravings reguarly
Same here, I think it comes with being tired all the time.
I have read that people with fibromyalgia can often also suffer with reactive hypoglycaemia, where your blood sugar levels can suddenly plummet after a meal. (Have a look at the symptoms of reactive hypoglycaemia and see if this looks familiar)
I find it is helpful to eat food with a low glycaemic index, such as whole grains, veg, fruit, beans (I have porridge for breakfast) which release sugars into the blood stream slowly. Also I eat small meals at regular intervals. I always carry a banana with me in case I suddenly feel my sugar levels are dropping.
Hope this is helpful, if you want to ask anything else about this just let me know, take care xx
Definitely, I can't stop eating rubbish, since I've beenfinished from work I have put just over 4 stone on. It's ridiculous. 😥
It's usually in the afternoon when I get a slump and nothing but sweet things do anything for me, I just stuff my face with chocolate things or I start to feel shaky and light headed had this gor years sugar level checked but say it's ok!
I would say Gut Bacteria Imbalance, or possibly Candida
Yes yes yes I used to get up in the night and I'd eat cake biscuits at random times like 12 and 3 am then I had a huge flare I started off craving it but only at night time really strange but sugar is not good as it causes me to flare up xxxx

I’m so glad it’s not just me!!! X