Is there a difference between pain li... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Is there a difference between pain like is there pain and fibro pain or is it all just fibro pain?

7 Replies

I went to the gym on monday and had no pain until long after and felt like fibro pain.

Tonight i went to the gym and the pain worse but it's not in the areas or anywhere near where I have worked out at the gym. I had no pains 2 hours after the gym but now got an awful tummy ache that stings almost when I breathe and makes me feel sick .

I'm 99% sure I can feel "normal pain" and what's fibro pain but think I'm being silly

7 Replies


If you are unsure about anything you could perhaps go and see your GP. Take care Lynne

Spider395 profile image

Maybe you’ve pulled a muscle, a trip to GP may be best to check.

As for pain, I find when I go to gym any ‘normal’ feelings such as ones you get when you stretch, come out as pain. These stop as soon as I stop exercising. But I do find on gym days I will usually get extra pains that evening or next morning. I just treat them as expected & normal to me now. I feel that with me, Fibro just accentuates any pain I would expect during & after exercise. Hope this makes sense. But the benefits I get outweighs the discomfort

Spider395 profile image
Spider395 in reply to Spider395

Forgot to say, I will also get pain in odd areas too, usually my legs, even if I’ve done very little leg work

bobbybobb profile image

There are different types of pain. It can sometimes be difficult to tell what is Fibro pain and what is not, when you experience new pain. So if it's severe or causing problems get it checked so nothing is missed. x

rosewine profile image

I know exactly where you are coming from but it is so difficult for anyone without fibro to understand. I have osteoarthritis as well as fibro and some neuropathic pain. Some pains are very distinct and straight away I can say with conviction that that particular pain is osteoarthritis related and another is fibro related or neuropathic but especially when I am having a flare I can be unsure about what is what as they just seem to merge into one all over pain.

It could be that because this particular pain started after you went to the gym you overdid it in some way. If it gets worse though it might be worth you seeing your doctor. Hope it eases soon.x

worried4me5 profile image


I agree that you can feel different pains even with the Fibro. I have arthritis, diabetes and neuropathy and now possibly costochondritis (waiting to see my GP about this).

Since being on the Gabapentin, I've noticed that I don't get the neuropathy pain, which is specific. I also think that some of my pains are related to inflammation likely to be arthritis but which then affect my fibro making the pain worse than it would have been, if that makes sense.

Ddtg profile image

I am taking tramadol for 4years on regularly base how to be free from it?

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