Hi all!
Looking for some advice, I have not been formally diagnosed with fibromyalgia yet however, it has been suspected from my GP. I have tried Naproxen, dicyclomine sodium and now I’m on amitriptyline to help me manage my full body chronic pain and chronic fatigue which also seem to not be working my GP has run out of medication and my second appointment at my Rheumatologist at the local hospital is not in sight, it’s been over four months since I saw her and the hospital have no clue when I will be seen.
I am seeing a physiotherapist but she can’t really see anything wrong with me, and I believe she is now making things up to try and give me hope.
The lack of help from the hospital and the medication has left me pretty upset and disheartened. I was wondering if any of you had or are going through the same thing, and if going privately would help.
Any advice would be welcomed as my family and friends don’t understand and I don’t know were else to look xo