Help with medication : Hi everyone I’ve... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Help with medication

Asxj profile image
5 Replies

Hi everyone I’ve recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia , I have been trying to stay off meds and just trying different things as in mobility excersise, weight blanket and just ibruofen , but the pain is now waking me at night , I’m not to bad in the day as I’m keeping moving my doctor has prescribed 5 mg of mst reading this really scares me as I don’t like taking medication should I take this to help me or try something else , the pain is in my back ,arms hands and I get burning in my legs Im finding this very hard to control : I have red a lot on here and the advice has helped me so far . I’ve gone from running half marathons cycling and walking many miles to beginners mobility within a few months 😩so any advice on these meds would be great as I realise I’m scared of taking tablets which is not helping me either thank you x

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5 Replies
rosewine profile image

I have been helped by acupuncture from a skilled acupuncturist who is also versed in Chinese medicine. He not only looks at the worse areas of pain but treats the whole body as well. When I first went to him I could barely function the pain was so bad. It took a few treatments to really start to feel the benefit but it certainly helped with the fatigue part of it as well. He was also very knowledgeable about fibromyalgia, more so than any doctor I have seen. He gave me some useful information on diet as well. Hydrotherapy was another thing that helped at it was easier to do exercises in the deep, warm water. Unfortunately, I was only granted 6 sessions but it gave me a start on doing exercises. Hope you find something that helps.

It is difficult to advise about medications as we are all different and our bodies respond in different ways. My husband was told by a pain nurse to use paracetamol with ibuprofen as they work in different ways. eg take a dose of paracetamol and then two hours later the ibuprofen so there is a steady amount of pain meds in your body. It seems to prevent that dip you get before a dose is due. Like you, I would not want to go straight onto MST without trying other avenues. I have been helped with my legs by taking a supplement called CoEnzyme Q10. It took about 6 weeks to help but I can certainly walk further now and there is less aching in my leg muscles. I wondered whether it was just psychological in it helping me but when I stopped it I found within a week my legs were aching like before.

Yes, I seem to be worse at night as well as gentle movement throughout the day seems to help so, unfortunately, I can't help with any advice on that I wish I knew the answer. Sometimes with aching legs having a pillow either underneath the back of your legs if you are a back sleeper or between the knees if you sleep on the side can help a little. Good luck.

Asxj profile image
Asxj in reply to rosewine

Thank you rosewine for taking the time to reply I have found this very helpful . I have found a lady who does soft tissue massage i have used her twice and found this good for me ,she has also said she will try the needles on me . It’s been such a shock and so hard to come to terms with . Trying to work , spend time with new grandchildren plus excersise is very very hard to do but I am trying to stay focused and not use to many meds at the moment but it’s getting difficult ,You sound like you are in control x

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Asxj

I've had about 12 years to get used to it. It is fine for them to say pace yourself but life gets in the way. Pity we all can't have servants. Hope the needles help. The pain clinic qre going to offer me acupuncture but with a t3ns machine attached but have to wait about 4 months. Quite a shirt wait as I have had to wait six months for my last 2 hospital appointments.

hamish7871 profile image

My wife has had FM for over 20 years. Best advice I know is do things at your own pace. Control when you do things, so far as you can. She also finds pregabilin helpful. Best of luck

JayCeon profile image

Hi Asxj: You say you don't like taking medications... Well, maybe that's a good instinct for your body, praps experience that it doesn't take to them well.

I was also wary, but daring all the same, and most harmed, some didn't do anything, none helped - amitriptyline was the only one I took longer than 1-2x, four months, but with 8 side effects and only zombifying my sleep & days, not making it restorative, it wasn't worth it.

But the alternatives are manifold: 1) mental / pain management, 2) expert- & self-physio, 3) diets, 4) adapting to/the environment and 5) supps & herbs, each of these 30+ types to try. I'ts best to go thru grieving, acceptance, trigger hunting, symptom tracking & analysis, treatment trialling. Localized pains, incl. IBS (diet), and sleep can be improved greatly (physio & supps), the overall Ache can be harnessed by pacing, fatigue can be toughest for most...

Effort, but worth it.

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