Forgetting things: Hi all I have been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Forgetting things

Ebonybaby profile image
42 Replies

Hi all I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in March this year but have had symptoms for a while, but I am getting worried now a couple of times when cooking I put veggies in steamers with no water and today I completely forgot I was cooking meatballs , they are like hard rocks they were cooking for so long ... I feel like I’m going crazy 😢

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Ebonybaby profile image
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42 Replies
Themanwithnoname profile image

Simple suggestion is to set your alarm on your phone so you check your cooking. It's what i do for things like that and to remind me to take meds.

Think we all have days when we just aint with it. All part and parcel of Fibro so things like not adding water to steam veg is annoying to say the least. Have to try to remember to double check what you are doing.

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Themanwithnoname

Thank you x

mclellans10 profile image

I've got no tips for you but wanted to say I feel your pain! I'm on Gabapentin which also makes you forget things and I've never ha a memory like it I'll think of something then a second later its gone - twice so far this week I've ruined tea so much its not even edible. It's awful as I've always had a good memory!

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to mclellans10

Thank you x

Oscarlola profile image
Oscarlola in reply to Ebonybaby

I though it was just me 🙄 I forgot what time I started work yesterday 😁

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Oscarlola

Ha ha I don’t seem to forget things like that 🙄 shame x

Oscarlola profile image
Oscarlola in reply to Ebonybaby

I have to keep checking my Rota ebonybaby 😂

C6988 profile image
C6988 in reply to mclellans10

I’m about to start Gabapentin but didn’t realise it affected your memory. Can’t wait for that 🙄

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to C6988

It’s crap as if we aren’t going through enough anyway x

M0AL61 profile image

Alarm on your phone and a notebook by your side - I find both invaluable!

And no, you're definitely not going crazy. We can all identify with what you've said xx

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to M0AL61

Thank you

johnsmith profile image

You are not going crazy. You are engaging in doing things that worked well when fit and healthy. You are no longer fit and healthy and the brain has slowed down coping with the disability. By trying to work at fit and healthy speed results in missing doing things because you cannot access your memory locations fast enough. This results in some memory actions occurring before another needed memory action. The needed memory action gets lost.

You are going to need to change how you work. You are going to have to learn mentally prepare before doing things. Easier said than done. Mindfulness practice will not solve the problem. What mindfulness practice will do is to enable you to find out when the problem occurs. Enable you to predict when it will occur. And thus develop strategies to help prevent it happening.

Esther Rantzen once described a situation where she unwrapped some sandwiches. The sandwiches went in the bin and the wrapping went in the fridge. I hope I remembered her quote right.

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to johnsmith

Thank you

Koi48 profile image

I've ruined many a tea, trust me it's the least of my memory woes. For me it's information given to me when doing something, I never seem to keep it long term. I can have full blown discussions then no recall of it - scary. Worst is when you ask a question and your other half is like, we discussed this an hr ago! At work I've gone electronic, I make notes in my tablet and keep it with me always. Im a teacher, i find going over things severaltimes also helps. Seems to be an issue processing and retaining info in short term memory. Long term memory - prior to fibro is all fine. Hope you find away to handle this symptom. For me it's one of the most frustrating.

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Koi48

Thank you

acuratalo profile image

You are not crazy. I have also found I have forgotten things. I put eggs to boil and left the house. Thank God I forgot my purse so had to go back. I was always so very organized and on top of everything. Its devastating to me that I can't even organize a list for shopping. I have learned that now I set reminders for everything. It has helped. I also found if I talk out loud to myself when cooking or looking for something I can make it all the way thru without forgetting. I hope some of this can help you

Health4MeGo profile image
Health4MeGo in reply to acuratalo

I didn't mean to laugh when I read this but It sounded like i had written what you wrote, and how i have been handling things!Down to the talking to myself! We have to do whatever it takes to get us through the day!

bora62 profile image

I have let you know thought I was going mad, I keep spelling things wrongly, looking at the keyboard I know what the words is, spelt it hundreds of times but certain words I keep putting couple of letters wrong way round, thought I was going mad lol... but apparently not big hugs x

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to bora62

Thank you x

fabpup01 profile image

Hi, the tips on setting an alarm are a really good idea. It is unfortunately another issue with the Fibro. I have to write everything down when I'm at work or I wouldn't have a clue what I had done all day.

Ebonybaby profile image

Thank you x

15beansoup profile image

I was diagnosed with FM in 2007 also MCI I could watch a movie over and over and had no idea I had ever seen the movie and do the things you are talking about, then in 2017 they diagnosed me with PA which mimicked AZ they got my B12 up with the shots for life and now they are testing me for all the biggies and I am scared to death waiting on results, it is very scary when all of a sudden we start doing things out of character not remembering somethings I had FM brain fog for many years and now I am on a whole new level and would welcome my brain fog back. whats crazy for years I laughed it off that was my way of dealing with it so what if I couldn't remember watching a whole movie over and over I'm not laughing anymore. FM brain fog does make you think OMG I'm losing my mind and can be scary at times, learn little tricks to help you out and learn to laugh it off when you cross the line everyone will let you know and you will know something is horribly wrong that its not just FM brain fog anymore I wish you well and you are on the best site ever this group will love you and be there for you, not judge you and I am so grateful to be able to share with everyone so thank you for sharing with us and allowing us to be able to share with you

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to 15beansoup

Thank you for your honest reply x

sunnysanie profile image

Some great advice and comments already so just a few things that ive done recently,be careful with taps as I keep leaving them running sometimes,no clue why im unconsciously doing this,also i be went out and left candles burning and they are still going when I get home,so if the place goes on fire one of my running taps will put it out:(

Another observation is heightened clumsiness, mine is like a comedy,tripping,stumbling over nothing,dropping plates,spilling drinks,catching on things,hitting myself in the face,walking into things.The other day I was trying to leave my flat and it was non stop incidents of these things,the best one was my handbag caught on the edge on the kitchen worktop and it ripped a bit of the plastic covering off.

Your not going mad at all:))))

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to sunnysanie

Thank you I’m not glad that your feeling the same as I hate feeling this way but at least I know there is a reason

15beansoup profile image
15beansoup in reply to sunnysanie

I am worried about you when was the last time your Dr, ran a B12 series on you pls have it checked out please look up B12 def symptoms and you will know why I am concerned it's not a test they run normally s if you haven't had one please ask for one just to make sure

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to 15beansoup

Thanks for your advice I will ask my doctor today x

sunnysanie profile image
sunnysanie in reply to 15beansoup

As soon as I saw that advice I phoned my docs surgery after looking up symptoms etc phoning me at two to discuss:) thank you for taking the time to advise:))

Bonthron profile image

hi I feel the same I keep forgetting things have not mentioned it to the doctor yet but like you I am worried about ut

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Bonthron

Hi I have a telephone appointment on Weds to discuss it so hopefully I might get some answers x

YASMINTINA profile image

Sounds familiar to me as doing things like this all the time, I have 2 calendars, a peg board with each day on for reminders, kitchen timer , and now a husband that keeps an eye on me, saying that I went to put oven on last night to warm up and he had put saucepans in there , he doesn’t have fibro , middle age moment comes to mind😢xx

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to YASMINTINA

Thankfully I have a very supportive husband but I can’t keep giving him burnt offerings 😂

Lexapug profile image

The forgetting things doesn't yet any easier.

For me it's gotten much worse. Likr I don't even know what day or year it is or even my families names.

For most of the things like dates, times, appointments. I have a Google nest for or my phone.

But I have lost my phone for six weeks.

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Lexapug

Oh no 😱 hope you find your phone soon I have started to set alarms with google it’s not how I saw my life 😢

NannyNooNoo profile image

I live my life with my Filofax by my side - for diary & notes! Couldn’t live without it

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to NannyNooNoo

Thank you

pomagranite1010 profile image

I draw complete blanks, and alot of it is just because I get really tired I think... I cooked the meat first before I made meatloaf the other day, than It dawned on me what was still came out ok I guess lol

forget about me going to the grocery esp. with no list . between going blank and my awful back pain I barely make it

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to pomagranite1010

Thank you for your reply

Hells55 profile image

Hi there l know what your going through it drives me crazy when lm in a conversation and forget a word or again if lm talking and l remember something I have to stop what lm saying and tell whoever lm talking to because if l dont l will forget again I'm finding lm making more notes than before and if lm cooking l set my alarm on my phone to remind me that I'm cooking food , it's so annoying and l do get agitated making notes is a good idea.

Your not alone xx

I hope this helps.

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Hells55

Thank you x

Big_H profile image

Hi. Like others have said get your B12 levels checked because a lot of fibro symptoms are heightened in they are low plus it causes other problems. I know this because my results are well off and meant to book in for a cause of 5 injections. But because due to fibro my anxiety and depression is terrible and I've become agoraphobic and have cut off from everybody and everything the last few years so getting to a dr on my own every couple of days to get them done is hard. It's not good as i haven't had certain treatments or groups due to fibro problems plus other ailments. I have terrible IBS which has knocked my confidence badly for fear of having accidents to.

But back to the memory as for off track there which I do as a result of losing my concentration. I have just turned 50 and my memory has deteriorated quite a bit and I identify with literally everything people have said and have worried I'm getting alzheimers. My dad and Uncle died of it so I'm concerned I'm next. I don't get enjoyment out of much as I can't remember anything and it's so frustrating. I used to have a good vocabulary and be articulate but now I struggle to get my words out or remember them. It makes me feel like a child. But in reality there could be a few reasons for my memory and other things getting worse. It could be due to the lack if Vitamin B but also it could be the perimenopause. So I need to buck my ideas up and get my backside to a Dr. Worrying won't get me anywhere. Sorry for waffling and for changing subjects. I'm glad you've realized you aren't alone and that at least you get some answers and reassurance. Hopefully you may need the Vitamin B jab which can only help. I wish you luck on your journey.

Big hugs

Big H

Ebonybaby profile image
Ebonybaby in reply to Big_H

Thank you for your reply I have spoke to my doctor who has arranged some blood tests and a one on one memory test ? A bit of reassurance for me as I feel like I’m going mad 😢

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