So much pain: Hello all I’m new here... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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So much pain

Chocoholic49 profile image
42 Replies

Hello all I’m new here. Got diagnosed with Fybromialgia nearly 10 years ago. I’ll be 50 next year 😞. Have always had some amount of pain, but not the pain is unbearable. Lower back right down to my feet. My back is in agony and my legs is a feeling I cannot describe, I even having trouble with my left knee getting up steps. I take gabipenten, paracetamol and ibuprofen constantly popping pills but nothing helps.

I’m a bar manager that does a lot of walking about and a lot of heavy lifting (including barrels). I’m getting to the point where I can’t cope anymore, the strength in my hands is going and my whole body is getting weaker.

I’m in such a bad way I really don’t know what to do, cry all the time with the pain. Well as for getting up in the morning that’s just another story.

Please is there someone out there that can help me, or tell me which direction to go next.

Please and thank you. Appreciate any help.


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Chocoholic49 profile image
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42 Replies
SilverShadow21 profile image

Hi ,

I just want to say that I totally understand how you feel. There are fantastic people on here who will be able to guide you. I know its difficult to see a positive right now but you will find things to smile about, keep positive. Wishing you pain relief and the best.

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toSilverShadow21

Thank you silvershadow. All the best to you to. 😁😁

dottielotti profile image

You’re doing really well still working, can work reduce your hours or ask someone else to help with the barrels . Good luck xxx

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply todottielotti

Hiya dottielotti, I did reduce my hours. But just half hour ago my assistant is packing her job in, so back to 14 hour days, do ask for help with barrels but you know men, it’s like talking to yourself 😂😂😂 good luck to you also. Wish you well. Xx

AllthatGlitters profile image

I didn’t want to read and not reply.

No wonder you are in pain if you lift barrels, that’s a tough job for someone with Fibro.

Can your work make adjustments for you?

Such as getting someone else to lift the heavier items, reduced working hours or shorter shifts? Longer breaks?

It’s hard at times to manage isn’t it but sending you a hug x

Chocoholic49 profile image

Hiya allthatglitters,

Certainly don’t get any breaks lol.

My work doesn’t understand as it is run by a committee, and not many people understand what we go through, they seem to think we imagine it.

I had reduced my hours, but just today my assistant is packing her job in.

For me it’s getting harder every day, especially going through the start of the menopause lol.

Wishing you well and sending you hugs to. 😁😉😁

KurtN profile image

I've managed a cellar in the past and know how physical it can be, honestly I don't know how you can do it without it knackering you out, it hurts just thinking about wrestling barrels.

You might have to think about changing jobs to something less demanding, you're probably not getting any younger and fibro seldom gets better, so, before you burn out altogether a career change might be an idea - unless there can be more fairly big adaptations to your job.

'One for yourself :)

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toKurtN

Hiya kurtN, yes your not wrong, I’ll be 50 next year lol. Keep saying I need to leave, but I know nothing else, have done it all my working life, thing is these employers certainly want there pound of flesh out of you.

Thank you for reply, wishing you well. 😉😉

rosewine profile image

Welcome. I know it isn't easy getting a suitable job when you have fibromyalgia but I honestly think the strain on your body of all the standing, lifting etc is making your fibro worse. Would it be possible to retrain or get something less physically demanding?x

neesey1005 profile image

Hi I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 4 years ago but they think I have had it for about 9 - five years ago I had to stop working due to my health deteriorating fast - I have severe pain when lifting and not pacing myself - my whole life is now paced - and I am just about coping with this awful illness - I am 62 so was near retirement - just dont know how you are managing to work such a physical job - no wonder you are in so much pain - hope you can do less work soon neese

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toneesey1005


I also was diagnosed 5 years ago, but have had it since I was about 40.

Kept getting fobbed off and told that I had golfers and tennis elbow.

What I dont understand, is that everyone talks about flare ups, not quite sure I know what they mean, as I am in constant pain, and getting worse.

I don’t know how I do my job some days, to make matters worse my assistant has just packed her job in, so more hours for me 😢😢.

Just hope I’m strong enough not to throw the towel in.

Thank you and take care. X

Sg1474 profile image

Hello, I have been in exactly same boat for last 8 years, different diagnosis’s and lots and lots of drugs, I stopped them a year ago and by chance saw a link a few months ago for Chronic Lyme Disease and recognised a circle mark I had on my leg 8 years ago that no doc new what it was and said as it didn’t itch not to worry, so I didn’t, over the last 8 years the pains have been horrendous and so many co infections causing lots of other problems. Please go the Lyme Disease Charity forum and you see so many people with these problems and how hard it is to get docs to treat us. Thank goodness I have since found Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, only two sessions in and although I felt a bit rough after each session I can already feel the difference. If you google Dr Isaac Goiz Lyme disease, it will explain really well how it works. After 8 years of this horrible illness I am finally getting it out of my body, it quite surreal. Please look in to it, it’s life changing. I do have to travel over 100 miles every Saturday but is so worth it and won’t need many more sessions. Good luck, Sarah

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toSg1474


Doesn’t sound to good, I’m always covered in bruises lol so I’d never notice anything else.

Wish you luck and hope it works for you.


Sg1474 profile image

By the way hundreds of people don’t know they have been bitten as the ticks can be as small as a poppy seed and doesn’t itch.

Lunasmum profile image

Hi I'm new here too. you sound like where I was this time last year. I worked in a job that had a lot of heavy lifting and physical work. I reached breaking point one day after many years of just keeping going, and I walked out my work. I'm still unemployed but I've come so far on a personal level. I'm skint but happier than I've ever been.

I stopped listening to the voices that tell me to carry on and started listening to my body and what it really needed. I didn't realise I had a choice. you do too.

perhaps a change in pain meds will help take the edge off the pain. it's not easy to think straight when the pain takes over.

perhaps writing a list of pros and cons about your job. or write down what options you have.

I'm attending a fibro course at my local hospital. it claims to "reclaim your life" including safe exercise and tai chi. pain and posture. and cognitive behaviour therapy. it's early days but I feel I'm getting there... most days.

sending healing thoughts

good luck xxx

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toLunasmum

Hiya Lunasmum,

I have been so far to breaking point to, I could honestly just walk out I cry most days and struggle to get out of bed with the pain.

I got invited to the course this year, but I couldn’t afford to take that much time off work as they are quite long days. You will have to let me know how it goes and if it helps I really would be interested to know.

I’m waiting, waiting, waiting lol, to go back to pain management, hopefully she can come up with something.

Let me know how you get on.

Healing hugs to you.

Best wishes. Xx

bourne profile image

Please go back to gp you might have a problem with your lower back don't b fobed off it's fibro you know your body good luck Angela

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply tobourne

Hiya, I do keep saying myself that I’m sure there is something more to it.

Even the physio said he couldn’t help me.

Thank you.

bojangles1967 profile image

Wish i could help you but sadly im the same ive had mri on lower back shown nothing my legs arnt my own feel trapped in side sorry x

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply tobojangles1967

Such a terrible thing, when not even that old.

Feel like I could chop my legs off by the end of the day.

Take care.

bojangles1967 profile image
bojangles1967 in reply toChocoholic49

You too hoping for an answer from doc monday x

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply tobojangles1967

Let us know how you get on. Good luck. 😉😉

bojangles1967 profile image
bojangles1967 in reply toChocoholic49

Will do x

Julesubu profile image

Have managed my condition quite well for nearly 15 years until the perimenopause hit. Since then can barely get out of bed some days.

Saw a specialist who covers Fibro and he said that painkillers etc don't help our condition. Have to pace your acitivity and change every 20-30 minutes what you do.

I now do housework etc in stints then rest but at work it's not practical really.

I don't sleep at night so can literally doze off in day anywhere. They recommend aerobic exercise but I have arthritis in knees so makes this impossible. See if there is a support group or specialist in your area. One of biggest hurdles is others not understanding and bein g unable to get support. Could try mindfulness or CBT.

Having something others cant see is very challenging at times.

bojangles1967 profile image
bojangles1967 in reply toJulesubu

Do you work? X

Julesubu profile image
Julesubu in reply tobojangles1967

Yes not full time anymore and left my very physical job. Struggle due to fatigue and pain walking.

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toJulesubu

Hiya julesubu.

Yes I know where your coming from as I am peri menopausal, and things have got worse since then even my state of mind lol.

I do my housework in stints also, when I can be bothered.

But work is different running a bar a big bar is very hard running up and down and no rest, pop painkillers like sweets.

I will try mindfulness, there must be something that can help us poor people.

So hard when people don’t understand what we are going through.

Wishing all the best and thank you. 😁😁

Julesubu profile image
Julesubu in reply toChocoholic49

Yes I was doing 40 hours but couldn't cope after few years of constant pain.

Carrie1949USA profile image

After going through a well known pain management program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, I had the dosage of my Gabapentin changed and it has made a lot of difference in the amount of pain I experience. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and have various symptoms, the worst being the brain fog when I wake up in the morning and the constant pain. Another remedy I learned at the Rehab Institute was learning Tai Chi and Yoga which have been remarkable pain management programs. Meditation was introduced and I am finding it difficult to concentrate enough to get all the benefits from this pain relief aspect. I have always used prayer to relieve me on my worst pain days but as I get older (I am now 70 years of age), the severe cold weather in Chicago makes for very painful days and find myself relying more on Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation for many days. I will keep you in my prayers that you are able to find relief for your severe pain since it has to be very difficult working when you have severe pain. Sending you a gentle hug.

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toCarrie1949USA

Awwwww bless you, I take gabapentin, ibuprofen and paracetamol, takes the edge off, but if I don’t keep it constant I the hits hard, like a lot of us the pain getting out of bed is terrible.

I have to write most things down now cause I don’t remember much, my concentration is bad as well.

Gentle hugs back to you. Stay safe and thank you. X

15beansoup profile image

Welcome, so sorry you are in pain The last time I had a pain free day was in 2006. I can't imagine. the pain I 'm in. working at a bar. my goodness, I do find that a heating pad relieves some pain, rest. Epson salt baths. deep muscle pain creams. it may be time for a change of work. The ppl here will be helpful and there for you so keep coming back and do let us know how you are doing and thank you for sharing with us

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply to15beansoup


I did use heated pads but I burnt my back. Lol.

All I know is barwork and at the wrong side of 50 I really just don’t know what to do.

Seems all employers want there pound of flesh these days.

I’m going to get cream today, had a really busy shift last night, and am I feeling it today, but got to be at work today for another 11 hour shift. 😭😭😭😭.

Take care.

15beansoup profile image
15beansoup in reply toChocoholic49

you too and good luck !!!!!!!

Annmarie09 profile image

Hi I’m same age as you. I think your job sounds very physical I use to be able to work like that but I couldn’t now. I have to do light duties in my work and home.

I struggle every day and it seems to be getting worse I manage my pain with pregablin, duloxutine, coccodamol, sometimes tramadol, ( go doesn’t want to give it very often)

I also have Ora-morphine for bad times !!

I find I pay if I over do things so I try not to. I want to look after myself to have some quality of life. I think accepting that you can’t do wat you use to do is a big thing but it will change your life.

I hope this this helps look after yourself take it seriously it’s your body.

Lots of love

Mia xx

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply toAnnmarie09

Hiya, my docs won’t prescribe me nothing else just keeps upping the dose of gabepentin.

Waiting for an appointment for pain management, but that has turned into some back doctor, waiting for letter cause didn’t really understand her.

So unhelpful here.

Work doesn’t understand either, they think I’m some sort of machine. Lol.

Take care.

Hiya Hun gosh you seem to be putting yourself through hell!! Tell your committee that you're willing to do a bit more than you should but having to change barrels and 14 hours is a bit above what they should expect from you!! You seem to be doing more than a manager should and they need to get you some help it's their job to look after the staff how would they cope without you??

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply to

To be fair they wouldn’t cope without me, I do a good job, and they tell me that, they tell me I shouldn’t be lifting, but no one ever there to help me, so what do you do.

So hard.

Me again forgot to say maybe you need a different medication I'm a big defender of Tramadol helped me continue to work!! Or ask your GP for something that can help that's if you can find the time! Please take care I know you don't want to leave your job but sometimes you need to do what's right for you and not always what you want!!

Chocoholic49 profile image
Chocoholic49 in reply to

You are right, I do need different meds, but even the doc just doesn’t seem to listen. Just keeps upping the gabepentin.

Thank you. 😃😃😃

Mifford profile image

Coming at it from a different angle have you looked at the Access To Work help from the DWP? They will assess you at your work place and if there are things your employers should be providing they will enforce it. But if it’s not as big a firm they will help provide equipment, resources or even contribute towards the wages of an assistant as their main aim is to help people with health conditions stay in work.

I work from home for my own business and they have been a godsend - they’ve provided some fantastic bits of equipment for me that I didn’t know existed and pay for someone to come in once a week to do my filing and heavy lifting etc as my back won’t do it any more. My latest assessment I’ve had to buy my own computer screen as they advised it was a standard piece of equipment that should be provided under the health and safety rules but they’ve given me great advice in how to set it up and make it work for me.

There are details here It may not be for you but definitely worth a read as they have been a godsend even if only to provide solutions and ideas that I didn’t even know existed. Good luck x

Chocoholic49 profile image

Hiya, that’s great thank you so much, I will look into that. X

Cashandkelly profile image

Hi there am just reading your post and everybody who post on this site is more are less saying the same thing HELP iam myself asking the same as you all why cant our GP take us seriously. Why do we all feel no one will help us. And also the fact we cant find any pain relief without feeling like a addict. THIS IS A PROBLEM A SERIOUS ONE. I got told about this about 3 year ago but just suffered from the pains coming for a day are 2 then i knew i had to rest i also suffer from OCD i developed ocd from a young ages and delt with my stress if i have thing clean and in order . A nightmare to be honest. Then ive lost all my family through caner and i mean all have been taken. That's when my ocd got bad but cleaning with this fibromyalgia is hard the pains and even being mobile takes it all. This is a problem and if we can not be heard as a single human being we should all stand together and make them hear. There must be something we could do not kust put a the back . None of us should suffer

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