hi I’ve been suffering with really bad calf cramp and spasms for around a year now doctors put me on pramapexole for restless legs. I used to feel it on and off but the pains there all the time now. My quality of life has gone down so much all I feel is pain I’ve suffered with lower back pain for years having episodes of sciatica . Doctor looked at my legs and said there not swole or red and that’s it’s just muscular and sent me on my way. I’m sitting here tonight in so much pain my leg feels like it’s being strangled. The go had referred me to hospital to try and sought my back problem out just in case it’s all connected . I have also started feeling pain in my little finger and my wrists also back of my neck the brain fog is rediculius and is getting worse I’m wondering if I could have fibromyalgia but how does a doctor test for this I’m in pain almost every day now … has anyone had the symptoms I’ve got as in leg cramp pain in hands arms neck ext brain fog I’m a 52 year old women TIA
leg pain: hi I’ve been suffering with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
leg pain

Hi Paula, I have all the same symptoms and I have Fibro. Would be worth getting it checked out by your GP. He may refer you to a specialist at your local hospital. Good Luck John.
Hi, I know exactly what you mean & it can be very painful. I use an tubular bandage, - not a tight one - and this brings me relief. Everyone is different with Fibro. Hope you find your answer xx
Yes I have very similar experience to you so you are not the only one. The problem is that my Dr just says oh it's your fibro. As they don't seem to know alot about it as yet. I am on Codine and paracetamol for the pain 4 times a day and amitriptyline75mg at night for my legs as they did shake.. All the Dr's seem to do is pass me on to more and more tablets
Hi Paula before my diagnosis of fibromyalgia I too suffered many of these symptoms for about a year, on the calf cramp issue I had these spasms and they would come at anytime ,I spoke to my doctor and she recommended I take ibuprofen 3 times a day for 3 days and I was gobsmacked when it worked ,there was no more calf cramp .I want to say though since that time I went on to have many more symptoms because of fibromyalgia and they are with me everyday and ibuprofen doesn't touch these symptoms .hopefully you will get a right diagnosis for your symptoms and I wish you all the best X
Hi Paula, I getting exactly similar symptoms, it is very debilitating and painful. My GP only says the same, it's the fibromyalgia. I can't take ibuprofen but using pregabalin. Sometimes if you have fibromyalgia, underlying problems to other conditions are overlooked and it's best in addition to being checked for fibromyalgia to also have tests for those other conditions.
Hi Paula, definitely worth getting checked but meantime gentle leg stretches can really help the muscle pain and cramping. An easy one to do sitting up in bed with your legs straight in front of you is just simply pointing your toes away from you as much as you can then pull them back towards you, hook a dressing gown tie over them and pull them as far as you can bare ( it's painful, but worth it) only do a few at a time but do them regularly throughout the day. You will feel a difference. The more you do them the easier they will get. Same for the neck and shoulders, little movements, neck rolls, shoulder rolls but often. Google physio exercises and adapt to suit what you can do. Also worth trying some heat, magnesium spray or epsom salts in your bath if you can have one. Hope some of this helps x
Hi Paula 1jj
sorry I started to reply but hit the wrong button. I think your first step is to get your GP to refer you for an MRI of the spine, this will be able to tell you if you have any disc or spinal damage. I have the same problems and have a compromised sciatic nerve and osteoarthritis throughout my spine, this causes great pain in my arms, hands and fingers. The neck pain is probably osteoarthritis but ask your Gp. Good luck.
Thankyou for your reply. The gp has referred me to the hospital (orthopaedic) for my back I think the first thing they will do is an mri which scares me because I literally cannot lie flat on my back the doctor examined my abdomen the other day and it was so painful I lay with my back arched … and also if I lie down there’s a chance my restless legs will flare up has I’m in a restful state just lying there …. I don’t think there going to get many good images if I’m moving about in pain with my back and my legs decided to start flipping about everywhere and omg god help me if I have a leg spasm lol …. I laugh while I’m writing this but I just don’t know how I will get through it
hi Paula, Sorry to hear your in so much discomfort. I have similar issues with lower back pain hip pain and occasional leg cramp which feels like my leg is being wrung out like a wet towel being wrung out the pain is dreadful when it happens usually at night. I take a tablet called Crampex it helps me the pain stops fairly quickly. I have pain all over my body which moves about I was sent to a rheumatologist after blood test were negative and X-rays were negative. My left wrist and thumb joint feel like they are broken this pain comes and goes I was told I had a form of fibromyalgia the steroid injection I was given into my hip area by the rheumatologist helped me for over 6 months but now I’m back to square one as Nhs is struggling and waiting list is so long. Go see another doctor in the practice ask them to refer you to a specialist and if they can help you with the lower back pain as it is impacting on your overall health. I hope they can do something for you soon keep us informed of your progress, it will give us sufferers some hope. Best wishes x
Hi Paula
I have these symptoms and I have fibromyalgia , along with other things . Definitely go and see your GP , good luck 🤞

Thankyou for your reply , how do I approach a doctor and tell him I think it could be fibro ?
Hi Paula ,
When I went, I told my gp that I was worried I was showing symptoms of fibromyalgia. I’m lucky my gp is great , she took this on board and we began our journey of countless tests and meditations . I’m currently taking gabapentin and patches at the moment - although my gp has told me it’s not a quick fix and will only help . It’s a horrible condition to suffer from . Let us know how you get on , good luck 🤞
thankyou for you reply, what tests do they do if you don’t mind me asking
Hi Paula, I am also a member of the restless leg forum and they advise against pramapexole as it can cause augmentation (make symptoms worse with long term use). Please head on over there for some solid advice.
I have fibro, on top of a blood auto immune disorder… and I have lower spinal bulging discs which have got much worse over the last 3 years of waiting on a spinal surgery called spinal ablation where they burn off the pinched nerves to eliminate the sciatica, leg & foot pain & numbness.
Start with the spine MRI as it could be causing you all those pains. If it’s not that then ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. They only way you’ll get a fibro diagnosis is for them to test for everything else under the sun and it could easily take 2 years… and even if you get, they can’t do anything to remove the pains.
so my fingers are crossed for you that it’s not fibro. It’s an awful disorder that has totally negatively transformed my life in a short space of time… and personally I’ve tried every trick in the book and nothing has helped. 😢