Exercise: What exercise are people... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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dottielotti profile image
36 Replies

What exercise are people doing because at the moment I’m really really struggling?

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dottielotti profile image
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36 Replies
skit profile image


sorry you are struggling a bit. Exercise is very subjective. One person's walk is another's marathon!

Stretches are important take it slow and deep breaths. I do Pilates which has helped but i am a swimmer and that is even better for my Fibro;Weightless movements then hot shower. Getting the balance is key , do a little daily.

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to skit

Thank you, it’s just so hard because you don’t want to do anything .

skit profile image
skit in reply to dottielotti

If you do not do anything you will get more stiff and that hurts more believe me

Dinkie profile image

Even when fatigue strikes I do try and even a stroll with the rollator helps. I can sit down when I need to but just the act of getting outside makes me feel better. On better days exercise is mainly just walking the dogs. If I don't do anything at all I regret it as I seize up completely. Warm bath with epsom salts afterwards helps.

If I can walk my dogs once a day I count that as a good day. Five years ago I could walk them 4 miles, today I struggle to do half a mile.

I had to give up my swimming membership as, even if I got into the pool and managed some gentle swimming, I was too exhausted to get dried, dressed and home. Was finding I spent the rest of the day in pain and so tired.

It’s a vicious circle —- don’t exercise and you stiffen up and lose muscle, but sometimes the effort is agony, and overdo it and you can’t do anything for days.

Sorry to sound so miserable, think today is the worst pain day I’ve ever had. Think there’s only my toenails that don’t actually hurt.

Echoblue profile image
Echoblue in reply to

So sorry to hear you have had an awful day. I do hope tomorrow is a better one for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤗 x

in reply to Echoblue

Thank you.

MrsMouseSJ profile image
MrsMouseSJ in reply to

This is my story, too. It's hard to live with, as you know....

Jules5316 profile image
Jules5316 in reply to

I completely agree and identify with what you've described. I have Hypermobillty Spectrum Disorder as well as Fibro, so no stretching exercises, but Pilate's is all I can do! I have been referred to hydrotherapy now though, so hope that helps. 😊X

in reply to Jules5316

I thought I had got onto a waiting list for hydrotherapy, was really hopeful it would help. But no, got a letter from the hospital saying no need for anything else as I was “seeing the physiotherapist” I’d met him twice when I did a free 4 week Tai Chi course ! There was no follow on to that unless I pay and drive a 20 mile round trip each week.

Jules5316 profile image
Jules5316 in reply to

It was my physio that referred me for hydrotherapy! Maybe you should ask them to refer you? X

in reply to Jules5316

Good idea. Thanks.

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to

What a joke xx

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to

It’s just horrible , sending love xxx

in reply to dottielotti

Aww, thank you. Feeling slightly more human tonight.

Echoblue profile image

Walking is ideal - be it round the room, round the block or round the village/town!

Whatever you can manage without knocking yourself too far.

Start slowly taking it bite sized, maybe just a little walk around the room or from one room to another in advert breaks etc so it is little and often to start with.

Once you can get out and about outside it can be so therapeutic to get closer to nature.

I love my walks and see some wonderful skies/sunsets, birds/wildlife and meet loads of other walkers either on their own or with dogs, babies etc. Even a cheery hello can give a great feel good factor.

Find whatever works for you and you enjoy. Pam x


I do try and have a walk each day which I find very hard. We've now bought a walker with seat which is great so I can rest when I need to but still be outside. I got it from millercare, best thing that I've bought recently. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Ladybex profile image

Very good what skit says ... I do ballet and yoga ... but maybe start with swimming 😊

I do hope you find what us best for you and you feel better for it ...

phlebo123 profile image

For me, I find short walks, swimming and yoga are helpful. But don't overdo it, pace yourself! Start slowly and gradually build up. As soon as you start to feel tired or painful then take a rest or break.

babsdoyle60 profile image

Hi Dottielottie,

I do enjoy my daily walk with my doggie even though it has shortened from 40 to about 15mins now, doggie being 15yrs old & me with fibro it's hard to tell which of us walks better at times 😅

I started Tai Chi about a year ago, went to a couple of classes but getting there was so awkward I downloaded an App to my phone, some really good ones online I just had to find one best suited to me. So I find an early morning walk just meeting other dog walkers for a chat takes my mind off pain & stiffness & then 10 or even 5min Tai Chi at any time of the day helps.. At the moment (7.15am) I feel I've been punched in the Ribs, blinding headache & my legs feel like Bricks but nonetheless heading out for our Walk 🐕🐾 Hope you manage to find a balance that suits Dottielottie but really the key is no matter how bad we feel keep moving, stay positive 😉

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to babsdoyle60

Thank u xxx

AliMS profile image


My rheumatologist recommended pilates and yoga. I'm not really one for gyms and groups, so I've joined a group that gives classes in Facebook, so I can do them as and when fits in with me. Some exercises I have to adapt because my feet are so bad, but it is helping. I have more energy, and this week I've stayed awake in the evenings!!! But i think the key is IT SUITS ME. I do 20 minutes of yoga stretches in the morning, and half an hour of strengthening work in the evening. With FRUCIFIT. Nutrition/ exercise/ mindset advice and encouragment.

Hope that helps.

Bakgri profile image

I struggle, I have gone from teaching 8 yoga classes a week, dog walking , zumba and jogging to nothing and I know that doing nothing is not good for my fibro. I plan to do a small amount of yoga each day and a bit of walking. I think its a case of doing what you can without overdoing it. There is a useful exercise info page on the fibro uk website. I feel fortunate I can do something at all, its the tiredness that stops me.

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to Bakgri

That must be awful going from being so active xx

Bakgri profile image
Bakgri in reply to dottielotti

Do you know it happened so gradually, moved jobs so didnt teach yoga anymore then as time went on found it too hard to continue doing other things as well. This illness sneaks up on you and catches you from behind. Sometimes its only by looking back I realise how much less I do. I am seeing a friend for a dog walk Wednes that I have not seen for about 3 months, we used to walk 4/5 miles but I will have to say just a short walk!!

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to Bakgri

Enjoy you’re little walk it does suck this illness xx

SweepSooty profile image

Personally I love the water and it's surprising how much you can move in a swimming pool. I belong to an Arthritis care self help group and we meet at a lesuire centre three times a week to do Aqua aerobics led by a great instructor that works on all our joints and muscles. Every one sings along to the music we play and use the floats provided, plus it's a very social group so you not only get the physical well being but also helps mentally as well. We have all ages, all sizes and all abilities. I have been going for 11 years and it's the best thing I did when I joined, plus now I am social secretary and in a few weeks I am taking a coach full to a afternoon tea on a steam train! I really hope you find a group similar or an exercise that you can enjoy, it will make all the difference.

johnsmith profile image

You need advice from a person for this. They need to see and access what is happening to your body.

Exercise is a nice simple word. In reality it is a highly complex subject.

Meditation and mindfulness has importance. This is because you need to gain ability to observe yourself. There should be local Buddhist groups who can help you with this. Walking meditation is both meditation and exercise.


ALexander Technique is worth looking at. Much on exercise considers doing and tend to ignore the how.


Saw this which I found a little impressive by a Feldenkrais practitioner


Badbessie profile image

From my wife's and my own experience on the pain management program the message is to keep moving. The level of exercise is subjective. Over the 8 week course my wife was given a number of exercises . Each week the number of each built up. She was told that if the exercises became too much following the program she should go back to day 1 and slowly build up again. The exercise can vary from simple stretches, to chair set to timed step ups. Due to the problems with my spine my exercises are different and the safest advice I can give you is to seek advice from your community physiotherapist before starting.

Maya23 profile image

I try to do a bit of gentle walking each day. If I’m up to it I’ll do fast walking for a bit. Some days all I can do is walk around the house. Sometimes able to do tai chi. Stretching always feels good. X

Jenwoo profile image

I embarked on a stretching and light weight s 1kg and 2kg weights, exercise regime in preparation for my son’s wedding. I was doing great and was so pleased with my efforts then the ‘elephant in the room ‘ raised its head and I went down with an almighty crash and have not done any more exercise now for around three months, I was so disappointed. It’s always the way every time I try to get fit I always crash. Unfortunately I saw a Dr who insisted it was not the exercise that caused the crash and that I should exercise through the chronic fatigue and keep going! I told him there was no way one could exercise with CFS but he was having none of it and was a great believer in Graded Exercise Therapy!!! I would add that I have had this illness for 28 years !

dottielotti profile image
dottielotti in reply to Jenwoo

They just don’t understand some people xx

Sarahvit profile image

I have been doing yoga but taking it slowly.

Chris28 profile image

I’m sorry to hear your in so much pain it is awful especially when it really flares up . I bought a vibropower life the other week I find 5 mins on that first thing really helps ‘loosen ‘me up. Then I manage 10 mins on a good day .,I try to use it twice a day I find it helps swimming wears me out

Themanwithnoname profile image

Gentle exercise for me little and often all in home as i can rest and have a hot bath after. Split between exercise bike and a vibra plate. In the warmer months been able to do a bit most days but come winter it will be a struggle again.

franmayo profile image

I have been going to Sun Style Tai Chi. It is for health and it is very gentle. It does stretches that you don't realise you have done. Very good for balance and Fibromyalgia. A good instructor is a must.

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