Hiya all.
I had part of one of my teeth fall out earlier and it is rotten. Anyone have problems with their teeth. Be dentist tomorrow hopefully to get remainder of tooth out,
Hiya all.
I had part of one of my teeth fall out earlier and it is rotten. Anyone have problems with their teeth. Be dentist tomorrow hopefully to get remainder of tooth out,
Hi Mandypandy - as I have posted before on here in response to others enquiring about teeth. I had severe pain and ended up having many teeth removed only to find that the pain continued I ended up at the dental unit at Kings College - brilliant place although we all would rather not have to visit there! Couldn't praise them enough and ended up having 2 years of treatment by a post grad student who was lovely and under strict supervision from the consultants. First class service and thank goodness totally free of charge including the crowns, bridge etc. Do I think fibro plays a part - certainly. You may find your dentist is reluctant to remove all the tooth if it can be saved with a crown. Good luck and hope you will be pain free soon.
I will say I want it out. it's not noticeable without it. I am not in any pain which is good but will be making an appointment to get it removed. is it fibro related like a lot of other things? I get a lot of like a sore feeling on my eyelids, face and forehead, I do grind my teeth really badly and have worn a mouth guard for years. Also get a lot of pain/headache over my forehead/eyes. maybe all to do with teeth grinding. Great, not. xx
hi mandy afraid as I get older have quite a few bouts of having problems with my teeth. Think I have now got to the point where have enough teeth left, and treatments touch wood that they have settled a bit. l did have to pay out along the way with one of those dentures where the teeth fit on wires attached to other remaining teeth much better than run of the mill nhs dentures. And I do get NHS dentist free, but could not cope with normal dentures. x hope you sort problem out
I lost all my top teeth due to fibromyalgia! They all chipped off, bits falling inside my mouth, it was awful. I loved my teeth until that happened. I now have top dentures which I absolutely hate! They are to heavy and don't feel right in my mouth.
Yes really unfortable , I'm quickly needing bottom ones dread) there supposed to be worst than the top ones !!!! Happiness
hye mandypandy, I don't often reply to posts, but always read them but your struck a nerve, or a tooth!!, I have actually lost three double teeth like this, one minute everything is fine, next minute, broken tooth in your moth which is a bit startling, unfortunately mine broke right at the gum, and would need an anesthetic [spelling?] to remove the roots and the dentist and hospital though it too much of a risk, they don't hurt [touch wood] so I do my best to ignore them, but if someone can tell me why this happens I would be very interested, it wasn't as though I bit on something hard, they just crumbled, also they are back teeth and cant be seen or I would be less blasé about it. good luck to you anyway, as if your anthing like me you have a horror of false teeth!!!
Lyzzie & Buggles.
my tooth doesn't hurt luckily. I was only eating Turkish delight and all of a sudden, I felt something hard in my mouth and took it out and it was part of my tooth. it was black underneath, totally rotten. I had inconclusive results from a lip biopsy testing for sjogrens disease so don't know if it's to do with fibro or if I have got sjogrens disease aswell as fibromialgia. xx
I had almost perfect teeth until 2 yrs ago, when ten yrs of being on steroids began to affect my bones. I’d already had a,damaged spine, but suddenly the osteoporosis really took hold, which affected my jaw, loosening two teeth. The nerves snapped almost a yr ago, but I wouldn’t give in, but then one fell out last month & the other last week. I’m mortified as I’d never so much as had a filling- just a cap due to unstoned fruit pud cracking one tooth 25 yrs ago. The treatment I’m having now, the DMD is meant to strengthen bones, but it actually makes them brittle & now I risk spontaneous breaks. If the diseases don’t get you, the treatment will! Good luck hon.
I do hope all you guys in this forum have been going to a Dentist on a regular basis - otherwise for some it ends in a mouthful set of "pink Gnashers" aka false teeth. Its a bit like maintenance on a car - leave a little problem alone and a major breakdown often happens later !
Some of the meds we take can have a detrimental effect on teeth, very important to see dentist regularly xx
I have finally been seeing a dentist regularly since having to have 3 removed in last few years. I have very old fillings and it started with one falling out. Due for cleaning again but haven't gone due to IBS flare. I do take CoQ10 for cholesterol since I don't want to use a statin. I also take several other vitamins. Now I have a UTI....maybe caused by IBS....so am taking an otc product, AZO, which helps but it hasn't gone away. Just a little pain. That darn IBS causes a lot of trouble and would sure like to know what others do about it since it's listed on the symptoms of Fibro. I wonder if it's all due to my active Epstein Barr virus. Anyone else?
Yes,had three teeth crumble away last yr,have sjogrens so not overly surprised,worst of it is I am not able to get to dentist alone so always have to beg family to take me,now more are falling apart and just got over mouth ulcers again😞