Got a frozen shoulder can't sleep end up cat napping all day not fair on my girl's not just my shoulder it's my arm as well had that cortisone injection just made it worse as the stupid Dr didn't know what she was doing stuck the needle in twice ( had the other shoulder go ..three years ago another Dr done the injection and got it right where it should be put) been in triple pain since I just don't know where to go now ...I had tablets creams nothing working ...feel like screaming at them drs who don't know what they are doing only to mess up!! ...
Feeling so down : Got a frozen shoulder... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Feeling so down

Good Morning Hun,
Really sorry that you are having such a tough time! I don't have a lot of information about frozen shoulder as luckily I have never experienced it, but from personal experience if you feel you aren't getting anywhere with your doctors I would ring 111, they are really helpful and can actually force your doctor to see you or send you to an a&e type doctor for help. xxx
Have you had an ultrasound scan to make sure nothing else is going on ?
My shoulder has been bad for 5 months, I've had all sorts of treatment including acupuncture and ultrasound. I'm now being sent for scans to check if it's a rotator cuff or bicep tendon tear.
Aw love my heart goes out to you as I know how painful frozen shoulder can be. When mine was at its worst I've never known pain like it. I can't even suggest anything as I know nothing worked for me at the time either and I just had to endure the pain, it was dreadful! All I can say is that it does come to an end at some point. Once I got over the excruciating pain stage, mine was really stiff and I had little mobility. However physio and exercises have improved it immensely, enough that I have turned down any offers of surgical procedures. It's not quite back to normal yet but it is improving every day and I don't get any pain except for the odd twinge now and then. I know it doesn't help with what you are suffering now but it doesn't last forever. God bless you xxx
Hi My-chinaman
Sorry to hear you are in such pain and you feel the cortisone injection hasn't helped at all
I've experienced a frozen shoulder too back in 2006 and remember how painful it can be. I used heat therapy on occasion plus have you a tens machine it might be worth trying this too? I assume you have been given medication from the GP to help with the pain ?
I sincerely hope it gets better during the day ..... sending my best wishes
I had this years ago it was agony had steroid injections which didn't help I would cry in the mornings when I got up as moving my head even hurt it. I had physio and whilst in there she would put the arm in a position and it was pain free but the minute I left the shoulder went back to where it was and the pain was back. I ended up having surgery and the shoulder was fine once I had had that done. I would go back to the Drs and tell them the injection didn't help although if they get the right spot it is supposed to be painful for a few days after then sometimes can be pain free for a couple of months or clear up completely. If you don't have pain afterwards they don't have the right spot and it won't work. I learnt this from and orthopaedic surgeon when I was nursing. Before I had to have any of the injections myself! I remember my shoulder pain came on after my husband at the time and I had decorated our lounge I had done the painting on the lower half of the walls and he was wallpapering the top so think it may have been the repetitive movement that did mine.
I hope you get some relief soon