Hi everyone, haven't posted for a while cos uni has been so hectic!
I don't really know where to start or if I will even make sense. I went to pain clinic for the second time about 4 weeks ago. They said I had to stop buTrans patch dr had prescribed straight away as it does not work on fibro pain. Said I had to gradually stop duloxetine and start on nortriptyline working up to 50mg per night. Am now upto 40mg per nite - not sure if it is helping yet- doesn't feel like it
I have been very emotional - either crying all the time or very angry- not sure if it is cos of pain, not sleeping more than 4 hours per nite (if I'm lucky), stopping duloxetine or hormones. Speaking of hormones- that is the next problem- I have not had a period for almost a year.
My Dr did tests for PCOS but they came back normal. I have all the symptoms of it tho so Dr has referred me to gynae to find out what is going on.
Also now being tested for diabetes so so fed up don't know what to do. None of my friends or family understand and have become totally fed up of me. I have become very quiet and withdrawn from everyone.
I saw a counsellor for CBT in 2010 and decided to call them to get an appt to see someone. I really hope it helps. I feel like I have lost myself and that fibro has taken over my life.
I have also put on an enormous amount of weigh over the last 4 years - 6 stone!! The pain and exhaustion have made it practically impossible to do any exercise anymore. I am unrecognisable from the 25 year old who was in the Royal Navy and very keen runner and horse rider.
I'm really finding my last year at uni so difficult too. Just don't know how to help myself anymore
Gentle hugs to all xxx