I wonder if anyone can help me please? For the last two years, I have been getting burning and aching in my shins, which during this time has got worse. It started not long after I had my hysterectomy. I don't know if this has any significance at all. It started with the odd burn and now 2 years on I am taking time off work due to the pain. I was prescribed anti inflammatorys , naproxen, and paracetamol, this has now been increased to gabapentin, tramadol and morphine patches. None seem to alleviate the pain for a decent time period. I noticed at one point that after stopping my citalopram the pain reduced. I therefore thought brilliant, I'm free, only for it to return some time later. I was recently told by the GP that it is my back, so they referred me to a back surgeon who gave me an epidural. Nothing happened. T describe the pain, it is a constant burn down my shins, that can run into the top of my feet. My legs swell and I have pitting which means that when pressed my leg dents and does not come back out. Now my ankles and hips are playing up. It feels as though they are about to break. I am desperate to the point of suicidal thoughts on occasions. Please, if anyone has experienced this and had a correct diagnosis, can they please help? xxx