Fibromyalgia does not cause inflammat... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Fibromyalgia does not cause inflammation?

Lizzy-m profile image
27 Replies

Am I correct in this? I ask because despite blood tests not showing inflammation I had my hands and fingers scanned and inflammation showed up in every joint? What's going on? Any thoughts?

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Lizzy-m profile image
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27 Replies
Silmarillion profile image

Apparently your inflammatory markers don't change with fibro, so my doctor tells me....I've since read that you can have different types of arthritis etc without your markers being raised.

in reply to Silmarillion

Yes, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I don't have raised markers.

Lizzy-m profile image
Lizzy-m in reply to

How did you get diagnosed if you don't mind me asking xx

in reply to Lizzy-m

G.P referred me to Rheumatology Dept who then diagnosed me with R.A despite no markers being raised, I do have all the other symptoms swelling of hands etc.. stiffness up to 2 hours on waking, joint pain etc. I also got diagnosed with Osteoarthritis a year later followed by Fibromylagia.

Lizzy-m profile image
Lizzy-m in reply to

Bless you that's a lot to contend with, thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Take care ♡♡

Hi hun, you are right fibro does not show in inflammatory tests.. Your hands??I have arthralgia in mine, it does feel like fibro pain around my thumb areas but its not, my knuckles feel like the skin is going to split, I have some fingerless lycra gloves called ISOTOPE that keep the pain low and also some splints when its really bad (usually serves me right coz ive been wallpapering , digging the garden edges, or painting) The gloves are good coz they wash in the machine they are available online but ensure you get correct glove size to avoid any cut off in circulation..I hope this help s you..

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

As Hidden has said, Fibro does not cause inflammation.

That is one of the reasons that it is so hard to diagnose because it will not show up in any blood tests or scans.

Has your GP gone through your results with you?

Lu xx

Lizzy-m profile image

Thanks folks for your replies and advice, I had gone to the hospital for a steroid injection but when they scanned this is when it showed up the inflammation in all my joints in my fingers and hands. I was told that he couldn't give me the injection as there was no way he could inject each joint, it's only meant as a treatment for one joint I figure. This inflammation as not showed up in previous blood tests and therefore my doctors and rheumatologist have said I have no inflammation. The hospital is going to write to them telling them what he found. Inflammation. I feel I am going round in circles. It's all to easy for doctors to just blame every ailment on Fibromyalgia. I am now worried that I have rheumatoid arthritis or one of the other arthritic conditions all along. I did ask for another blood test last week because my pain is getting worse, I actually had to plead to get it. I was actually quite relieved when the scan showed up the inflammation which I know is ridiculous but it's like nobody believes that I am in so much pain all the time. And to top it all, I am now facing an absence review meeting at work even though I went back despite my doctor giving me a sick note for another 2 weeks, you get penalised for doing what you think is the right thing. Sorry for ranting on. Just so fed up with it all now...........

lou59 profile image
lou59 in reply to Lizzy-m

it's really hard to deal with the concern and worry for yourself and health. I hope that things go well at your review fingers crossed they are supportive of you.

but take care of you😉

1Dog1Kid profile image
1Dog1Kid in reply to Lizzy-m

You are no ranting you have a right to be angry and confused. I hope your absence review doesn't mean you are penalised and helps. Maybe they can offer you reduced hours on full pay ( if you work for a large company)

Maybe the hours you work aren't ever going to work for you? Which part of the day do you feel the most unable? For me first thing then the 2 pm drop off. If I could I would work from 10-2 or 11-3 sometimes not at all but then losing that side of your life completely can have some dire consequences.. isolation,depression,self recrimination. Good luck I hope you can work something out that is beneficial for YOU Xxx

lynneCmorgan profile image
lynneCmorgan in reply to Lizzy-m

perhaps its not inflammation caused by auto immune response which would indicate RA, perhaps the swelling is due to the pooling of 'reserve' blood in your hands. See this article on AV shunts.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to lynneCmorgan

Sorry to say this article has been circulating for years with no further studies to confirm any such findings. The most recent research could be pointing towards Neurological inflammation but Fibro is not inflammatory in the traditional sense hence all blood tests show nothing of note. Research continues.......... :)

lynneCmorgan profile image
lynneCmorgan in reply to Mdaisy

thanks, wondered why i hadnt seen any follow ups? Ill write to the authors.

lynneCmorgan profile image
lynneCmorgan in reply to lynneCmorgan

this citation is more up to date from one of the authors.

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to lynneCmorgan

Thanks yes the conclusion confirms that this plus other hypotheses have yet to be confirmed in this link :)

TLL123 profile image

Rant away! Reading this has helped me understand what could be causing me to suffer for weeks. I had assumed it's a RA flare but having finally had a blood test and got the results telling me my "bloods are fine" 😡 I was frustrated to find an explanation to why I'm feeling so rough. Now I realise that it could be my secondary condition.

Good luck with your employer

Lizzy-m profile image
Lizzy-m in reply to TLL123

Take care and thank you for your reply and understanding xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Lizzy-m

I am so genuinely sorry to read this, and as the others have already said, Fibro is not an inflammatory illness. It does sound like you have arthritis my friend, sorry. I sincerely hope that you can get it all sorted with your doctor. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


gracesgrandma profile image

Hi Lizzy this is exactly what I read about. Several​ years ago a lady went to her doctors and the doctor was convinced she had a form of arthritis but all bloods came back normal. The doctor then sent her for an x-ray. She was riddled with arthritis​. The only problem this was in America! Good luck x

1Dog1Kid profile image

Hi lizzy. I too have swelling in my hands,sometimes my rings drop off and sometimes I couldn't peel them off. That confounded my initial GP as he said the "feeling of swelling" is a symptom but the appearance of actual swelling isn't . He did say that rarely will fibro be a sole diagnosis,often go hand in hand with ME, rheumatology issues etc I didn't delve too much then as one rather dubious ( I felt then) diagnosis was enough. Due to see a rheumatologist again in a couple of weeks. That will 7 years since my only other appointment with one. X luck and a hug.

Lizzy-m profile image
Lizzy-m in reply to 1Dog1Kid

Thank you so much for your reply, my doctors unfortunately don't seem to know very much about fibromyalgia at all and have therefore given me not much advice at all. Good luck with your appointment 7 years is a long time.... All my best wishes xx

1Dog1Kid profile image

Hey lizzy. Google fibromyalgia symptoms. As there is an NHS web-site your doctor damn well should know about it. Print stuff out,underline things in angry red circles that demand to be read.

I think because of the nature of the disease ( they say no one patient will present exactly the same as another) we ultimately have to be our own best doctor. Also look up the difference between Lupus and fibro. Not many differences outwardly present. In fact very many similarities so much that one is often mis diagnosed as the other.

My fingers are crossed,hoping you will find a better doctor. With so many symptoms having so many effects. When we meet with ignorance,then educate them. A lack of empathy doesn't mean we have to be met by rudeness and disbelief. Don't be afraid of sounding like a hypochondriac and remember that one of your symptoms could play a crucial part in a successful diagnosis.

Do expect someone to listen to you,someone to take you seriously,someone who wants to see you regularly to check on progress or regression. Do tell them what you are doing for yourself. And do expect to be referred if they feel your symptoms confound them or are beyond their ability to treat you find an expert for you.

It is so very hard to stand up for yourself when you are feeling ill,worn down and damn pathetic. Take a friend,partner or family member to do the balking for you if you need. Good luck and biggest squeeze ( if it hurts a gentle hug instead)

Lizzy-m profile image
Lizzy-m in reply to 1Dog1Kid

Thank you so much ♡♡

Oh dear MyDexter we are in the same boat :( I sometimes find it hard to work out which illness is causing what pain ! After having DX of fibro some medical people blame pain on fibro in a dismissive way. Wishing you well

Jacqueline x

Mdaisy profile image

Hi Lizzy-m,

If your inflammatory markers are raised as others have said Fibro isn't inflammatory, however I wondered if your GP/Rheumatologist has mentioned or thought about Polymyalgia Rheumatica either as a primary or secondary to Fibromyalgia? Just a thought and here's a link out of interest:

Obviously I am not a DR but if you have concerns you may wish to be referred to the Rheumatologist for further examination

All the best

Emma :)

Thanks Mydexter, I am struggling with my mood so looking forward to some sunshine to help lift me and everybody else. I also wonder if it is Fibro or not - will we ever know ? Hope you are feeling as good as you can.

Jacqueline x

Gurtie profile image

I have fibro my wrists and ankles feel inflamed and have heat

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