ESA: Yey I got the brown envelope and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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My-chinaman profile image
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Yey I got the brown envelope and very reluctant to open it but good news i could cry maybe i will (a little) ...I have at last been moved into the support group ...So happy now i don't need any jobseekers appointments 😊

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My-chinaman profile image
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41 Replies
Robbie138 profile image

Great news really happy for you xx

Very pleased for you - have your little cry it must be such a relief for you .

Jacqueline x

jb007 profile image

Great News , Relax now lol I just got my PIP Award cant believe it

Fiz16 profile image
Fiz16 in reply to jb007

Hiya..ive applied for pip not just for fibro but other health issues as well ..was it difficult ??? Ive been told the assesment is intense and they grill u ..πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•cnt cope with that kinda stres on top of everythin else ...any advice wud b gr8tly appreciated!

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Fiz16

Depends where you live my assessor was really nice all i had to tell him was about my daily problems and how fibromyalgia affects my health i went to talk about my other problems but he said he didn't need to know as i got the points i needed also go in with an aid walking stick or crutch as that will show you can't walk without also say you can't walk far because you get out of breath ok good luck with it ...I myself ain't getting pip as it's not fair at the moment on disabled people so waiting to see what the government do xx

jb007 profile image
jb007 in reply to Fiz16

I didnt have a lot of extra paper work ect my assessor was not very nice or helpful at all , He didnt want me to get anything i had a copy of his report. So i did a letter of my own and my Doctor did one also and all his decisions were over turned , Yes it is stressfull and i had to wait for my answer a long time , i sent my form back in December last year the 22nd so it took a long time also but i wasnt going to give in as i knew i was in the right and he was wrong i would of taken it to an apeal if i had too.

Fiz16 profile image
Fiz16 in reply to jb007

Good on u ..ive bm off sick from wrk since jan hv bn told ive nt enuf contributions for esa and cant claim income related as me n my partner hv too much money coming in??? i only work 16 hrs i didnt qualify for ssp ..these benefits are so confusing πŸ˜•..ive just left it 2b honest i cnt b dealing with the stress...sent my pip form off and hoping its favourable even though its a long wait hoping to go bk 2wrk soon as well but thats a long shot at the moment ...take care .

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Fiz16

I'm the other way i wont touch pip as too much anxiety to even think of it

Fiz16 profile image
Fiz16 in reply to My-chinaman

I would not hv bothered but ive gt underlying other health issues and medical history is all ova the place since 2013 so my benefit advisor said it was defo worth applying for ..ive gt chronic fatigue to contend with as well rheaumatologist thought i was anaemic but bloods came bk normal...u jus hv to stay positive and think urself blessed to wake up each day even though its aches n pains...

Keep smiling 😊

Jofullofiron profile image
Jofullofiron in reply to Fiz16

I worked 15hrs a week and didn't get anything but was told if work 16hrs or more your NI is paid and you should get SSP etc etc. I found out that I didn't have any ni for two years and my employer didn't see fit to tell me that 15hrs wouldn't get my NI contributions. Give the NI hotline a call and they will tell you if you are up to date.

Fiz16 profile image
Fiz16 in reply to Jofullofiron

hiya..2get esa contribution based u hv to be earning at least Β£112 per wk as well as n.i contributions but i didnt meet either critetia...i did get the jobcentre to look into my n.i record and defo not enuf contributions n ive been on 16hrs per week for ova 7 yrs ...

cheers for getting bk to me x

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to jb007

Good on you ...Just wish i knew everything 2 years ago πŸ™

Fieldbum78 profile image
Fieldbum78 in reply to jb007

Hi did you have loads of paperwork to send in, as evidence to your claim. Like rhumetologist ect. Im just asking because ive only seen my doctor who diagnosed me.

Thank you

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Fieldbum78

I took all the paperwork relevant to my illnesses but i didn't have to show him any other than my mental health one i took loads with me but the mental health one and evidence of fibromyalgia was enough for me is this your first one ??

Fieldbum78 profile image
Fieldbum78 in reply to My-chinaman

I havent claimed. I only got diagnosed 3mths ago. But ive had to give up work. I didnt think i would have any chance of claiming without seeing other specialists.😊

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Fieldbum78

When i had my first one it was all rushed he didn't seem to care about anything ..I didn't have this forum to know what else i could of done for 2 years i was on the work one going to the JC every week really ill but managed to do maths and English course leaving every now and again as just couldn't sit for hours ...This time it was different you need to go looking ill with a walking stick or aid and say your tired all the time otherwise they will put it in the wrag side and it's not easy and they have changed hands now these ones are more thorough and understanding x

ukmsmi4 profile image

Wow, I can feel the relief from here. Great news, so glad that weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Gentle hugs, πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to ukmsmi4

Thankyou yes more stress from jobcentre visits at last

Kitten-kat23 profile image

Congratulations. I hope this helps you relax and feel more rested.

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Kitten-kat23

Thankyou now hopefully my back pain will ease x.

milo4 profile image

Good news.

Now you can relax a bit, got mine Two weeks ago so know how you feel.

Trace xxx

Janet28 profile image

Well done My-chinaman that's brilliant news my friend, I'm so pleased for you xxx

Babsull profile image

Brilliant news πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ€—

TeddyC profile image

Congratulations, I hope you can now relax a little x

bluebell99 profile image

What a relief, know how you feel! Open a bottle of fizzy to celebrate, (even if it is only lemonade!)

Silmarillion profile image

Good news

rosewine profile image

Fantastic news it must be such a relief. Now rest and relax.x

mr-jingles profile image

Well done you x

My-chinaman profile image

Thankyou to everyone that sent me messages made me swell with happiness thankyou xx

so pleased for you.a weight off your mind,

TheAuthor profile image

Hi my friend

That is absolutely wonderful news and I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken :)

Jan101 profile image

Great news for you. I am really happy 😊 for you. Take good care of yourself . Jan101 πŸ€—πŸ€—xxx

Al10 profile image

So pleased for you. I remember trying to cope with JC interviews and looking for jobs I had no chance of ever getting or keeping. It was wrecking my physical and mental health. It was as though they were dangling the normal life I wanted but had lost and that I still missed, only to be told I was only lacking because I wasn't trying hard enough. They tried to be nice in applying the rules but they had to motivate me too. 'Oh yes, absolutely Fibro is real, we know all about it, but you can still work and be independent if you have the right Positive Mental Attitude!'

They had no idea what jobs fibros can do, or retraining ideas, despite coaching many with the condition. No training courses, bar basic skills, and no money for private training.

You can still decide to work if the right job presented itself, this nonsense rhetoric that only the WRAG can go back to work is silly. The WRAG are subject to job seeking rules that exhaust and stress them. In Support you could dream up you ideal money maker and maybe do something one day. (I keep dreaming!) We are not lazy people, just on JSA and WRAG, it is impossible for many of us to cope.

Wendylene profile image

Hi My-chinaman,

Hope u are as well as u can be.

Its gr8 news u have got into the support group.

Im having to go to a tribunal as they wanted me in the work related activity group.

I can hardly walk due to my ailments,and as im sure you'll understand the knock on effects pain has on our lives.

Ive always worked,but ive gotten steadily worse,these last 3 years.

I seem to get flare up after flare up.

My back is my worst problem,but i can say im in pain from head to toe everyday.

I got the high rate of PIP and am classed as severely disabled.

Yet here we are getting put through so much more stress.

Oh well,glad u managed to get urs changed.

Ive been told it ll be august time before my tribunal.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Wendy xx

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Wendylene

Omg that is so bad i really get angry when i hear people like myself and you that have to be on that wrag its discusting that they have done this to you and have to put you in that group ..I was on wrag for 2 years and kept being told i would never get on the support group ( my work coach ) told me this ...Little did she know anyway good luck on your appeal and refuse to do anything you can't do. i did .After all you know your body .Take care xx

Miss13 profile image

Fantastic news so pleased for you xx

clareboitelle profile image

Hello. Glad to read you got it. It's so stressful. Can I ask. I've just applied for ESA as I've not been working for the past year. They said over phone it can be backdated 3 months as long as I have sick note. ESA then wrote to me saying I'd not paid enough ni contributions so couldn't get anything. A day later another letter arrived saying "we have looked at this again" and said they will backdate it and payments will start but only until April!! Do I have to reapply again then in April? My sick note takes me to June 28!! I'm so confused and it takes hours getting through to them to discuss. Do you think I should apply for Pip too? What actually is Pip? Sorry for long message. πŸ’›πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ’›

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to clareboitelle

As far as i know you will get it backdated if you have sick notes for the dates they​ want ...ESA does mess us about they did me to start with ...Good luck with pip i wont do it while the government is messing about with it I'm waiting until they sort their heads out !! Janet can help you with any more questions as I'm not qualified I'm only telling you by my experience sorry x

Nanny40 profile image

Well done on winning, I lost so now appealing as the doc who assessed me wrote down the opposite to everything I said, I'm now back and fore signing on and having to go to work related meetings 😫 It's a joke, just glad to see it works for some, relax and enjoy now, xx

My-chinaman profile image
My-chinaman in reply to Nanny40

I'm so sorry you have to go through this ...They ain't got a clue what all this is doing to us ...They should of left it as it was years ago ...Although some won't agree ..Good luck on your appeal ...hugs and don't let them work people bully you into doing things you can't do x

Fieldbum78 profile image

Im currently receiving income support as im a carer for my son. Would i be better sticking with this than applying for esa? I dont have to go to any groups but its less money.

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