Esa: Hi all, i hope your not in too... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Debbs73 profile image
40 Replies

Hi all, i hope your not in too much pain this Sunday evening. I mentioned that I had my Esa interview at the beginning of this month. I thought after my pip the stress was over. Anyway after what felt like the longest 3 1/2 weeks, I got the dreaded brown envelope in the post. My husband opened it and gave me it showing no emotion I was so nervous reading it, due to all the bad press that has been getting with stopping people's money who need it, we all know what's been said and done. Good news though I've been awarded my Esa. I hope all of you that are still waiting get the right decision.

Sorry for the essay guy's

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Debbs73 profile image
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40 Replies
skit profile image

That is great. It is a postcode lottery for some of these perverse decisions. Go celebrate break out a chocolate bar!

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to skit

I know you are so right. I really feel for people that get there money stopped and have to fight at the appeal.

skit profile image
skit in reply to Debbs73

The maybe good news, if there is any from DWP, is that UC is to be halted or bolstered by more £££ until the glitches are ironed out. As Esa would be absorbed in UC let us hope they leave Disabled people alone.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to skit

Omg I so agree with u. I think it's about time we are left alone for a while. Oh I didn't realise the UC had been put on hold, well for a while anyway.

catherine19611 profile image
catherine19611 in reply to skit

unfortunately disabled people are the easiest targets for the Government as David Cameron proved

Dizzytwo profile image

That's great news :) Hopefully you can relax a little now and your stress levels will return to normal. I'm so pleased for you I understand the relief you feel when you get the right decision xx


Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Dizzytwo

Thankyou, Yeah ya right my stress levels have declined. I can put all my evidence that I had gathered and photocopied away now. My shoulders feel so light now with all that weight gone. Xx

Dizzytwo profile image
DizzytwoModerator in reply to Debbs73

I'm sure you will have a good night's sleep tonight 🤞🤞

in reply to Debbs73

Do you know which element of ESA you were awarded? The work related is same amount as Jobseekers allowance, isn't it? But then, either helps to avoid pressure of pointless job search requirements.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to

I'm in the support group side.

bobbybobb profile image

That is great news and so encouraging for others.

Patches12 profile image

So happy for you no stress now x

robpw profile image

Good to hear :) it’s not all doom and gloom they do get it right sometimes

carmenp1 profile image

So happy for you. I know how much anxiety you can go thru applying for support. In Australia we have the NDIS and people with fibro are being knocked back despite the fact that it is so disabling. Your success will hopefully encourage others.

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to carmenp1

Hi Carmenp1 I also live in Australia and applied for the Disability pension in June, I still haven't heard anything and I understand that it takes several months to be assessed. I have been living on my superannuation and a large Victims of Crime payment for the past 3 years and things are starting to get tight now. I am also going to apply for the ND IS after a bad accident last year that has left me disabled. Since the Liberal party has been in there is a real meanness with this Government. We,see it everyday on the news and I can only hope they get voted out in the upcoming State and Federal elections.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

Hiya. My that's a long time you've been waiting, so while your waiting for your descion have they continued to pay you or have they stopped your payments?

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to Debbs73

In Australia Centrlink doesn't pay anyone until they've been assessed. People with only minimum savings are usually put on the dole with a sickness certificate. I applied for that but was unsuccessful because accoriding to Centrelink I have too much money in the bank. Some of my money is my superannuation and the rest is Victims Compensation. So I have to wait to see if they approve my Disability pension. It's quite frustrating. Thanks for you're interest.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

Hiya Lolarufus123 .

If ya don't mind me asking what is superannuation money? How do they expect you and others to manage when you have little or no money. So how long are u expecting to have to wait for a descion on your disability pension claim you must be stressed to death. Xxx

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to Debbs73

Hi Debbs73 superannuation is money that employers have to bank for each employee so that the employee has a nest egg when they retire. Even when you change jobs the new employee has to continue putting money in you're superannuation fund. I am not sure how they work out the amount they have to put in but the more you earn the more money they are required to put in. Fortunately I had a well paid Government job for 10 years before I left work. I was a Child Protection Case Worker so I got a fair amount of superannuation. Just as well considering how long I have to wait regarding the Disability pension and I have no idea whether or not I will get it. Our current Government is very right wing and they don't want to pay for people on disability. We have elections early next year, most people are sick of this Government so hopefully we will have a better Government and they'll get voted out.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

Ah I see. Yeah employers here have to do a similar thing. Blimey I bet that was a hard job to do. I can imagine you saw some awful things if you were in child protection, blimey I bet some cases pulled on your heart strings. Fingers crossed that you all get the answer you want and get the correct government in office.

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to Debbs73

Hi Debbs73 yeah working in Child Protection was really heartbreaking at times. I took early retirement because I was burnt out, had severe anxiety, PTSD and physical problems due to the anxiety. Thanks for the your support and interest, this site has really has a positive impact on my mental health. Can you tell me what PIP and ESA is please.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

Hiya. Sorry to hear that you had to take early retirement due to your job causing you physical problems and taking its toll on your mental health, not good if causing you all that. I don't think I could do that job, I don't think I could do that job you must be a very strong person. Esa is employment support allowance, it's what I and others like me who can't work due to my chronic health problems and fibromyalgia its money to help me. PIP... is Personal Independence given to you to help with every day living, if you have and illness, mental health condition, or disability.

carmenp1 profile image
carmenp1 in reply to Lolarufus123

Hi lolarufus123,

I was on a carer payment when I became disabled with CFS. I took my disability support application into my local centrelink office. I was approved that day.

Something is wrong because it should not take 5 months to approve. I would be ringing to see what is going on or go into centrelink. If you have new medical reports or diagnosis, take them in to further support your claim. I live in Werribee, Melbourne.

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to carmenp1

I have excellent medical reports from my GP who has known me for 24 years and my psychiatrist who has been seeing me for 6 years. I was told when i lodged the claim that it would take a few months. Also that the Centrlink staff in the office dont assess the claims anymore and that claims are assessed by people higher up. I went to Centrlink about a month ago and asked about my claim. I was told that the assessors were trying to decide whether i should be assessed as a couple with my housemate or not. It appears that sharing bills and eating a few meals together

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to Lolarufus123

Means Centrlink can deem you a couple. I plan to go back to Centrlink in a fortnight and find out what's happening. I live in NSW which has been a Liberal state since at least 2011. Victoria is a Labor state and my ex got his DSP in 2005 the same way you did. We had a state Labor govt then. Thanks so much for you're advise, I'm hoping to get a report from my Orthopedic neurosurgeon. e

carmenp1 profile image
carmenp1 in reply to Lolarufus123

If your housemate is your partner/husband eg. then they can assess you as a couple but how can they assess you as a couple if you are sharing accommodation? They assessed my application as a couple with my husband but that is only to determine the payment I would receive not whether or not I would be put on a disability pension. It's like dealing with the enemy when you are dealing with Centrelink and now the NDIS. So wrong and so frustrating to make us fight to get any support. I have lost my health because the gov talked about supporting Carers but I had to fight for every tiny bit of help they begrudgingly gave me.

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to carmenp1

Hi Carmenp1, both my housemate and I had to fill out an 11 page form so Centrlink could decide whether to deem us as a couple or not. Somewhere on the form there was a paragraph stating that people not in a sexual relationship may be deemed a couple. There were questions like "who pays the electricity, the rates, the insurance", I just kept writing "pay half each or share". I have no idea whether or not we will be deemed a couple but if so I won't be surprised at all. Now I am applying for the ND IS so I'll see how that goes.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

That's also crazy that they can deem u as a couple when your house mates, that's not fair on either of you. If they deem you a couple and your housemate works full time will that effect her wages she gets, people here pay tax and national insurance on there wages, not sure if you do but if they count you as a couple does that have a knock on effect on her? Xxx

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to carmenp1

Good God. U must feel so frustrated and annoyed. No wonder u feel like u r fighting the enemy. I only waited 3 and a half weeks and that felt forever for my descion, I really feel your frustration. Xx

carmenp1 profile image
carmenp1 in reply to Debbs73

Did you get into the NDIS? My GP half heartedly gave me a Medical report for the NDIS application because no one with Fibro and CFS have been given access to the NDIS. I assume none he has seen.

Lolarufus123 profile image
Lolarufus123 in reply to carmenp1

Hi I only received my ND IS application forms a couple of days ago. I am also going to see my Orthopedic neurosurgeon on 11 December and hope to get a report from him. Im sorry to hear that Centrelink is driving you mad. It appears that that's how most people that are dealing with them feel. They are driving me crazy too. Good luck with your ND IS application. I won't be putting my application in until late December. I see my Orthopedic neurosurgeon on 11 December and I hope to get a report from him. Wishing you all the best. I hope you have a nice weekend.

Laura09 profile image

Ahh I had a feeling you would get awarded esa after you said your husband showed no emotion. But well done hun at least you can relax a bit now xx

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Laura09

No it was the assessor that showed no emotion, my husband said to him on a few occasion "look she has answered your question u can see she's upset"

Laura09 profile image
Laura09 in reply to Debbs73

That actually makes perfect sense now lol my bad sorry but well done xxx

Debbs73 profile image

To be fair I don't know much about UC , just that people are waiting weeks for decision.

Debbs73 profile image

Oh that's not good. So I'm guessing from what you have said that they are going to put all benefits into one. 🤔

Lolarufus123 profile image

Hi Debbs73 thanks for explaining what PIP and ESA is. The UK seems to have a better welfare system than we do. We have 'work for the dole' which I see as punishment for being unemployed. Even people in their sixties have to do 20 hours a week if they don't have enough superannuation to live on. I so hope this Government gets voted out. I hope you are not in too much pain and have a nice weekend.

Debbs73 profile image
Debbs73 in reply to Lolarufus123

Hiya. Blimey that seems a little harsh on people in there 60's. So what is the retirement age for men and women? Not surprised you want the government that is in office at the moment to be voted out. People who are onthe dole here get what's called job seekers, which is where you have to proof you are looking for jobs if u don't you can get sanctioned and have your money stopped. Yeah not having a good day today my pain is horrendous. Hope your keeping well yourself. U have any plans for the weekend?😀

Lolarufus123 profile image

Hi Debbs73 yeah it's terrible for people in their sixties. Most of the women do 20 hours volunteer work in op shops, I'm not sure what the men do. The pension age goes from 65 to 67 depending on the year you were born. I am going to my son and daughter in laws for dinner tonight. I love seeing them and my 5 year old grandson. However I am in agony. I hope you feel better soon. Where do you get the pain?

Debbs73 profile image

Hi Lolarufus123. I hope you had a lovely meal at your son and daughter in laws? Do they all live close to you then? How old is your grandson then? I bet u spoil him do u? I can't wait to my son has kids of his own and I get to have them. My pain started of in my knees after a few years it went to my shoulder fast forward operations an numerous procedures now pain is in my feet both knees now right shoulder both thumbs lower back both hips. Where is your pain? Hope your pain isn't to bad today. Xxx

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