Heel Pain.: Hi, I seem to have pain in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Heel Pain.

Arniesmate profile image
30 Replies


I seem to have pain in my heel, feels like something is stuck in there, like glass or a splinter, but nothing there as have shoes on all day or slippers, haven't been on wood bare foot either. I do stand a fair bit at work, I can sit but feel like I ma being lazy as my last job was on the go for mostly 14hrs a day.

If anyone has a solution as to why it would be great. Seeing Doc Weds, so might ask him.

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Arniesmate profile image
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30 Replies
uggycat profile image

Hi Arniesmate I described exactly that to my doctor, l have puseudo Gout, I think that is something to do with my pain. Hope you find out about it. xxxxx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Arniesmate

I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are experiencing this horrid pain and there is a medical condition called Plantar fasciitis that affects the heels causing pain. I have pasted you an excerpt and a link to the *NHS Choices cache on this issue below:

*The plantar fascia

The plantar fascia is a tough and flexible band of tissue that runs under the sole of the foot. It connects the heel bone with the bones of the foot, and acts as a kind of shock absorber to the foot.

Sudden damage, or damage that occurs over many months or years, can cause tiny tears (microtears) to develop inside the tissue of the plantar fascia. This can cause the plantar fascia to thicken, resulting in heel pain.

The surrounding tissue and the heel bone can also sometimes become inflamed.


I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your doctors appointment for Wednesday and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


mason profile image
mason in reply to TheAuthor

hi ken i was diagnosed with this condition yesterday after weeks of pain they dont know how i have injured myself as i am wheelchair bound i also have perifual neuropath fibromyalgia and osteophorisis i am in so much pain and 2 melanomas on my face i have never heard of this before .

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to mason

Hi mason I am so genuinely sorry to read this, and I truly hope that they can help with all of your health problems my friend. I think I may have plantar fascia as my right heel has been in agony for a few weeks now? Please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


rubycheshire profile image

I don't want to disturb you as it may be something completely different. I started with a pain like that over 4 years ago. I left it for a few months, and as it started to get worse (all the bottom of my left foot) I went to see my GP. They diagnosed Plantaphaceitous. 4 years down the line I am unable to wear a full shoe at all and it now affects both heels. I have seen the Musculoskeletal team and then on to the Neurologist. I am going for an MRI in a couple of weeks. I guess the reason I wanted you to know this, is in the hope you don't leave things if you don't think they are right. Keep asking. I hope you get it sorted really soon. Brightest blessings.

in reply to rubycheshire

mine is similar to yours except my foot/heel pain is due to a massive inoperable cyst inbetween the joint in my ankle. also several other smaller cysts in my foot, they showed me the MRI and it didn't look pretty lol

naturalnikki profile image

Sorry, I know how painful that can be.

I get little crystal like things right near my heel bone, my massage therapist keeps asking me if I've been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, but I don't go to the dr, so I haven't. But to get rid of them I have to break them up.

With a knuckle or the rubber end of a bottle opener- that's what I use. I massage the muscles around them and start digging it. It is UNBELIEVABLY painful, but I can walk afterward.

Anyways sorry your dealing with this and I hope you find some relief.

Good luck×

Raboo profile image

I there have been times when I would get up where my entire foot, left and right, we're very tender to walk on. My heel, side of my foot, ball of my foot and even my toes. It would go on for weeks. I asked aboUT it, the doctor never heard of it before

charlie28 profile image

I was diagnosed with plantis facitis a few years back after I broke my heel. The hospital sent me for something can't remember exactly what it was called but it's the same thing that breaks up kidney stones quite painless each session is 5 mins once a week for 6 week never had a problem since. Sorry can't be more helpful, hope you pain free from this at least soon

Bertiedette profile image

I have had plantar facitis for about three years it is awful.

Can walk as long as I don't stand still.when getting up it hurts after sitting for a while,shopping and queuing are a nightmare.

I have spent a fortune on orthotics and shoes. Hope that you have not got

It .Dont neglect as most people can get better from this painful problem

With the right exersise and support it will clear. Take care.xxx

Hi Arnismate

I have had plantar fascitis for years and I was told it is a biomechanical problem. I had some insoles made on the NHS and it went. I now have no pain in the arch of my foot, just in my heel and my ankle swells. My insoles are no longer helping and I was reading only yesterday it could be peroneal tendonitis so i'my off to see my GP next week with it.

Love and light


jackie4ball profile image

I too suffer with pain in both of my feet especially first thing in the mornings in my heels and when I get up to go to the bathroom in the night it is very painful so I am sympathise with you. I feel mine is to do with the Achilles' tendon but could be totally wrong after what everyone says on here with having OA in my knees, hips and hands anything is possible. May as well add feet to the mix.

I would mention it to the dr though and get it checked if they can do something to help it's definitely worth it.

Take care

Jackie x

jcnps profile image
jcnps in reply to jackie4ball

HI Jackie

I have a very similar pain and feel that it is the Achilles that causes pain particularly first thing in the morning - as if it goes into spasm overnight.

I know I have trouble during the day with muscles going into spasm and presume that similar is going on overnight.

My body seems to have completely lost the idea that night is time for sleep and relaxation....not 'lets see how tense we can get'....

Hey ho...still up and doing and trying and keeping on going....as that seems to be my lot in life will be grateful and carry on carrying on....had a sister who died at the age of 52 so great spur to keep going and hit the gratitude button....

jackie4ball profile image
jackie4ball in reply to jcnps

Yes I know exactly what you mean with the body spasms my body goes into a complete spasm first thing in the morning which I hate as I cannot control it at all. I have had this for over 26 years now so at 54 should be used to it by now. But still hard to accept especially when the brain thinks you can do things but the body disagrees completely.

Sleep is one of those elusive things until about 5 in the morning ten I seem to drop off and go in to a deep sleep then feel guilty when I see it's 11 in the morning I have actually got dressed before at 5 in comfy clothes then got back into bed and gone to sleep just in case the postman comes or anyone else visits (very rare they do) but at least I am dressed so don't have to feel guilty then. Crazy I know as many people have pj days!

Hope your day is good today



jcnps profile image
jcnps in reply to jackie4ball

Hi Jackie

Thanks for your reply.

Love the bit about getting dressed and going back to bed!!

I have noticed that sometimes I will sleep for longer if I wake at 5 then go back to sleep....and never had trouble in the day sleeping when I used to do night duty!! Perhaps there is more to being a night owl than we think/know!!

But haven't done nights for years now, last few I did I found it very difficult to stay awake overnight and was sooo tired that wouldn't try it now.

Catching up with progs on iplayer as turn out of doing energy...less concentration/energy needed than for reading!

Hope your day is going well


jackie4ball profile image
jackie4ball in reply to jcnps

Hi J

I think nights messed me up a long time ago I don't know why I feel guilty still being in bed if I haven't slept and my body is saying to sleep.

I never allow myself to sleep during the day as I then worry I won't sleep at night but then I don't get to sleep at night either so it doesn't really make a difference.

It's 11.50 now and I feel so wide awake it gets very frustrating. Also why do nights always seem so much longer than days you look at the clock every hour thinking that time has gone to find it's only 10 minutes gone by.

I hope you have a good night tonight. Take care

Jackie x

in reply to jackie4ball

Hey Jackie it definitely sounds like plantar facitis go see your GP or follow tips I've given arniesmate. Wish you luck 😁

jackie4ball profile image
jackie4ball in reply to

Hi thanks Toolie,

I have wondered about it after seeing some posts on here. But hate going to Drs with more than one thing and at the moment my knees are bad so need to beg to either have MRI or to be referred back to the orthopaedic guys as it is getting worse. On top of waiting for minor surgery on my hand which may then need more surgery if this doesn't work. It's awful that we should feel we can only mention one problem at a time especially as they could possible be all linked.

Thank you and take care x

Jackie x

ailsamary profile image

Planter fasciitis can also be caused by heel spurs, occasionally an op to remove the bone can help. Also steriod injections may help some people. One of the few benefits of not being mobile is not to be bothered as much with that ,

NANJAN59 profile image

You may have Plantia Fascitis. Heel problem I had that was cured in time with a change of footwear recommended by my Podiatrist. They are trainers that have the rounded sole that make you place your foot on the floor in the right way, enabling you to stride out properly. Look it up or suggest it to your GP. If you want the name of the trainers let me know. They are easily available at moderate price, as trainers go.

TeddyC profile image

Hi, I have plantar fasciitis, it started in my right foot and then in the left. It is very painful. My doctor referred me to a bio mechanical podiatrist, she gave me exercises and gel heel inserts for my shoes. In my case it was caused by stiff calf muscles, which I believe to be part of my Fibro. I still have some pain despite daily exercise. I hope you get the help you need from your GP. X

ang192 profile image

I was also diagnosed with plantar faciatis and had a number of treatments given and none seemed to help. I was then given a course of dicoflenac for inflammation of a joint elsewhere and it also sorted my plantar faciatis out.

Amazing! it's never come back since .

Could be plantar facititis- are your shoes really flat? if so you need to get a proper heeled shoe - and as you stand all day having really flat shoes isn't going to help you. I've had it and got an injection from GP and it doesn't bother me at all but now and again I get a niggle I have heel insoles in my shoes got them from that famous chemist by the famous foot care people which also help a lot - you can always try the following too- a can of peas or beans and put it under the arch of your foot and roll it back and forth - the other is face a wall in your house put your foot up against it with toes on the wall and press this will then stretch your foot got all this info from Doctor and a friend who is a physio. Hope this has helped you - good luck. 😁

vg1955 profile image

Sounds like plantar fasciitis I have it I think people with Fibro are prone to it .i use a tennis ball and roll it on the floor with my feet every night while sat down I find this helps .

in reply to vg1955

how do you do that? i cannot do it. it's just too painful lol. you're very brave. x :D

i'd see your doctor and ask to see a podiatrist. they should know what to do, they specialise in feet. :) hope your feet hurt less soon x

mason profile image

hi arniesmate i have had the same problem for quite a while went to the hospital yesterday been told i have plantar fascitis its agony i was told it will take a year to heal i have to see a physio therapist the doctor does not know how i have done this as i am disabled and whelchair bound hope you dont have it let us know xx

jackie4ball profile image

No never checked for that last blood test I had done showed vitamin D deficiency so was given a high dose of Vit D to boost my system. That was a year ago now. Heels are getting worse though.

NANJAN59 profile image


Link to AVIA on Amazon. I've worn out two pairs of these they're that comfortable. I've also got a pair of Sketchers Shape ups. If a find a link for them I'll send it.

NANJAN59 profile image

Skechers Women's Shape Ups Metabolize White/Silver 11800 WSL 7 UK amazon.co.uk/dp/B001N0MS4M/...

These are the Sketcher ones. They are a bit more rounded. It will take you a while to get used to walking in them but stick with them the benefits will pay off. It makes you place your foot on the floor in the correct way. If like me you have spent so many years tentatively shuffling and placing your feet flat on the floor it really does feel strange at first. I can't stress enough about sticking with them. Practice in doors. You do feel a bit drunk first of all but you will get it once you learn to place your foot on the floor using your heel first. Good luck. I hope you stick with it to get the benefit of pain free heels.

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