Hi everyone
I haven't been on here in a while due to studying and not having time for anything else.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 8 years ago, but have had it for 17 years. It took a while for them to diagnose. Since 2009, I have been on Amitrypteline at night. I started on 25mg and now up to 50mg a night. My GP is not keen for me to take more than that, although I am allowed to increase it when I have flare ups. I am also on Paracetamol 1000mg and Ibuprofen 800mg 3-4 times a day. It doesn't take away the pain, but does dull it.
Alongside 'normal' Fibro pain, I get odd flare ups in particular joints which seem to ease on their own. Nothing shows up when they check my inflammatory markers. A few weeks ago, the back of my right knee started giving me trouble, so much so that I have at times had to walk with a stick. I saw the GP (not my normal one) and he gave me Codeine and Naproxen to take alongside the other pain relief. Sadly, they have not touched the pain and now I am feeling increasingly less mobile as my whole body is now stiff and in pain, even when I am just sitting down. GP also told me to lose weight, which I am addressing, but that doesn't help me in the short term.
I am planning to go back to my own GP when I can get an appointment with him. Does anyone have any suggestions for pain relief that actually works? There has been no obvious reason for this increase in pain levels, apart from that I have had a lot of stress with getting essays finished for my studies. However, this has never been a huge factor in the past and I have been good about resting at regular intervals when needed. I am not sleeping well at the moment because of the knee and other body pain, so I know that is not helpful.
Any advice before I go back to my GP would be appreciated.
Thank you everyone. I hope you are all managing your pain levels better than I am.
Janet xx