hello, I’ve had a rough couple of years and I’ve noticed that the past year my flare ups have been getting longer and longer it is also making me feel very anxious. At the beginning of the year I left my job stopped leaving my house and was doing nothing other than struggling I didn’t even contact the doctors I felt that bad.
Now I’ve found a new job but I haven’t been there too long but I have been having family problems and bereavements and my flare ups have started back up making me take time off work this time I have gone back to the doctors and informed them of all this I was just advised to start exercising and to try therapy. I’m struggling to even go to work so I’m not sure how exercise will help when I’m having a hard enough time doing my day to day activities. The pain and pressure in my body and joints is really getting to me and making me feel fed up does anyone have any suggestions????
I am on naproxen and amytriptaline just started to retake these but I don’t find them that helpful and the amytriptaline gives me really bad headaches as well.
Any advice welcome, thanks x