Hi all, In addition to the 'normal' aches, pains, pins & needles, numbness and goodness knows what else. I now have areas of my body & limbs that feel as if I am sunburned. No rash, just major pain. GP thinks nerve pain . . . anyone else with this?
Sunburn: Hi all, In addition to the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Yes, me too. I get a constant feeling of having a very sore rash at the base of my neck between my shoulders on the very bony bit (sorry, don't know the medical name). My husband tells me there is nothing to see. No swelling, no redness, no rash. Just a really sore feeling as if there is a raging rash. I also get a similar feeling on my arms but that is intermittent.
See my latest post
Yes it does happen sometime. My doctor gave me a cream to put on. It helps with the pain. Hugs
See my latest post
I have this over most of my body, all the time. I find with me it is more of an irritation than a major pain.
Of cause as we are all different, others may find it a lot more painful than i do.

At the moment mine is only on my left side, but wearing clothing is just agony. As the weather is not conducive to wearing nothing but a sarong, I may well be staying indoors for the foreseeable future.
See my latest post.
Sorry i cant give much advice on this. I cant wear tights or leggings, they cause itching as well as making the burning worse. That in turn sets off RLS and i avoid any clothing that is in the least bit rough, I often put my pjs on simply because they are lovely and silky.
Strangely the bottoms come up over my boobs and under my armpits??
I would hate to meet the woman that they were made to fit.
I got them from asda, best of being so long they keep my feet warm in bed.
Im 5`2 if i was a little shorter they would be over my head. D
Yes, I get this. My skin is sore to the touch and it's horrible. I have small fibre neuropathy as well as fibro, but no one has explained this. I guess I'm used to it now, but it does come and go.
see latest post
I have just come across an article about fibro pain and clothing. T have put it up as a post.
See my latest post
I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution to this issue.
I have pasted you an excerpt and a link to the NHS Choices cache on this issue:
*Signs and symptoms
Damage to the peripheral nerves can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on the specific nerves affected.
In many cases, the condition first develops in the extremities of the body, such as the feet, hands, legs and arms.
The main symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can include:
numbness and tingling in the feet or hands
burning, stabbing or shooting pain in affected areas
loss of balance and co-ordination
muscle weakness, especially in the feet
NHS Choices Cache:
*Excerpt From NHS Choices.
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you for your reply and best wishes. This wretched condition really does like to give us an array of symptoms and related issues.
I am very lucky in that I have a partner who tries to understand the problems I have. As he suffers from CRPS he certainly gets the sunburn feeling that I've been experiencing. The phrase ''It's good to talk'' is certainly appropriate for all of us sufferers.
Keep well and I wish you more good days than bad
Hi this is when it freaks me out. Someone putting exactly how I describe how mine is. My inner right thigh is sunburn and my outer part feels like it is covered in clingfilm. Take care xx
Yes, it feels like a "Chinese burn" if anyone remembers those from their schooldays. It might be good to get you B12 levels tested, this was one of my symptoms when my B12 was low. MariLiz
Hi there, I get the same feeling when I get a "flare up". The first time it happened 9 years ago I was in a department store walking through racks of clothes and my back brushed up against the garments and it felt like I had razor blades slice though a sunburn, it was absolute agony. Since then i have noticed triggers than cause my flare ups and avoid them as much as possible. It sounds silly but try to write a diary, not for your thoughts but for foods and activities. I know that if I overdo it one day the next day my fibro's going to get me back. Esential oils are great to help you relax and sleep better which really help your body recuperate. Epson salts in a hot bath have helped a lot, reducing contact with individuals that are toxic ( negative or cause you un-needed stress), stretching before bed and in the morning. My latest find has been this tea that contains peppermint and valarian root before bed. Really helps me sleep. Then I take a huge array of vitamin supplements to try and give my body an extra boost. My constants are: Vit. B/C/D, 5htp, SAM-E, magnesium, and several others that help me deal with all the various symptoms related to my Fibro. Hope some of this helps you. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for your reply. I already use epsom salts in my bath and essential oils are a daily thing ( I'm a qualified aromatherapist). I agree, I have a day of doing and then a day or two of fibro induced not doing, due to worse symptoms. I know there are certain triggers that worsen my day - lets hope we can both have more good days than bad