does anyone else suffer from really bad pain and stiffness in both hands? I am not sure if this is an FM symptom or just my oesteoarthritis? The pain and swelling is worse at the base (joints) of both thumbs...anyone else have this problem?
hurting hands?: does anyone else suffer... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
hurting hands?

i have pain but no swelling . My feet are the worst x
I have pain and swelling in my hands. Like you it is worse at the base of my thumbs, I have problems holding things because of this for any length of time, especially small things. I have mentioned it to my doctor and he did refer me to Rheumatology but they just fobbed me off. I think I am going to ask for a re-refferal as it is getting worse.
I also get a lot of pins and needles and numbness in my hands, do you ?
I have been diagnosed with Fybromyalgia and oesteoarthritis so I dont know if the pain I have in my hands is FM or the oesteoarthritis. Yes Bacoloca I get numbness and tingling mostly at night when Im in bed. Its got to the point where I cant open bottles (even milk!!) I struggle to pick my grandson up sometimes...I would just like to be "normal" again, whatever "normal" and by normal I just mean without pain
Hi, I started with pain in the first joint of my left thumb, the one by the wrist and it has spread to several joints.
However, when I was being tested for carpel tunnel as my ring and little fingers kept getting pins and kneedles, the person testing for nerve reactions said he believed I had osteoarthritis. This has since been confirmed, but in addition I have been diagnosed with minor hypermobility syndrome [minor because its not bad enough to label me!].
My thumbs have always been able to lock the next joint, my little fingers too, but now it seems every moveable joint wants to join in and that hurts!
I have problems holding sheets as I change the beds, hang onto mugs safely and in the morning they are either very stiff or too loose! Means I have little or no use of them some mornings, fortunately just for minutes.
So what I am trying to say is you may have more than one problem with your hands but it sounds like a different arthritus like rheumatoid arthritis as you have swelling too. I have none.
I seem to be a bit garbled tonight, sorry. I hope you can make some sense out of it.
Soft hugs
hi sarah jayne, This is the question i was going to ask. I have fibro and just found out i have osteo in my hands its in my thumbs and several fingers. its so painfull dr lookes at them friday and said it was the osteo so looks like we both suffering x x x
I have this in both my hands, I also get pain in my feet so bad that sometimes it feels as if they are broken and I cant walk very well, this can last for weeks and weeks and then go as suddenly as it came.
The past 4 days my back has been agony and I have been so tired and achy I feel totally useless, I am so fed up with the constant pain, its everywhere at the moment in my arms, legs, hands, feet, back, neck and shoulders.
I get so frustrated because I want to do stuff but cant because of the pain and fatigue.
Gentle hugs to everyone who is suffering xx
hi, yes i have pain in both hands and sometimes the swelling too, at the base of your thumb is the carpal metacarpal joint, i know this because i had to have joint replacement there on my left hand. I was under a consultant for carpal tunnel in my elbow and he happened to notice the swelling in my other hand, originally that is what i had been sent to them for but they found compression of the nerves in my other elbow, anyway nothing showed on xrays or scans, it took a camera being inserted into the area where the joint was to see the actual dammage (arthoscopy), osteo arthris and the joint was worn down so much that it had to be replaced, i was 37 when i had it done, but because of my fibro i have felt no benefit from it at all, my other thumb on my right hand is showin the same symtoms but was told that it was pointless doing a replacement if needed becuse again i would not benefit from it. I recently fell and landed on the hand i had surgery on and now am awaiting more surgery to see if the tissues surrounding the joint may have come loose Mine was not due to fibro as i had not been diagnosed with it then but due to the osteo- arthritis. It did puzzle me though as i am right handed and you would have thought it would have been the right hand to go instead, even my physio therepist thought that .....
I also have pins and needles in both hands due to carpal tunnel syndrome. The other pains I get in my fingers and the base of the thumb has been put down to tendon probs..not a lot of help sorry..
I get pain in my hands quite a lot..which just comes and goes.I also suffer from "spongey hands"...I can't carry anything heavier than a mug and can't hold a pen to write, if I knit I get severe pain in joints, particularly the base of my thumbs. My hands don't actually swell, they just feel like they have.
Hope you're feeling better soon xx
Hi Kasha, I know just what you mean.I have fibro, also osteo in my hands and feet. I get a lot of pain at the base of my thumbs and makes my hands weak and I have problems holding and gripping things and with opening bottles etc. All my fingers are painful and stiff especially first thing in the morning and if Ive "over done it". Like you, I find it hard to pick my granson up.He's 15 months now. My toes are painful and they feel like they're broken sometimes,especially when Im walking uphill, even a slight incline. They throb something awfull too.
Its comforting to know I am not alone, although I do feel for each and every one of you, I cant think of anything worse than being in constant pain...thanks for all your replies xxx