Does anyone else have these? The majority of the surges occur in my arms & back, with legs & hips not as much. When they're about to start, I also get pain in my head, and usually my forehead & eyes,which I scrunch up. Light is also affecting me. If anyone else has this, how do you deal with it? Am about 6 -7on the pain scale xxx
Pain surges: Does anyone else have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain surges

Hi pollydee29 it's nice to see you again ☺ Arm pain is quite common in Fibro sufferers and it comes and goes with me, although my hip & back pain is virtually continuous for me. I can have all limbs painful together aswell though. Migraines are also another symptom of Fibro and some people get them quite severe, I'm not a doctor but it sounds like that's most likely, I would definitely mention to GP because there are lots of medication you can be offered to help. All sences are heightened with fibro and eyes seem to be a quite prominent, sensitivity to light.
Peace, luv n light
Jan xx
Thank you so much. I'm on a number of meds, which do help, I think! When it gets like this, I can't look at a screen for too long, which is a nuisance, as have set up my own business, so need to sort out stuff on the pc/laptop xxx
I know what you mean, it feels like nothing's working sometimes, especially when having a flare. Yes my eyes are really bad also, I have to wear verifocals and tint, non glare etc. I feel like my eyes mist up rather than my glasses & I'm always rubbing them & squinting & that's with glasses on lol, it's very frustrating because it's not painful, just highly annoying when you are trying to do something on the pc. I have a tablet & i have to turn the brightness right down on it & it makes it a bit better.
Luv Jan xx
I see from your last post, your 1st post on the forum, you were not given the website, so please do go look at the mother site, you will find lots of useful links and information on Fibro
Also keep your information safe from internet access and lock you post. Here is link to simple instructions
Luv Jan
Hi Pollydee
I don't think I get pain surges as such I just ache and feel heavy over various areas of my body and the ache and feeling of heavyness can be in different areas on different days. One day it will be my right arm, next day my left. Both my hands and fingers ache and knees and hips and elbows nearly all the time tho. Feet have recently started to hurt so new feeling there for me.
I g e t pain in head and eyes, especially with light. I was so uncomfortable so arranged optician apt early and prescribed reactive glasses but sometimes even they are not strong enough, especially in shops they have led lights on display. I am sat here at with ice pack wrapped in to towel to pop over my eyes to cool them as they feel so hot. I do get pain in arms legs hips and knees which feel heavy and as if they are bruised, and a tingly prickly feeling which then can feel itchy. I've noticed that if I do scratch the area, it's not actually itchy, just painful l i keep a bruise and will then turn into a bruise.
I had this on my hip and on my side and top of knee, usually wake up with it.
Hope someone has a solution that may ease some of your symptoms. I am going for a nice bath with magnesium and Epsom salts. Then rub in some magnesium oil. Once my headache goes a bit
Best wishes
Hi hun is this fibromyalgia pain or something else?
Pain in forehead and eyes could be due to sinus, worth checking. I have chronic migraines which leave me sensitive to light, when I bought my last pair of glasses I bought a second pair tinted as dark as they could be, this really helps especially in bright shops etc with their awful lights. All the best
Hi, It is quite common to have these pain surges and trouble with vision with fibro. However, if you have started having these just recently I suggest you speak to your doctor and also get your eyes checked.
Living with fibro is hard work and hard on your thought processes too, "is it fibro or isn't it?"
There are so many symptoms and they seem to differ from person to person it is a job to know what is what.
Hope you find the answers and get relief very soon.
Thank you everyone. Have had a sleep this afternoon- eyes are still aching & feel shattered. I ran my 1st workshop on Saturday; this is where the pain is coming from-a build up of stress. I've set up my own business & the workshop was a test run; it went ok but I need people to book me, I need to be known. It's all making me feel pants xxx
Hi pollydee29
I am so genuinely sorry to read this my friend, and I also have these pain surges myself. I suffer with terrible migraines which make me photosensitive. If these symptoms persist or get any worse I would talk to your doctor about it just to have other medical conditions ruled out of the equation. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you