Hi, I claim DLA because of a brain aneurysm and being left with epilepsy. Was recently diagnosed with Fibro and RA. Got a letter to say that the DLA was changing to PIP. What happens next ?. Will I be called in for a medical ?. Thanks all.
Medical: Hi, I claim DLA because of a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Nemsi,
You might just be automaticically switched over, or you might have to fill in an other benefit form for PIP, I hope you kept a copy of your DLA form, just fill in as you did in your DLA form, I was on incapacity benefit, which changed last year to ESA benefit, I had to fill in a new form for that, I hope it all goes well for you,
Take care Honor x
I have just posted some information about the change over and when it is due to happen in different areas.
As i understand it some people are just automaticaly changed over, others are
tested. Most of it is answering questions and you can refuse to do anything that you feel will be too much for you.
I hope this helps hugs sue

Thank you Sue. Where will I find all the information you have posted please. Im new to the forum x
Forgot to say that if you do get a form to fill in, get help from the CAB or similar to fill it in.
Thank you. Will take a look. X
Nemsi, welfare rights might be good to help you fill in forms or CAB as Mayrose54 suggested best of luck, I'm in dispute with DWP just now I wrote last July to be changed from esa activity group to support group letter signed for 9 July started working on it 24th July 6 months later no word Jobcentre got processing centre to call me, they have no record at all of it resending again via welfare rights they are sending an accompanying complaint letter so we shall see what happens xx
Hi Honor. I am having my own battle with them over the care component of PIP. I would probably have let it go if they had not told me that ,1 yes i did have fibro, 2 i did not have an illness that would cause brain fog.
Like red flag to a bull.
Last time i was turned down was that they did accept that fibro caused these problems but i had given them no proof.
I now have proof that i have memory problems but without a possible cause. I am now about to post this along with another covering letter.
I hopr its enough because i am now at the end of the paper chase and dont know where i would go next.
Shall we wish each other luck and hope for the best.

Aww Mayrose54, it is a nightmare, the forms are not easy either, ive just filled in a 16 page MI 12 form for mortgage interest & a 49 ESA3 form for additional financial help! Waiting on the PIP form to come yet! As you say wish each other the best of luck xx
Anyone know where the adverts came from?
I am glad it isn't only me I thought I was going crazy and had some how picked up a virus on my computer. Loved your photo by the way.x
Glad its not just me, too. Now how about a nice roof structure?
Don't start us. We went to see a bungalow today and all I wanted to do was look at the local church. I must really get my priorities sorted out!!!!x
No good telling you our church had a barrel vault then. You can still see where the laths were attached to the timbers
Bad Badger
Very, very, naughty badger no tummy tickles for you tonight.x
well I suppose it's self inflicted.
what a nightmare these forms can be, in 2012 my son was informed of the change over, then received a phone call, it was so difficult that finally they asked his permission if I could speak for him, then we filled he forms in to the best of our ability, tried C.A.B. but they just didn't know how to help, eventually received letter 21st June 2012 granting him the new benefit, he DIED on 20th June 2012, I'm still very distressed. Alys
I don't suppose that could be helped. The letter was probably in the post and could not be stopped. However officialdom can be completely insensitive. There was a case a few years ago where a child had died so the parents sent in the child benefit book. Instead of issuing a new book for the surviving child, they crossed out the name of the deceased. Huh?
I'm sorry you've had to suffer like this. It's so unhelpful. Hugs x
So sorry to read your post Alys. The systems are so rigid and the people administering them don't seem to be able to have any flexibility. Take care.x
Hi Nemsi
I am so sorry to read that you have experienced such a horrid time in your life and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues. I have pasted you a link to the GOV.UK cache on PIP, so I hope that you find this useful and get the answers that you are looking for:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your claim.
All my hopes and dreams for you
thank you 'rosewine' just feeling a little down and missing my beloved Son xx
Come to this site whenever you feel the need. I have no children myself unfortunately but have lost dear friends too early and my husband's brother again too early and I know how we feel but your grief must be even deeper. I go to a book club with a lady about your age who is herself disabled and she lost her son from cancer a few years back and she said coming to socialise at the book club etc was a life saver. I know even with this she gets very down and his birthday, Christmas etc she finds very hard. Your grief is enough to battle with without your other health problems. Allow yourself to grieve as trying to smother those feelings will only make things worse.
I feel I want to somehow reach into the page and hug you. Be kind to yourself.x
THANK YOU your words do give me comfort, I'm going to go out in the day when I can, my village does have a bus every hour and a half, but none after 5.oopm, I have not been able to let go of my boy but I know his pain is over x
I am pleased to hear that. It is difficult when you live in a village when transport stops at a certain time. I am fortunate that I have an old, little car which I love but as I find my symptoms get worse as the day goes on I only go out on a nighttime if someone else is good enough to take me and it is about once every 6/8 weeks when I meet a group who I used to go to school with. My last outing was cancelled because the kind person who usually takes me was ill herself and I just was not well enough to drive. I know when I am out that although the effort may mean I am fatigued and in pain for days afterwards I do feel better for having social contact.
Take care. Think Spring is upon us with the lighter nights and I always feel more hopeful this time of year.x
THANK YOU for your words do give me comfort, I'm going to go out in the day when I can, my village does have a bus every hour and a half, but none after 5.oopm, I have nt been able to let go of my boy but I know his pain is over x