Hi I've had intermittent back pain for last week. I've been using omeprazole daily. It's worse tonight and I just wondered if it sounds fibro like. The pain is mostly on right under shoulder blade but shoots up and down back. Also intermittent discomfort in front right under rib cage. I'm workinh on basis it's gastric or gall bladdery but thought I would ask your view. Thanks
Back pain: Hi I've had intermittent... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Back pain

I take omeprazole and have symptoms you describe, if this is new to you see your GP. I have had all the tests gastroscopy and colonoscopy and have my diagnosis so do get checked out. x
I've had scans of my tum liver etc and nothinh shows. I will be seeing doc on 23rd so if I can manage till then I will. Bloomin hope it's not a new fibro thing. Heat soothes it which makes me suspicious it's fibro.
Hi Becca, I had written a response to you earlier. No idea what happened to it.
You sound quite uncomfortable.
Any chance of seeing your doctor or a qualified professional from his office, before the 23rd?
I hope you find more comfort soon.
Hi beccaburton
Nice to meet you
It sound ? very gallbladdery or ? Digestive in nature
I had my gallbladder out in 2004 but all my test were normal scans endoscopy Ct scan 4 months of physio etc etc etc . Luckily or Unluckily I had strong family history of gallbladder disease in my family but they found out once it was removed that it was chronically infected . The pain was just as you describe and heat did help,and it would nt react specifically to any food until a good few how's after then it would start with spasms and constant pain .i also had a band like pain going around very high up my tummy ( wear my bra finished it was a relief to take it off ) feeling very bloated distended going into pain . The final thing is the Dr will always do every test neccessary as surgery is always a last option ( it could be something very simple that does nt require surgery ) and my consultant told me if we don't find anything we are looking in the wrong place as I thought I must be mad as the pain was so bad but they could nt find a cause .also the more you call out your Dr the quicker things happen don't be suffering and not letting the GP now if you don't tell them they can't help love .
I would really like to here how your getting on so please if you feel up to it let us know
Take care and good luck
Love squeak xxxx🐷🐭
I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to this issue. As lou60 says, if this is a new experience it is always best to discuss it with your GP or Medical Specialist just to get other things ruled out of the equation.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with finding the answers that you so desperately desire and deserve to alleviate this pain.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I feel your pain I had terrible back pain for the last week. I got a half an hour light back massage on Saturday though and it's eased up alot I would probably see your GP anyway.
Hi beccaburton, definitely sounds very much with Gallstones. My daughter had those symptoms for a few years and had her Gallbladder removed a few months ago. I ran back and forth with her to A&E for two years as she was in agony. At 1st they told her she was having esophagus spasms duh! Took a long time to be diagnosed and only when her condition turned into pancreatitis which is quite dangerous. Good luck & take care, Mags x
Sounds familiar. Taken 40mg of omeprazole morning and night for 5 years at least now. I don't think I suffer any pain due to the medication. I have used gaviscon a lot but this never stopped the pain. Try not to worry we all suffer different side effect from medication. The pain you are describing happens to me often and sounds Fibro like. Talk to your Doctor and try to relax as stress will just make the problem worse.