Hello everyone
the Personal is Martyn , I now live near Burton On Trent I saw this forum whilst flitting through various stuff and decided to join up I think I got a diagnosis offered whilst living in LEEDS,in 2001 from a nice lady Doctor who had been my GP for about 1.5 years at the time and she knew I had a long long history of bad arthritic type complaints in most of my joints and muscles throughout my body and she heard about the complex injuries I received by being hit by a car in 1962 but that is another story I can tell some other time...
So anyway the GP, she offered up Fibromyalgia as my problem anyway cut the story into short bits a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then including many major depressive bouts. Diabetes setting in , Cervical Spondylitis and now Ankylosing spondylitis confirmed just recently I also am struggling to get over over some surgery on my back right now but the 11 stitches are having other ideas even after 2 weeks I am still having bleeds. BUT I am not too upset over this I have always tended to be the odd one out when it comes to having anything wrong its never a text book scenario with me I am also the type that can seemingly recover quite quickly from some things and but without notice relapse for no apparent reason it has mystified more than few medical types over the years. my most recent problems I am just getting the better of having being in the care the the Crisis team from one of our nearby hospitals I get signed over to a Community practice team very soon after more than 4 months of their great care they have shown me it was to have taken place on the 10th of the Month but the person due to take hold of the reigns has reported in sick so I am now waiting for a new change over date. ( I hinted that nothing is straight forwards with me LOL)
Anyway I feel I am getting Scriveners Palsy a bit on the keyboard and feeling a little tired with having to use the big fat muscle in my head again so will end it there for now
before I start blubbering on about my hobbies which I have and try to enjoy pain permitting
********************************************************************************************A MEMBER OF MANKIND