Well I've been for the dreaded Medica... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Well I've been for the dreaded Medical at ATOS.

mgclassic profile image
25 Replies

OMG what an awful morning.I didn't sleep all night just cat napped was worrying over medical. Woke up feeling even worse than usual, after all ive read I felt like I was going to the firing squad or on trial for something really bad. My stomach was turning over and over, I'd palpertations till in the end I was trembling inside. Anyway been and done it the examiner had the same forename as me so that broke the ice, my husband was with me every step of the way. I explained I'd not worked for 9yrs But all the time after every question I kept thinking is she trying to trick me. Talk about being paranoid. At the end she said you don't have to do the physical if you don't want to, I said " I prefer not to, coming here and this interview has knocked me out. She did some actions like putting her hands behind her head etc. I said no I cannot do that, no I cannot do that either. Think it went well but after reading some peoples experiences I'm not sure, so it's the waiting game once again hope I dont wait 6mnths like I did for reply to assessment form I'll be in bits. Thanks everyone for your support before I went, I'm hoping it goes ok. MG

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mgclassic profile image
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25 Replies

These things are absolutley terrifying. I was in such a state with mine that my blood pressure went sky high and the medical was stopped due to extreme stress. His words not mine.I am now waiting for a home visit. but how that is going to make it any easier I don`t know. I just wish I could get it over with.Sorry for the rant I hope and pray that yours went well lots of hugs sue

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to

I know how your feeling I cannot cope with going for medicals etc. Everyone tells you don't worry what will be will be, but If thats your nature you cannot help it. I ended up crying at mine. I was so glad to get home, but once again my minds working over again its like a nightmare. Sorry to hear your didn't get through yours and it had to be abandoned, and your having to go through it again via a home visit. Hope it goes ok for you fingers crossed, you might feel more at ease at home. Remember you are not alone, they are always people here to listen. I'm here anytime if you need a rant. MG

Mazz64 profile image

Hi. I understand how you felt, I have had 2 of them so far, the first one I nearly passed out I was so anxious, the second one was a bit better as I knew what to expect, I failed both but won on appeal, I hope you pass with out any trouble, but if not try not to get too stressed about it, easy to say I know, but both my tribunals went well, the first one asked me lots of questions, I was in there about 45 minutes, the second one lasted 5 minutes as they said they could see I wasn't well. I'm having my next Atos medical recorded as there was a lot of fiction written on the report I got back

Good luck to both of you and I pray it all goes well

Mazz xx

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to Mazz64

Thanks Mazz. MG

jillylin profile image


I hope it goes OK for you.



mgclassic profile image

Thanks trying not to think about it the assessor said it might be weeks before I hear anything, they don't rush. MG

Celticmoon profile image

I truly sympathise and hope you'll be successful. Having a debilitating condition is bad enough without having to attend these medical assessments, which are not at all fair for those of us suffering from unseen illnesses like Fibro etc. They simply do not ask the right questions... I think what is even more stressful is the thought that the truth is so often found to be stretched and findings twisted giving an unrealistic and purely fictitious account of how you actually are. If only we could rely upon these assessments being truthful and fair then that would be a whole lot traumatic for all of us who have to endure them. All the best. xx

mgclassic profile image

Hi Celticmoon thanks for your comments. I know we have enough coping with our illnessess, without the stress and worry of these assessment that have been made to be virtually impossible to pass. The thing is it's the genuine people who end up suffering, the scammers will always beat the system how ever hard they make it they couldn't give a stuff who they hurt. MG

ang53 profile image
ang53 in reply to mgclassic

Why oh why do genuine people have so much stress having to prove you are I'll is not right. I am lucky that I have a sit down job and loads of support. The more I think about these medicals the more I struggle to work when I no my time to leave is coming

.hope you all have a positive outcome. And I see the scammwrs and they are clever. Its a sad world but keep smiling hey x x x big hugs to you all x x

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to ang53

Thanks Ang, I loved my job I worked for social services in a childrens team. I just got that I was off more than I was there, just couldn't do it that was 9 yrs ago. I'm now even worse health wise, I tell you what I'd rather be doing Working if it meant I was pain free, and I wasn't sticking needles in myself about 10x a day with my diabetes. Along with not having to swallow 24 tablets a day, and last but not least being able to be more mobile. No brainer which situation I'd rather be in, just because I'm really i'll I still have a brain I always get fustrated that I cannot forfill the things I use to do. Atos want to treat the people they see with respect, because you never know when the tables are turned. Well Ang my thank you turned into a real ranting sessin. MG

ang53 profile image
ang53 in reply to mgclassic

That could be my rant and I understand how you feel. I am diabetic to so we have plenty problems . I told myself I am going to cut my hours but am worried they will see this as weakness. I have my own consulting room so can grab ten mins now and again to close my eyes and chill. I am taking one day at a time see how long I can last I know it won't be until I retire but gonna give it a good go x x

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to ang53

Hi Ang. You keep going girl as long as you can. I did until I had a private medical through work, who said "I wasn't fit to work" so finished my job through i'll health. Hope you can cope till you reach retirement, thinking of you. MG xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi mgclassic

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be after your medical? It is never easy knowing what to do or what not to do? I sincerely hope that it all goes your way, and that you get your desired outcome.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to TheAuthor

Hi Ken. Thanks it was a task and half and nerve racking at times, every answer given you fear it will be twisted. Its done now no going back, just on edge now while answer comes fingers crossed its good news. MG

Jeff1958 profile image

Im sorry but to call these a medical is a misuse of the term , I believe in most cases the verdict is arrived at before you go there , due to the form which is meant to confuse and trick you , we put the blame on ATOS , but I believe the DWP as set the agenda , then you go through hell , we have a disability discrimination law that doesn't apply to ATOS or the coalition , these have got blood on their hands , what aggravates me , is all that was need was a proper medical which would have weeded the genuine from the fakers , im so sorry you are going through this , but don't let you guard down and don't trust them .

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to Jeff1958

Hi know Jeff, I'm only just coming round from the ordeal. The lady seemed really nice and did say I didn't have to do the Physical part of assessment if I didn,t want to. I said no i've had enough, want to get home. I was ages because I'd numerous things wrong with me, the questions were endless, and I was drained. My husband said she seemed genuine and nice, I'm not normally synicle but you do get paronoid I said "thats her job to catch you out." Thats bad isn't it, I'm a very trusting easy going person normally but I had a bad experience yrs ago and the forms are worded to make your answers seem like your not as i'll asyou really are, so I'm on my guard just playing the waiting game. Ha Ranting should be my middle name at the moment or I need my own personell soap box, good to talk though. MG

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to Jeff1958

I don't trust them at all. I'm gonna use my favourite 3 words; go Google fibromyalgia! I can't even sort out myddebt management paperwork, I'm THAT stressed. My pain levels are creeping up, just like the temperature outside! X

rowantree profile image

How do you decide whether it's worth going for PIP? I work full time at a desk job so can just about manage it but I have various adaptations to help me- mouse, pull along bag etc. my partner does all household chores as there's no way I could due to fatigue and weakness. Also I cannot open jars, cut vegetables, carry anything etc. I can walk more than 200 yards (about 900 yards/ half a mile) before pain is too bad to keep going. Is it worth going for PIP? I have hypermobility syndrome and fibromyalgia.


Sarah1969 profile image

I've got my second one today. Last time I was treated like a faker, then labelled fat and lazy! My migraine is already up a little bit to 7.5 due to the worry. I just hope I don't have the same bitch as last time. I think she was a

Descendant of Hitler! X

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to Sarah1969

Hi Sarah why have you got a second Medical, hope it goes well good luck. I'm playing the waiting game and worrying myself to death, which is making me feel even worse health wise its a bloody awful feeling. Good luck fingers crossed it all goes well. MG x

Sarah1969 profile image
Sarah1969 in reply to mgclassic

I didn't have it in me to fight. I just reclaimed as I lost my employment support allowance on the grounds that I am apparently just "fat and lazy". I'm standing my ground this time though. X

mgclassic profile image

I no what you mean in my case I haven't worked since 2005 and my husband does just about everything for me, I only leave the house with him for appointments and a visit to my mums once a week who lives close to us. I hope you are sucessful this time, but its all to do with the points its stupidI know and needs squashing ASAP its a total sham. x

Jeff1958 profile image

They make you feel worthless , believe me , non of you are , I've just put another form to start claiming , but how many of you feel like a beggar even though you've paid into the pot , the only way is to stick together , and please don't think by voting Labour it will alter , they are going to keep this going .

mgclassic profile image
mgclassic in reply to Jeff1958

Hi Jeff isn't there anyway this can be fought, the more I look at how these Medical's are carried out and this ridiculous points system, the more I think about these situations the more I think what they do is against your human rights. If I was a prisoner on trial there would be rights, that I'd be intitled to and they would have to be abided by. I haven't worked since 2005 and had a Job with the council for 20yrs, and I loved that Job they helped me where they could when my health began to fail. After a medical it was decided I could no longer work, I was off all the time when there I wasn't the same person not been able to carry my job out as I'd usually done. I'd like nothing more than to be able to work for sure, that would be better than losing my independance, having to rely on my family for just about everything such as help with dressing, having to have my husband wash my hair etc. He also does the shopping and I only leave the house now when I have an appointment or a weekly visit to my Mums who lives locally. Haven't I got enough going on to depress the best of us, never mind being scrutinised by ATOS actually the lady I saw seemed really nice but I felt like I was on trial and really did feel physically sick. I'd waited six months for a reply to the assessment form, having it on your mind all the time wondering the longer it went on I

mgclassic profile image

follow on to my message didn't quite finish. I thought no news was good news, but I was wrong having recieved a letter to go for a medical. I contacted DWP which to be honest were no help at all telling me everyone as to have a medical. As I've said before this will not effect the scammers, only the people who are genuinly ill will suffer. And god knows what this is costing the tax paying all the medicals and the huge backlog of appeals, have got a freind who's just one his appeal it took 14mnths of worrying before he went before the board he won his case thankfully. Well I think I've gone on long enough everybody take care be as well as you possibly can and have a nice day. MG the total Ranter

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