Don't know how many of you read my post about sleep wear. This was when my 91 year old mum told the chemist that my husband wears pj's but only on Thursday. Mum is very with it and we don't know where that remark came from. Loads of you loved the story so I have another gem for you. A few days ago she gave me a small package wrapped in Christmas paper and told me with a smile it was an early Christmas pressy. When I opened it it was a tube of Vagisan. I only mentioned i was feeling a bit uncomfortable so she decided to ring the chemist and have it delivered with her weekly meds. Now this will make you laugh my daughter told me Mum was going to give it to me Christmas day with my other pressies which we open all together as a family. Can you imagine in front of my son in laws and grandchildren. Luckily my daughter told her that was not a good idea.
My mum's at it again.: Don't know how... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My mum's at it again.

Oh that's so funny. Tact isn't my mum's best point either. But we love them for it.
My mum's always getting words confused - we were at a Championship dog show and she pipes up at the top of her voice - wow look at all those Sazukis. I knew she meant Salukis but the owners of the dogs weren't impressed.
Aw bless. Mind with my fibro I'm as bad everything gets mixed up x
it's great to be able to blame fibro - Mum can't ! she also told me there was a field full of piebald (black and white for those who are not familiar with horse colours) ponies. Thinking this unusual I went to have a look and there standing in the field was a herd of cows!
That's a classic. I would have loved to have seen your face if it had have been under the Xmas 🌲, lol.x🎁x
Aw your mum sound's lovely and so thoughtful, on saying that I'm glad she gave it to you early, I wish she'd got me some, the cream that the GP gave me is no good, I look forward to hearing more about your lovely mum 😊🎅
She is lovely and bright as a button. She has just finished knitting 10 twiddle muffs for those with dementia and 6 woolly hats for the homeless. Many years ago I met her in our local town to do some Christmas shopping. She had only just got off the bus but was carrying 2 bags. When i asked her what she had it was cakes she had made and sandwiches which we had to hand out to the homeless before we went shopping. You won't believe at that time we only found one and he wasn't interested. Sadly that wouldn't be the case these days. We gave the lot to a big issue seller and asked him to share them out. ☺☺☺☺
Cheery story about your are so lucky to still have her around.
Hilarious but thoughtful
Long time ago now but never forgotten:-
I was taken into the maternity hospital, very heavily pregnant and unwell.
Mum, in a flap, rang my older sister “They’ve taken our Jan to the theatre so the doctor can seduce her!”
Sister: “I think that was done ages ago!”
Straight over mum’s head - “ No he’ll be doing it around now!”
You couldn’t script it!!
That's hilarious 😂 I nearly spilled my morning cuppa from laughing so hard. Needed a good laugh.
HILLARIOUS!! I just love older people, they are kind of like kids and just say the funniest things! My G'ma would just say the craziest, funniest stuff that would leave us speechless!
i love your funny mum stories bless her. she has brightened my day thank you xx
Don't you just love them, they mean well, Bless!!