My son in law told me this one yesterday (is he getting at me do you think?)
3 sons went into the world and made their fortune, they decided to treat their mum on mother's day.
the first bought her a big house, the second a big car and chauffeur. The third said, I have out done you both! Mum loves her bible, but as her eyes are not good I have bought her a brown parrott that can recite every verse in the bible. on command! it only took 20 monks 12 years to teach him and it will cost me £10000 a year for the next 10 years. Ha!
Dear son, your house is amazing, I only live in 1 room and I still have to clean the whole house, thank you anyway for the thought.
Dear son, your car is lovely, unfortunately I have no need to travel, and your driver is extremely rude, but thank you anyway for the thought.
Dear son, my dearest youngest son, you know your mother well. Thank you so much for that delicious chicken, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you do, it made me laugh