To the end of the rainbow : Morning to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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To the end of the rainbow

Cookie72 profile image
46 Replies

Morning to all my fibro friends, it's now 5.30 am I just wanted to share the news with you that our dear Westie Lucy left us to join Sophie and Ben at the end of the rainbow, she died at home in our arms at 4am this morning, to lose three doglets in such Short space of time is very devastating, I guess this is what happens when they are all so close in age,.....this picture was taken of Lucy six months ago to show how she liked to be covered up when she wanted a nap ....Sophie Ben & Lucy, I miss u all so very much...hugs to all my wonderful fibro friends ......Dee xxx

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Cookie72 profile image
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46 Replies
Beth1471 profile image

Hello Cookie, I joined the group yesterday and seeing your post made me so sad to read as I have a little Westie by the name of Poppie, your picture of her could very well by my Poppie asleep. I am so sorry for your loss, I really am. My last doggie died suddenly 9 years ago but each time I think of it, tears come. I know all the animals are safe in the meadow at Rainbow Bridge and hopefully we will be reunited with them all one day. Go with your grief and remember you have a ton of support here. Once again I am so sorry.

Cookie72 profile image

Morning Beth, welcome to a wonderful site, look forward to reading your posts, ...thank you for you post, I lost Sophie my other Westie last September then 6week down the line Ben the boxer died now Lucy, ..Lucy was the eldest she was 13 Sophie was12and Ben was 11' , I guess this is what happens when they are so close in age, she died in her favourite place , on the settee, we adopted a six month old puppy from Battersea two weeks ago, as we thought Lucy was pining for Sophie and Ben, I'm just hoping tht Dexter doesn't start pining for Lucy .....once again welcome to our fibro club, you couldn't have picked a better site, look forward to talking to you again...gentle hugs...Dee x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to Cookie72

hello Dee so sorry to hear your sad news .how horrible to have to cope with losing all three of your companions .losing my Max was bad Buster pined for him for about two months least they will be happy playing together at The Rainbow Bridge and you wilal meet again one day.

Beth1471 profile image
Beth1471 in reply to Cookie72

I was contemplating getting another dog for Poppie and me. Just thinking of the pain when they leave you, would it make it more bearable as you still have something to care for. Its that dependency on us that I missed when my Jack died. Took me a while before I considered another dog. I am sure Dexter will bring you some comfort during this time. Its nice to meet you too. I think I am going to be on this forum all day every day there is so much to read, love it though.

agtf1 profile image

Dee, I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you gentle hugs. Xxx

mazzer2 profile image

Sorry to hear your sad news take good care

denvajade profile image

Hi Dee so sorry to read your news, its devastating to lose not one but all three, my thoughts are with you. Trish

Ginsing profile image

Oh Dee I am so sorry for your loss. I lost three of my friends last year and I know how heartbreaking it can be. !

Try and have a happy day with all you memories Take care xxx

Tannels profile image

Hi Cookie, so very sorry for your loss; and losing all three is such a short space of time. Our beloved friends always leave a gap, as they are so very close to us in all ways. I lost my cavalier 3 years ago due to heart problems and going blind in one eye, it was pitiful to see her in this state along with cancer at the end. They had to let me out the back of the surgery, because I could not keep it together, after I held her to the end. I want to replace my friend, but have not been able to as yet. My heart goes out to you and I sincerely hope that you get through this day and know that your little darling is in a better place. Sending gent ((hugs))

Tannels xx

avimay profile image

So sorry to hear your loss, I don't have a dog although I love them, I have always had cats and I remember the pain of losing each and everyone of them. But in time you will remember all the beautiful memories. Be strong your lovely friend is in a much more beautiful place now. Love and best wishes x

Oh Dee, I'm so, so sorry to hear the sad news about Lucy. Gentle hugs xxx

Pinz profile image

So sorry for your losses xxxx

Bless you {{{Dee}}} I've swathed you in lavender fluffies my friend to comfort you through this very sad time.

:) xxxsianxxx :)

Lesley-chard profile image

Hello dee. I'm so sorry for your loss. We get so attacked to our pets it's awful when it happens. I have a jack Russell and also a ground squirrel and we lost the squirrel in November and have a great hole left. Hugs. Lesley x

wildwoman profile image

Morning, so sorry to hear your news, losing a dog is heartbreaking. Xxxx

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Oh {{{{{DEE}}}}} I am so so sorry, this must be almost more than is possible to bear. Yet again I have to admire you, being there with her at the very end, it is indeed devastating. As many here have said, I'm sure dear Sophie and Ben will have been waiting at the rainbow Bridge to meet dear Lucy . She is free from pain now running with them, hold that thought and know that all your fibro friends here are sending you lots and lots of hugs and love to try and ease (if only the tiniest bit) your pain and loss.

I'm sure you will make a real fuss of Dexter and I just hope so so much he doesn't pine too much ! I hope that the lovely dog you so kindly rescued will bring you some sort of solace together with the guidance that Dexter will give her.

I am sending so many positive healing vibes to you and the doglets wish they could come and lick away your tears {{{{Dee}}}}

Foggy xox

Lizzyear profile image

Oh! So sorry to hear about your loss. Our doggies really are a comfort to us. Poor you loosing them all so quickly. I lost my adorable Labrador 2 1/2 years ago, I miss her terribly, even though I have a new cockerpoo, there is still that sadness for my old doggie. Hopefully in time you will remember all the love and company they gave you, without the pain in your heart. Gentle, comforting hugs to you cookie/Dee x

My thoughts are with you at this sad time. Our pets give us such unconditional love and are a big part of our lives.x

Oh Dee I am so sorry that you have lost yet another of your beloved friends, and yes it is it is what happens when so close in age. Over the course of 3yrs we lost 2dogs and 3 cats you just don`t have time to recover before losing another. I am sure that having Dexter will give you comfort and help you through, as having Megan helped me The new pet can never replace the lost one, but helps to fill the hole left in you heart. hugs Sue xxxxx

lclem01 profile image

so very sorry to hear your sad news its so hard to loose your little friend my heart goes out to you take care love lynne xx

Willow51 profile image

Dee, sorry to hear the sad news, such a loss is so difficult, but happy memories will last forever, Linda xxx

ninjananna profile image

Ohh cookie! Such sad news, it made me cry just reading it. I truly hope you are not suffering too much today, please take care of yourself. My love and prayers are with you and your family. God bless!... Ninja...xxxx

Mazz64 profile image

Hi Dee. So sorry to hear of your loss, it's just hearth breaking when they go, I lost my lizard in November she had brain damage and was 3 years old, I miss her so much. I have also lost cats and dogs over the years but I believe one day we will be together again.

sending you lots of gentle hugs

Mazz xx

fibro profile image

I'm so very sorry to hear about Lucy. Just letting you know that I'm thinking of you.

thats a wonderful picture to treasure

Sending hugs xxx

maawasam profile image

Hi Cookie, so sorry to read about your loss. Gentle hugs. xx

bluebell99 profile image

Hi Dee,

It's always heartbreaking when they go and I really feel for you.

We have had a dog for the past thirty years. We are now on our third, Libby, a rescue Labrador, but we never forget Honey and Jazzy.

I am sure Dexter will give you lots of love and whilst he can never replace Lucy, he will comfort you in your grief.

Gentle hugs

Nancy Xx

So sorry to read this Dee,sending ((((hugs))) to you.

paulapips64 profile image

Ah so sad to hear of your loss my thoughts are with you xxx

mimiwen profile image

Dear Dee, I'm so very sorry to hear about Lucy. I'm glad she was in your arms at the end, but it is terrible to lose three precious friends in such a short space of time. Thinking of you, Mim xxx

juniemoon18 profile image

So sorry for your loss, I miss my poodle and maltese terrier who were 17 and 15 when they passed like losing a family member xx

Royalspec01 profile image

so sorry love and blessings

So sorry for your loss xx

Shazzzy profile image

So sorry to hear about Lucy and sophie and Ben, i kniw how sad and painful it is to lose our furry friends. What a lovely picture of Lucy, she looks like a little baby all tucked up in her bed. Best wishes , Sharon

nedd profile image

X X this time of the year my living room can be filled with tiny rainbows due to the sun being low and a crystal hanging in the window. The sun shone and the rainbows were shimmying today. many souls dancing together. X X

bluebell10 profile image

oh dee, so sorry to hear your sad news,thinking of you xxx

Saskia profile image

So very sorry for your sad loss. My heart goes out to you. They will all be beautiful angels in heaven and you will be reunited one day. Comforting hugs Saskia XXX

fenbadger profile image

Aww. so sad. And what a lot of lovely replies. Thinking of you. Gentle hugs.

Jake364 profile image

Sorry for the loss try and stay strong

Gramma profile image

Take comfort in the fact that you have given these lovely little members of your family a loving, safe and happy life. I lost my beautiful Barney almost 5 years ago now, you never forget.

Jenni. X.

lilian68 profile image

sorry for your loss you get so attached i had two dogs sindy 12 & tich 9 i lost then within 7 wks of each other i vowed down i would not get another one as it was such a big loss ,sending u hugs

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Cookie72

I am so sorry to read of your terrible loss, and I sincerely want to express my condolences to you at this time.

Take care my friend

Ken x

sue32 profile image

Aww, I'm so, so sorry to hear about your beautiful Lucy. You must be feeling devastated at the loss. Our pets mean so much to us, more like family really, and it is painful when they move on to the meadow.

I do hope Dexter brings you some comfort in some way......bless you...XXX

RIBBONPINK profile image

Hi Cookie i understand how you feel i have oriental cats and parrots and it is so sad when your family member pet crosses rainbow bridge they are our dedicated companions they give us unconditional love.i will say a prayer.xx pink ribbons

Photogeek profile image

Oh Dee I. So sorry, you must be so sad. Having lost a few pets In The last few years,

Nothing prepares you for it.

At least she is happy now and at peace and you had her love and company, it's

A gorgeous photo.

Please take care.


Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to Photogeek

Hi photogeek, I lost Sophie sept 23 . 2013, then Ben six week later, now lucky last weekend, it was so devastating and brings back the memories of the first one going and how, but this is what happn I guess when you have three dogs of around the same age, thank you so much for your thoughts, I shall be putting a post up to thank all these wonderful people for their beautiful replies..gentle hugs ..Dee xx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Cookie72

Thank you Cookie it's great having pets but I guess

When they leave us it leaves a huge hole. Take care and

Thanks for reply.

Hannah x

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