Hi all it's 3.45 am and I just can't sleep because another of my dogs has become ill, it's Ben the boxer, he collapsed 1am and my daughter had to take him to the vets, they have kept him in, I pray he comes home again, not sure i will cope with losing another pet in such a short space of time, He has laid with me since I lost my dear Sophie three weeks ago, I miss him .. .. I'm going to get a cup hot milk, the if none of my fibro friends are up I'm gonn try to get some sleep as its now 4.05am.....gentle hugs to all ...Dee x
It's 3.45am can't sleep, plz keep fin... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
It's 3.45am can't sleep, plz keep fingers crossed for our boxer dog Ben

Im also awake hope all goes well x
Thank you crissie why can't you sleep...Deex
Hey Dee
sorry to hear about Ben and I'm thinking of you hunny
Calming lavender fluffies for you
Oh Dee my fingers are crossed for your lovely dog I hope it all works out ok xxginsx
What a terrible unfortunate happening..I hope for you too that
all is well by morning or soon after. Hang in there.
I'm coping well but where I live, it's almost 1am and I am
not sleepy. I am working on some "homework for a class.
Staying up late is for the birds but in the morning there's a lot to do.
My body is pretty achy tonight anyway..I hate fibro already. It's mostly
in my shoulder.
I hope your boxer dog is ok. it's so sad to lose beloved pets but although over the years I've lost several darling pets I'm still thankful for the lovely times we've shared and wouldn't have been without them. Thinking of you! x
Hi Dee,
I can't imagine what you must be going through, knowing myself how it feels to have a poorly dog. I shall keep everything crossed that Ben is ok and back with you soon. I know it must come harder having lost another such a short time ago.
We found out yesterday that my dog has diabetes and will need two insulin injections for the rest of his life. Between us, myself and my OH didn't do a great job of holding it together yesterday. I have to take him to the vets on Monday for blood tests, a full examination and for them to talk me through what I'll have to do.
On top of that I've been awake the last few hours with such an awful sensation and am pretty sure I have a UTI... yay, just what I needed..! I'm up now. Every time I laid down I needed to go to the bathroom again. Wll be drinking lots today and hoping it will clear itself, but if not drs tomorrow. I need to be OK for my dog.
I hope all goes well for Ben and that you can get him home soon. I know how I was yesterday, so I really feel for you Dee. My thoughts are with you and Ben and I so hope they find it's something that can be easily treated and sorted quickly.
All the best. Take care,
Pip xx
I hope Ben is OK it is So awful when they leave us. My thoughts are with u. Gentle hugs
Hi everyone,I was awake at around 2.30am and haven't slept much since then.I do hope your dog is o.k dee,sending him lots of healing vibes and comforting ones to you.Sorry to hear that you might have a uti pip,they are aweful so hope you haven't got one xx
Hi Dee
I am so sorry to hear about your Ben.It must be so hard for you having a member of your family such a short time ago.i can totally relate to everything you are going thru having lost my Max (pictured)to cancer 7 years ago .please remember all the good times Sophie brought you.this was Max's last ever photo.i remember all the happy times and what a wonderful companion he was.dont forget we are all thinking of you and hope Ben pulls thru.
Gentle hugs Dee xoxoxo
Hi Dee. I hope you managed to get some rest? So sorry to hear about Ben, Id be beside myself If anything happened to my Border Collie Tilly. Sending positive, healing thoughts both your ways, Sam xxx
I do hope poor Ben is OK, could he be pining for your other poor dog that passed away?? Take care XXX
Hi Dee , I'm so sorry, I missed seeing this post earlier........please forgive me. I am really hoping that the Vet was able to help dear Ben, and that he will return home to keep you company again,
Loads of positive thoughts and vibes coming your way ((Dee))
Foggy x
Hi so fingers crossed.
Oh dear! Such a worry, especially when you've already recently lost another dog. I am sending lotsa love and positive vibrations to you and Ben from me and Humphrey, my gorgeous little rescue Westie. x
Afternoon Dee have you any news yet how is it all going? Thinking of you xxgins
Hi Dee, any news on Ben? How are you now?