Hi there to all my fibro friends, just wanted to say a huge thankyou to all for your wonderful replies regarding Lucy, I miss all three so very much, especially Sophie as she was my very own dog, I loved them dearly, I miss Ben when I potter in the garden he was always there beside me, if Sue my daughter wasnt around then Lucy would always lay beside me in the afternoon when I had a rest, even when Sophie was here she would lay with us both, and Sophie would be cuddled into me, sorry I'm babbling on I really only come here to thank you all for your wonder replies, you don't realise just how many people you do talk to on here, and I'm so pleased to have so very many caring fibro friends, and because I have so many I thought it better to make one personnel post of thanks to you all ...thank you ........sending you all a gentle hug and a huge handful of sunshine.....hope to be back on soon....Dee xx
Thank you my lovely fibro friends - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Thank you my lovely fibro friends

Hi Cookie72
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you can be today? Thank you so much for your post. You are a wonderful and beautiful person, and I am so delighted that you found the warmth and friendship that you genuinely deserve.
All my hopes and dreams for you.
Ken x
hi dee, don't be sorry,it's lovely to hear about your dogs & it is very sad when we lose them as they become a member of you family, i hope you feel better soon, sending you loads of handfuls of sunshine & hugs xxx
Lots more hugs sue xxxxx
Hi Dee, Just before Christmas my wee dog was knocked down by the post women, in our drive no less. He was only 14 month old and we still miss him terribly. They are family, and I hope you remember all the good times with them. Big gentle hugs to you

Thank you tiredalot, they most certainly are part of the family, I've had dogs all my life, you would think each time losing one would get easier but it doesn't does it, it's terrible painful grief every time, I miss all three so much, hugs to you ...Dee
Hi again Dee, I have lost 3 terriers in 2 years. two of old age and the other I mentioned. We miss all three and still laugh at their antics when we had them. But I really miss my pup, as her was the cuddliest of them all and so perceptive to when I needed a sloppy kiss and a cuddle. I am so tempted to get another, just not sure if I can cope with the energy level of a puppy again ...Susan

Sorry to hear your loss Susan, it's a horrible grief isn't it, I live with my daughter and we went to Battersea about two weeks ago, to see a pup of 6months, so all the tedious work is out the way, but if on my own I wouldn't be able to go for a pup, it would be far too much or me, I couldn't walk it for one and they do need a change of scenery thru out the day, my daughter takes Dexter out every eve when she comes in from work before she does anything else, he's. pretty good really , I just sit back, cos he's a staffie cross not like our dear little westies, Ben was big but my condition wasnt as bad eleven years ago as it is now, o I was able to cope with his puppy days ....thinking of you, gentle hugs....Dee xx
Morning Dee,
How are you doing well I hope, I see the candy crush saga is your game I am afraid I hate those games. I am always pleased to see you are keeping occupied. Did you find many spring flowers in the garden? I am in Coventry and the Camelias are about to burst into bloom
Take care
Evening gins, how do you know I play candy crush, it's not my favourite, but keeps my mind occupied, I try to beat my daughter in law who's an absolute addict, I prefer the hidden objects games where you have to go thru tunnels thn back on your self, it's a mind working games I also enjoy the jigsaws and crossword games nd any card games, prefer things that might make what little brain I have work lol, but do tell how you know I play that game cos I don't go thru Facebook ,....yes I have a lot of little crocus and snowdrops in the garden also some daffodils , I managed to potter in the garden yesterday and put some bone meal around the base of the fruit trees, unfortunately as you know what use to take a couple of hours now takes all day, so we have to do this feeding over a week now lol, there's just so much I can't do, it's frustrating, as it isnt my age that's stopping me it's this blooming desease we have ......hope you are ok, and Coventry I know is known for its pretty flowers, take care gentle hug....Dee xx
Aww Bless you Dee. It's always sad. I still revel in the happy memories of my mutts. No apology needed this is exactly what friends are for
Gentle hugs and healing vibes x