He he I am not good at this but I will show you the results soon xxgins
I have duly made the biscuits they ar... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I have duly made the biscuits they are star shaped ! when they are cold I am going to icing them

Well done you gins I saw a friend yesterday who had been very clever and made flour and salt dough gingerbread men (adding spices so they smell Christmassy
) and stars and then iced them and strung them up to make decorations, they looked soooo good and apparently they will lat for ages. I only have a fleet of felt robins, a felted Christmas tree and a felted wreath ( guess what.....with a ......robin sitting in it hehehe). I've just got me and the dogs to cater for so I doubt there will much cooking going on, but I love the smells of Christmas
Foggy x
Well done gins,can I have one?How are you gins and foggy?For some reason part of my posts are in a different language,well Spanish I think lol xxx
Well it was Portuguese! Don't know how it changed cos I didn't change it but think I've changed it back to English now lol xxx
Methinks your iPad is rebelling, mine did it once Just for fun my right shoulder has decided it's time to release it's full arthritic fury, my brilliant doc Barry rang me earlier and bless him he's fitting me in for a cortisone injection on Monday ! I really wish everyone here had such a good and understanding GP
Foggy x
Have I missed out on some biscuits? I love biscuits xx
I know its naughty and that I should have saved it for christmas,but ~Ive already eaten mine sue
I have some left stil now you will just have to wait
lol xgins