what did the doctors say to you when ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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what did the doctors say to you when you told them you mite have fibro?

bettybooplins profile image
11 Replies

my doc said theres nothing we can do for you

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bettybooplins profile image
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11 Replies
fibrolou profile image

hello, my dr told me fibro is something that is diagnosed when they cant find anything else wrong !! He did however refer me to rhumotology where i was formally diagnosed. Perhaps you could ask for a referal ? Hope you find the help you need x x

anjie profile image

My GP diagnosed me with FM, said that "increased pain perception" is probably a more acurate description...he's actually been really helpful and asked the right questions from the start...I was ready to put up a fight, but I didn't need to...

I have a friend who was referred to rheumatology...so that's probably the best way to go.

jahni profile image

i went through many depts in hospital even been took in and kepts for weeks, while finding what was wrong with me. in the end i saw the rheumatology dept to be told what i had it took 7 years to find that out,i was relieved that i was not mad and it did exist, once that happened things became better for me, i had my womb cautsed and that stop the contsant bleeding and bit by bit thing became bearable ,and my gp keeps up with new reasearch in this

jue2829 profile image

hi, suffered for 8 years , thought i was going mad, drs hadnt a clue, went to rheumy at hospital who said i had psoriatic arthritis, was on methotrexate for 7 months then saw another rheumy who said it was fm all along, went back to drs who now blame any ache n pain on its your fibro, nothing can be done, now on 3rd dr in 8 months and just had a xray on knee as he thinks its osteoarthritis, back to see rheumy next month as dr refuses to give any meds other than naproxen (1000mg daily) and codeine (90mg daily) unless rheumy says otherwise, also underactive thyroid, depression, wear and tear in lower back, hip, shoulder, neck, anxiety, panic attack and numerous other things, but still got some fighting spirit left so fight i will, xx

Pat16 profile image

My doctor first sent me to a specialist who after 12 months diagnosed me with Fibro. I asked if there was anything that could be done for me and was told yes and told to go back in 3 months time. This was 15 years ago. When I went back I had been put down to see one of the specialists team who told me there was nothing else that could be done for me. Don,t know what they had done in the first place except blood test after blood test. That was the end of that. I had to keep on seeing doctor,s some of which didn,t or wouldn,t recognise it and one in particular more or less told me I was just being lazy. Just keep taking the tablets I was given which get more and stronger all the time but my life is still on hold. Never been referred to anybody as I was told whoever I saw they wouldn,t be able to help until a cure is found. I think they just string you along in the hope you recover on your own or hang onto the hope that you believe one of the other people do you good. The most a doctor as done for me is to give me repeat prescription and told me that the medication is not curing anything just masking a few of the symptoms. He helped me come to terms with it by being honest. Just hoping somebody comes up with a cure as I know we all are. Best Wishes to you all Keep Smiling

Sheena profile image

I have had blood test and everything eliminated. I am going to my GP on monday to see if I can get refered to Pain Management to see if they call help me.

66Amanda66 profile image

Hi, it all started when i was diagnosed with a brain tumour 11 years ago, i was expecting my second daughter at the time. So all the trauma of having major surgery twice and meningitis twice probably caused my fibromyalgia to start, For 10 years i thought my pain and complete fatigue were all down to the brain tumour but really most of it was down to fibro.

I eventually realised it was fibro when i put all my symptoms in a symptom checker online and it came up with fibro, i asked my GP if he thought i had Fibro and he agreed so really i diagnosed myself.

I have all the classic symptoms, widespread aches and pains, fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc etc etc....

Im now just glad i know what it is and that it wont kill me!!! but do have really difficult days most of the time and am virtually unable to walk anymore without chrinic back pain.

I have recently been helped by social services to get a bathboard, perching stool etc, many people dont realise they can get these things free of charge, just get your GP to refer you to social services, also im on a waiting list of 18 months for a wheelchair which is ridiculous!

Just waiting now to see if im able to get more financial help, i have applied for DLA, i already get the lower rate but am trying to get the higher rate now. I relly need help around the home and it doesnt come cheap!

Take care everyone Amanda

bettybooplins profile image

thanks for everyone getting bk to me my doctor is useless everytime i go bk i feel like am just being this naggy woman that complains about being sore all the time i was on kapac for my migraines but stupid me told him i think am addicted so he took me off so now am on 8 /500 co codamel and to be honest i think there doing my insides damage he wont give me anything else for the pain just keeps saying nothing we can do for you :( xxxx

anjie profile image

When I first went to see a dr about back pain (which it was where it was more prevelant) I was getting nowhere...just going back every so often....still nowhere.

When I started going weekly, and I must admit I felt like a right fool....but they started listening and eventually I found a dr who asked all the right questions.

Take the information from the site, say you've heard of people who have this and this, can we try those...etc

Can you choose to see a different dr?

Make a nusiance (damn I've sat here for 5 mins trying to spell this right!)

of yourself....really pester.

Can you take a friend for moral support?

Good luck x

RRZA profile image

I had not heard of Fibro Myalgia before my diagnosis I thought I had ME or Cancer because I was feeling so ill and no matter which consultant in which field I was referred to there was no answer. Although the upside of this was that other condtions were found and dealt with that possibly saved my life. Once I had sent a letter to my GP with a diary of the way I felt daily he knew exactly where to refer me and I was just thankful to have a name for what I was feeling and some medications that were specific to that condition. I thought I was either going mad or would be labelled a Hypochondriac.

bettybooplins profile image

thanks ive already moved doctors over them being stupid before with other things and got told they were really good doctors with the place am in now dont really want to keep moving docs but mite have to if they wont listen ive never had a good realtionship with docs before so it kind of puts me off pestering them cause am quiet i dont really speak up for myself i will bring my husband next time cause he wont take no for an answer xx

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