If a member of parliament got fibro do you think that they would change the decsion for DLA ? So we don't have to fight them all the time for what we are entitled to .
If someone in parliament got fibro do... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
If someone in parliament got fibro do you think .

yes i think they probably would,if those decision makers at dwp had to live in our bodies for just a day they would soon give them back!
Wouldn't that b great and maybe then more people would get a better understanding of this illness and the daily struggles most of us have. It would b great 2 c what changes they make 2 help us and I'm sure fibro would def b a more recognised illness. I was having a really good day so hubby took me, stepson and his partner out 2 dinner 2 celebrate them announcing they r expecting their 1st baby, it was all going so well till my roast dinner arrived and my hands decided 2 play up, the pains were so bad I couldn't cut up my food, have a drink without spilling it etc. I was so embarrassed, not in front of hubby, he usually has my dinner all cut up 4 me b4 he sets plate down but it's awful in restaurant full of people. I just couldn't enjoy myself r my food so hubby got r sweets 2go (have such sweet tooth and their sweets r 2 die 4) that way I could enjoy it in comfort and not worry bout others