Hi everyone, im about to commence a pain management course and was just wondering if anyone had done the course and how they found it?? Im about willing to try anything x
Has anyone tried the 8wk pain managem... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Has anyone tried the 8wk pain management course?

I did the course a few years ago and learnt a lot. Back then there was no Health Unlocked (or rather I did not know of it) and the first thing I learnt was the magnitude of people who are like me, in great pain. after that I found out about diet, meditation and self time as well as being honest with ones self as to what I can do and the repercussions from that, I do something and how long after will I suffer,
Great course, just remember it is a Pain Management courts not a pain cure course and you will get out of it what you put in.
Kindest regards
I recently started a condensed course it was now five weeks. It is very useful but you will find you know a lot of what is said to you. The pacing week is most useful this is an area we should all work on it gives us quite a lot of relief. Good luck gins
i agree with gins it was useful although i was already doing most of the things but there was lots of support from other specialists it is multi disciplinary pain team which led to me getting things that helped me cope with mobilising, as well as pain meds try it what have you to lose. good luck x
Thanx for all the replys, im looking forward to the course because like you say- what have i got to lose!. Be good to hear from other people there and pick up any ideas that might help xxx