I hope no one minds my asking, I am seeing my GP today to ask about changing/trying out some new meds. I currently take Zoromorph slow release morphine twice a day, Sevredol 10mg morphine 4 hourly (if I am desperate), melatonin tablets to help with sleep and Diazepam for anxiety/panic attacks.
It's not working for me anymore, my sleep is rubbish at the best of times but with the heat it has been non-existent. I am in a lot of pain, again either due to the weather, or a flare up and I am feeling very down, tearful and anxious all the time, partly due to all this ESA fiasco I am going through once again. I was wondering what meds you take, whether they are any good so I can make some suggestions. I must add I have tried Pregablin and had a violent reaction against it, I have come off Amitriptyline as I was on a high dose and the side-effects outweighed the benefits. And Gabapentin did nothing for me.
It's so difficult to cram all this in to a 10 minute appointment, especially as I don't know what is worrying me more at the moment, the pain, the chronic sleeplessness or the anxiety/depression. I just wondered what meds other fibros were on and if they found them helpful, my GP is very good and never minds if I make suggestions. Thanks.