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11 Replies


Well maybe you could join me on vacation if you were to relax a little and picture yourself in that beach picture..................

................. sitting in the cool shade of a tree eating ice-cream and watching the world pass by without a thought :)

I am going to focus on Diaphragmatic Breathing today

Now you have found a comfortable place to take some R&R sit straight but with your shoulders relaxed and don't cross your arms or legs

Breathe in nice and deep allowing your abdomen to rise and your chest should feel open and supported by the spine.

Maintain a steady flow of breathing, focus on the waves as they ebb and flow, ebb and flow............

................ now you have maintained a pattern breathing deeply in and deeply out.

Breathe in....................... and breathe out any tension you have

For a couple of minutes breathe with the the waves and focus on your breathing letting your tensions and thoughts fly away with each breath

Now if you can :) imagine the sound of the soothing waves rolling over the sand and then feel the water tickle your toes, slowly let yourself come round, don't get up straight away sit and feel the air that surrounds you

Are you here? How do you feel?

Here is one of my 'Posts from the Past'- Relaxation and breathing exercises: an aid to ease anxiety

If you are prone to panic attacks there is a simple breathing exercise that you can do from anywhere and its called 'Patterned Diaphragmatic Breathing'.

For example:

You're in the supermarket and suddenly become overwhelmed by the amount of people around you and the noise

Breathe in counting to 4 hold it and count to 4 and breathe out to the count of 8

Repeat 5 times, then breathe normally in an even rhythm.

(Some research was taken from a fact sheet from )

Well that's all folks!!

I have to boing back to rescue Mr Badger from the evil cats so hope this was useful for you :)

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11 Replies
jillylin profile image

Hi Zeb,

I tried doing this on my FMC but I just can't. The moment I try, I feel like I am going to suffocate from lack of air. Weird, I know. I wish I could do it as so many people say how helpful it is.



in reply to jillylin

Yes I do understand Jilly it took me years and I'm still learning even though I have mastered my own person regime :)

It is down to practice the more you do it the better you become :)

Lavender fluffies on route to you with sunshine smiles

:) xxxsianxxx :)

jillylin profile image
jillylin in reply to

I try from time to time but not regularly. More practice needed.

Thanks for the lavender fluffies. My favourite colour and smell :-)



TheAuthor profile image

Hi zeb73

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I have tried something like this several years ago due to my asthma and COPD. They are much more difficult to do than it looks. I was told to use a spacer device with my inhalers and then try.

I didn't do very well

Take care

Ken x

in reply to TheAuthor

Yes I agree Ken :)

I can imagine for you that these techniques are not easy one for you personally because of the Asthma and COPD but it does actually help.

It can take years to master relaxation whichever technique you choose to use, practicing it everyday means we improve on the day/time before.

I, personally, think it is important to learn :D

:) xxxsianxxx :)

I thought quoting this opening paragraph from the PDF link may help a little, bit of an after-thought!

''These are some brief relaxation techniques you can use to develop conscious control of your autonomic nervous system. When starting out, they must be practiced during times you feel fairly calm and focused to effectively train your system to relax. Once your system is trained, you can try them in situations where you feel more stressed and anxious. The more your body and mind learn to associate the techniques with feeling relaxed as you practice, the more effective they will be at releasing tension.'

Opening Paragraph from the PDF link

Practice Practice Practice

Don't give up :)

Good luck and remember why you are learning how to do it :)

:) xxxsianxxx :) The picture is of a beach in Ajaccio in Corsica, a little place where I am desperate to return to I fell in love the place :)

ninjananna profile image

Wow Sian this is fabulous!! I am so lucky to be able to pick relaxation techniques up quite easily!! When I was 21 I was diagnosed with clinical depression and used to suffer terrible panic attacks, then one day I was invited to a "womens group" in the local community hall, the speaker was a lady who tried to teach us relaxation by concentrating from the top of your body then working your way down to your feet! The more I practiced the better I got and she told us that eventually we would be so relaxed we wouldn't be able to move our arms!!! I will be 50 in July and I use the technique to this day............Relaxation Rocks!!!!

in reply to ninjananna

Aw thanks ninja glad you liked it:) and.............

Ditto! funnily enough only I'm 40 but once you get the hang of it you end up creating your own routine and it it becomes habit :D

I learned about aromatherapy too so I used to practice both, funny isn't it.

:) xxxsianxxx :)

fenbadger profile image
fenbadger in reply to ninjananna

That sounds like progressive muscle relaxation. It's similar to a yoga position. Interestingly when I did my research I found someone doing head to toe and someone else doing toe to head. I don't think it matters as long as you're systematic. And that matches what Sian says about doing your own thing. As long as it works it's probably ok. :)

loppyloo61 profile image

Bless you for that my friend. I always use my i-pod which has Meditation techniques, calm/relaxation therapies that I use to sleep or try to sleep @ night! I went through to the links, which were of a great help to me!

Thank you for sharing them with us, very thoughtful of you.

Sending you positive healing energies my friend.

(((gentle hugs))) Lynn XX <3 P.S. Do you like my Daffs as opposed to my green blob??

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to loppyloo61

Very lovely Lynn, much better than a green blob :-) :-)

Foggy x

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