Does anyone know why estradiol pills might have been prescribed on a fresh ivf cycle please . There were no issues with my womb lining and it was thick on day of transfer . Been asked to take 2mg 2x daily .
Initial scan
Empty gestational sac seen at 6 weeks 4 days . No foetal pole : heart beat . Sac measured just under 9mm
Follow up scan
still empty gestational sac at 8 weeks 2 days
No foetal pole . Heartbeat .
GS measuring 17mm
I have a follow up in a weeks time
Does anyone know whether unnecessary taking estradiol pills would have caused an embryo failure ?
I'm also taking progesterone pessaries and not sure whether this is what's holding a non viable pregnancy. Wondering if I stop these would bleeding start ?
Have I hindered my success for not being able to continue the blood thinner / progesterone injections and aspirin ?
From my protocol I just maintained the progesterone pessaries / and estradiol pills. I had anxiety with the injections and I also couldn’t cope with the bruising . I done it for only a couple of days . However my pessaries and estradiol and pesarries have been consistent daily and on time .
Grateful for any help or success stories please ?
my clinic haven’t been answering any of my questions since returning to the UK, and since informing them of my positive result 12 days post the embryo transfer. They are not there for me anymore .