I’m going out of my mind here. We’ve just got back from our scan at 6 weeks 6 days and the sac is measuring too small. But there is a strong heart beat and a 5mm foetal pole. The nurse wants us to go back next Thursday for repeat scan. Am I fooling myself that there is still hope - anyone have any experience here?
Six week scan small sac: I’m going out... - Fertility Network UK
Six week scan small sac

Hey Emma, sorry I cant help with advice/hope stories but didnt want to read and run! Really hoping everything is ok next week!xx
Hi Emma, I had this with my early scan at 6 weeks and 5 days. I had to go back a week later and all was ok. I’m now 30 weeks pregnant. Fingers crossed everything is ok at your next scan xx
Thank you for this - did you see a heartbeat at that stage? Many congratulations on your pregnancy xx
I can understand how worrying that would be for you but hopefully next week you’ll get some reassurance that all is well and as it should be xx
Hi Emma I hope and pray everything will be ok and it’ll catch up! 🙏🏼 Did they said how much smaller by? Xxx

I don’t think so, I think she wasn’t sure maybe a week or more, I couldn’t stop looking at the flickering heartbeat. She’s said she’d rather scan us again next week than discharge us today. I’m trying to stay positive but goodness it’s going to be a long week.
When I went for my 7 week scan baby was measuring under what it should have been and when I went back 3 days later (they wanted another look at some fluid I had not the baby size) baby was measuring over.....nurse told me at that size the measurements can be a bit innacurate, I’m hoping this is the case for you since there was a good heartbeat. Wishing you all the best for next week!
Just a quick update, I went back today and everything is looking more positive and growing well. I’ve just got to keep my fingers crossed now - 8 weeks tomorrow. Thank you for all your replies x
So good to hear 💕💕💕
Congratulations Emma, so happy for you. I'm 18 weeks today and understand how scary it is. When we've waited so long for something it's hard to believe that something won't go wrong. But relax and enjoy your pregnancy, forget about the difficulties and focus on next year when you'll have a perfect bundle of joy cx
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m trying to relax but after the hell of the 2ww nobody tells you that this is hellish too! I’m constantly worried but trying not to be. Def hard to trust that all will go smoothly after all we’ve been through! Wishing you the best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy xxxx