Hi all, After 3 years TTC and issues getting NHS funding, we finally started our IVF journey using ICSI. I'm a pessimist and had low expectations, so I was thrilled when we got our BFP!! I am now 6 weeks pregnant. Today, I had an early scan (I ended up hospitalised with OHSS so have been having regular scans to monitor my progress). My Dr told me that the gestational sac and foetal pole are both normal and roughly measuring at 5w6d, however, there is no heartbeat yet. She wants me to go back in a week for another scan. She tried to assure me that it's still really early so there is still a chance, but that at the moment it's 50/50 whether this pregnancy will be viable. I am so scared. I'm trying to stay positive, but so many things I've read say you should be able to hear a heartbeat by now and the thought of losing my baby is making me depressed. Have any of you been through anything similar and still had everything work out okay? I could really do with some success stories. Thanks in advance
6 weeks pregnant and no heartbeat - Fertility Network UK
6 weeks pregnant and no heartbeat

I am sorry you are so worried but to me it sounds like you are bang on where you should be. 6 weeks is crazy early for a heartbeat and that’s why most clinics don’t scan until later. I think the ‘50% chance’ commentary is really harsh, try and think positive - I have my fingers crossed for you xx
We went for an early scan with my first successful pregnancy (IVF) and saw a heartbeat at 5+2 but we were warned in advance this was very early and unlikely to see anything more but we had got a BFP at 3dpt and the HCG was already very high so it had implanted and got going early. Current pregnancy is natural and on the basis of the last one I went for a scan at 6 weeks and they couldn't see anything really - just a yolk sac. That worried me but I'd had a PUL a few months before and I reasoned that the main thing was that it was in the right place and also that there was something there that looked vaguely how it should for that stage. Went back at 8 weeks and there was a heartbeat. So I think it can vary a lot, and 50/50 doesn't sound right tbh. I had HCGs done which I've always found accurate as to what's going on, so you could look into them too while waiting for your next scan if you want some reassurance.

Hi. I must admit I prefer a 7/40 wks scan to be certain. Diane
I had a scan at 6+4 and no heartbeat just a foetal pole and sac - at 8 weeks there was a heartbeat. xx
my clinic wouldn’t scan until at least 7 weeks because of this! ❤️
Agree with what everyone else is saying. It can still be early to detect a heartbeat. Wishing you all the best. xxx
Hi sweetaholic, I had a very similar experience- I went for a scan at around 6 weeks and was told as there was no heartbeat and the embryo was measuring small I would likely miscarry. I then insisted on a hcg test (which showed my levels had increased so was a good sign) but over that weekend had some spotting and cramping so was convinced the sonographer was right. A couple days later I went back for another scan and whilst still measuring small there was a heartbeat! Fast forward 10 weeks and I am now 16 weeks- measuring bang on with an apparently ‘very active’ foetus! You should always be prepared for the worst (I still am now) but you really don’t know what is going to happen, every story is different and I hope yours is a positive one.
Really hope it turns out well. It is definitely too early for a heartbeat. Xx
too early for heartbeat at this stage. I’m sure by 7 week scan it will be there x
I couldn’t see one at 6.1 weeks, but could by 6.4… so it is really early. For this reason I never early scan now until 7 weeks as it’s too nerve wracking!
I had this exact scenario. Had an early scan at 5+6, saw no heartbeat & I was devastated. Was seen by my IVF clinic at 7wks & had a heartbeat! He is now coming up to 3 ☺️. Please don't lose hope ❤️
Thank you everyone. You have all restored my hope that all is not lost yet. I really appreciate all of your responses. I have another scan booked for next Wednesday, so I'll let you know the outcome
I had a private scan on the Friday roughly about 6 weeks no heartbeat, went back on the Monday to EPU and there was a heartbeat! Keep positive xx
this is exactly what we seen at this stage and the heartbeat was there the next week, of course it’s very early days but this does sound really normal 💜 I have also had a few not turn out so well but the measurements were much more behind and they couldn’t see the fetal pole yet so much less than what you can see so in my experience there is defo lots of hope for your next scan and things are as they should be xxxx
6 weeks is still v early, my clinic don’t scan until 7 weeks at the earliest and even then the heart beat is tiny x keep positive xx good luck 🍀🍀
Hi all, just a little update. I had my 7 week scan on Thursday and they found a very strong heartbeat, which was such a relief! Thank you all for replying to me. You have no idea how sane your messages have kept me ❤️