empty sac 6+3 :(: Hi My ivf warriors... - Fertility Network UK

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empty sac 6+3 :(

32 Replies

Hi My ivf warriors, so am feeling beyond devastated today so I had a transfer of my pgs tested frozen embryo , the lining was great and embryo was hatching and did acupuncture before and after , so on otd positive test and hcg of 1145 so we were thrilled and thought this was our time , after few days I started getting light brown mucus on and off and I went for a reassurance scan which showed a gestational sac and nothing else , I am kind of prepared for worst , I was on clexane injections , 1 lubion and two pessaries a day , now I feel like defeated and giving up , am 37 will be 38 soon :( do I even deserve to be mother ?

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32 Replies
csec profile image

Dear Heyaaaa, First of all, you do deserve to be a mother!!! No questions asked, and never ever thing otherwise. Regarding the empty sac, I think it is just too early to see much. It might be that the tiny foetus was a bit shy. and anyway they are small, really small at this stage. So don't check yourself out just yet. Give them one more week to grow and check again. And most importantly be kind to yourself. IVF is a long game, even after all is said and done. I just shy of 38 when I had my baby boy. So don't give up. Sending you a big big hug and baby dust! x

thank you csec honestly this is the worst thing am going through , it’s hard honestly hats off to each and every women out there including you warriors for sure xx I will update the outcome soon ❤️

Asha82 profile image

I'm sorry your going through this, when I was 40 I had a missed miscarriage and I'm now 41 and 29 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a little boy so your still a good age and everyone deserves to be a mother

in reply to Asha82

Thanks Asha let’s see what life has plans , thank you for your encouraging words x

Asha82 profile image
Asha82 in reply to

Your welcome hopefully life wants you to have a baby x

Brie889 profile image

you do deserve to be a mother and never think you are not, the fact that you are even doing IVF shows you deserve to be a mother..

you will be feeling all the emotions right now and that’s ok. I really do hope you get the positive news that everything is ok xxxx

in reply to Brie889

Thanks Brie it’s not a easy journey when it’s so easy for the majority of the world to fall pregnant and staying pregnant, best wishes :)

Twiglet2 profile image

It’s so difficult to tell at that early stage but I know personally how worrying it can be! was the sac measuring the right size but they couldn’t see a yolk sac or fetal pole? Or was it smaller than your dates? Also did they do an external or internal scan? Hopefully you get your answer soon as I know the waiting and limbo is the hardest part! Sending you a massive hug!!! Xxx

in reply to Twiglet2

Hi Twiglet yes she said it looks like 5 weeks and few days sac , scan was trans abdominal , there was just a sac and nothing else and I was 6+3 when I went for it so not really hopeful . I haven’t rechecked my hcg again will go directly for scan and see if there is any improvement, my symptoms are not that great either so not keeping my hopes 😔, I thought ivf is hard being pregnant and staying pregnant is even harder, thank you and keep me in your prayers

Anita85 profile image
Anita85 in reply to

From what I know it is hard to see something on an external scan... They usually do internal ones at this stage. Don t lose hope, there is still time, it will appear. Also, it depends highly on the quality and precision of the equipment

in reply to Anita85

Thanks Anita but unfortunately it was still empty at 7 weeks:(

Aninha85 profile image
Aninha85 in reply to

I am so sorry to hear that :(... all my prayers towards you 🙏

Doodlebug23 profile image

I’m keeping everything crossed for you to see that little embryo appear at your next scan 💖

in reply to Doodlebug23

Thank you but it was still empty at 7 weeks :(

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to


Winc20 profile image

I had an empty sac until 6+4 and then everything was visible as if by magic… so it might be too early - but sending loads and loads of love and thoughts, it’s so nerve-wracking and hard - thinking of you xxx

in reply to Winc20

It was unfortunately still empty at 7 weeks :(

Winc20 profile image
Winc20 in reply to

Oh I’m so so sorry, do take care - thinking of you. This journey is so brutal xxx

hi guys just an update I went for another scan today through epu and they did transvaginal this time and again nothing except 8 mm empty sac , she checked thoroughly for like 15 min but couldn’t find anything except a sac , they have called me again in 10 days but deep down I know it’s the end just thought about updating , anyone in similar situation donot need to relate to my situation as there is always hope and everyone’s situation is different ❤️

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to

I'm soooo sorry you've had to go through this :( what did they say to you at the 7 week scan? Was it measuring right just empty?

Am currently going through the same thing but with a natural conception. Been going for scans from 4 weeks cos of my history and each time there's just been a sac but nothing in it (though it is growing, not that it means much). Going in for a scan tomorrow, should be about 7 weeks (based on my late ovulation rather than period dates) and just have a feeling it will still be empty. It's sooo cruel still getting pregnancy symptoms but not actually having a baby in there :(

Am scheduled for a d&c on Friday as I want to test the remains for genetic issues but so scared it's still too early as occasionally you do read online of people not seeing anything until 8 weeks (though I do think they have their dates wrong and they are earlier, seeing as it's soooo hard to date pre 12 weeks due to size etc). Also at the same time i'm really not wanting to prolong this any further, plus they are the experts so I am listening to them rather than randoms online obvs.

It's such a difficult time, so I really do feel your pain. Sending lots of love x

in reply to Esb27

Hi Esb I still think you have a good chance as in my case my sac hasn’t grown much it’s was 8.2 mm which is a gestational age of 5 weeks , I would say keep your hopes but at the same time be prepare for either way , mine was a ivf pregnancy so dates are always correct while yours is a natural pregnancy so hopefully you will see few things for sure , also my symptoms vanished after and yours are still there which is a positive sign too, I wish you all the good luck for tommorow

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to

Yeah I'm really trying to keep the hope alive but it's so hard after having multiple losses, i've never known good news at scans. My consultant said the same thing really, it's not looking great so to prepare for the worst but she couldn't confirm anything until this week.

I guess that is the only downside to IVF pregnancies with the dating :( have you thought about what you want to do if you don't see anything in 10 days? I know it's an awful thought but even though the waiting is painful it does help you mentally accept certain scenarios so you aren't hit in the face with them at the next scan.

Is your measurement of 8.2mm the mean? Even though mine was growing the mean was only 9.3mm at '6weeks' last week so maybe that's not great.

Ahh I really wish that still feeling symptoms was positive, but sadly people can still have no or loads of symptoms with a missed miscarriage, which is SO cruel.

This journey is so hard!

in reply to Esb27

I will go for d&c , have you been referred to Tommy’s as I spoke to my Gp this morning and requested a referral , I have 1 natural conception miscarriage , 2 chemicals and now this , it’s not easy but I think further testing will definitely help , may be check for partners sperm dna fragmentation , immune issues , however I will still insist on keeping your hopes as you had a natural conception do you still have a chance

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to

Yeah I was referred by my GP for Tommy's last year, took about 3 months to get an initial appointment, then they did blood tests which all came out fine but they thought I had a slight sub-septate uterus, which has now become more apparently now I'm pregnant (you can only really see it when pregnant). They wanted to do a hysteroscopy to fix it as that might have caused issues, but then I got pregnant so that is on hold for now. But they support you in early pregnancy so worth getting a referral as then you can use their EPU too, I find them super caring and knowledgeable.

Tommy's don't do DNA fragmentation but it's worth looking at, it's one that we haven't had yet but it was next on my list. Definitely do any immunity testing too, also you can self refer to Dr Brosen's clinic (part of Tommy's) in Coventry to test your lining and NK cells. It's a lot cheaper than private clinic and the money helps with their research.

Thanks for the luck. I really hope you get the outcome you want in 10 days.

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to Esb27

@Heyaaaa sadly it's not good news for me. Sac still only measuring 6 weeks but should be 7 by now, also nothing inside. Getting a d&c on Friday morning. I hope you have a better outcome!

in reply to Esb27

Hi Es I am so so sorry to hear that life is cruel :(I have already stopped medications 4 days ago and now on the 13th after confirmation I will do what epu will say , please look after yourself and I will pray that soon very soon we both will share good news , baby dust to you x

CarlottaD27 profile image

I am so sorry, It’s an awful emotional rollercoaster. I too had an empty sac at the seven week scan and a week later it was still empty. That week in limbo was horrible and I feared the worst. After stopping meds it took about four days until I began to miscarry. I hope you get an outcome soon and can move forward. This is just so cruel and unfair x

in reply to CarlottaD27

Hi Carlotta can I ask you what you did next as I can see you have anxiety issues and me too do you think this can be a contributing factor as my anxiety because of all this going on is the worst , are you doing any further testing ?

CarlottaD27 profile image
CarlottaD27 in reply to

Hello. So the cycle I conceived was on a medicated cycle (with drugs to induce ovulation and extra progesterone), so It wasnt a tested embryo, but now that I’m moving in to IVF next month, I am going to pay to have PGT-A testing like you did. My dr has not had recommended anything else at this stage but because I’m so anxious and need a plan, I have been doing a lot of research.

I’m aware that there are tests to be done (eg nk killer cells, blood clotting, etc) that can help identify why bodies may reject healthy tested embryos. These tests can cost in the thousands so I think they are only recommended after two or three failed tested embryos - lots of women on here have been through them and know more about them! That’s my next step plan if I have more losses.

In terms of anxiety, I really don’t think this contributes and you can’t blame yourself! People in war zones under extreme anxiety have healthy babies. I think I once saw a study once which asked women how much stress they felt and it looked at whether they conceived and there wasn’t a pattern. I’m not a dr but I expect it’s more likely random biological factors at play than anxiety x

in reply to CarlottaD27

I wish you all the best for your upcoming treatment and may you have your baby soon x

sorry to hear this Heyaaaa. Please look after yourself. It’s an emotionally and physically exhausting process. Take care and big hugs

in reply to

Thank you ❤️ life is hard :(

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