I’ve had it confirmed today that I’m having a missed miscarriage. Should have been 7+5 weeks but the gestational sac was empty (I’ve had multiple scans over the past 12 days so it’s definitely over). This is now my third miscarriage so I can add the 1% recurrent miscarriage statistic to all these horribly small statistics we’re falling into. Each of my miscarriages have been different (first was missed miscarriage found on 12 week scan after seeing a heartbeat at 7 weeks, second was a chemical pregnancy). This miscarriage hurts as we tested our embryos this time around so it should be a normal embryo, we had PIMSI to support with male factor infertility and high DNA fragmentation, I had IVIG and have been taking prednisolene as I have elevated cytokines. This was our 5th transfer. We have 4 embryos left and I was wondering if anyone had done anything else to get a successful result. Should we consider a double embryo transfer next time? Any advice would be very much appreciated.