I’m waiting to have a fully medicated frozen embryo transfer and I’ve had to take norethisterone to induce a period as my cycle is so irregular.
I came in to the clinic for a baseline scan on 30th Jan and all looked fine (no cysts) but nowhere near my period so they took bloods and gave me norethisterone. The clinic told me to wait for them to call before taking the norethisterone as they wanted blood test results. The consultant called same day and said fine to start norethisterone but that I needed to come in for a scan on day 1 of my period before starting oestrogen. I took the norethisterone for 7 days from 30th Jan and then came on my period yesterday 9th Feb.
I’ve just had the scan on day one of my period (10th Feb) and the scan showed up a large follicle or cyst which I wasn’t expecting. They have taken more bloods and said to wait until they call to start oestrogen.
Has this happened to anyone else? Do you think my cycle will be cancelled? It’s so hard because I can’t just wait for my next period as they are so irregular so could be another 6 months (hence why I took the norethisterone in the first place but now I’m worried I’ve given myself the cyst)
Thanks for reading if you’ve got this far!