Chemical pregnancy or just too early - Fertility Network UK

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Chemical pregnancy or just too early

Musiclover7777777 profile image

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Second FET on a non medicated cycle and I took my first test at 9 days past and 10 days past but both are very faint! I also got a postive on a clear blue digital too. I’m scared it’s gonna be a chemical!

the top 2 are my 9 days past and the bottom 2 are 10 days past but I haven’t even left it 24hrs before restesting so hoping these will get darker in the next few days 🤞🏻🤞🏻

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22 Replies
DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi. Oh bless you. Please just keep up with all prescribed medication and test the first urine of the day, on the day recommended by your clinic. Good luck Diane

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you, I’m only on cyclogest pessaries twice daily which I’m continuing to do and will retest in a few days in the morning and hope they get darker🤞🏻🤞🏻 thank you

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Musiclover7777777

Hi. Plus folic acid and vitamin D! Diane

Twiglet2 profile image

gets can take a few more days to get darker and also you are using a few different tests so just compare the top and bottom ones for line progression. Stick to the pink dye ones but remember the day before will have also dried a bit darker by the time you do the next one. Good that it is showing on a clear blue digital one! Got my fingers crossed for you! It’s impossible to tell which way it will go at this stage but good news there is defo a line both days Xx

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you so much! I’m going out my mind but I’m gonna test again on my official test date with a digital again and then I’ll know for sure🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️

Doodlebug23 profile image

Sending lots of luck. My chemical was a definite squinter and yours the line is clearly there so 🤞🏼

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to Doodlebug23

Chemicals are awful esp with ivf so I’m sorry you went through that!! I’m really hoping this one sticks xx

Gracey2024 profile image

Thinking of you & sending so much luck xx My chemical was way lighter than that & didnt show on digital so Im hoping the best for you 🙏🤞🏻

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to Gracey2024

Aww I really really hope when I test on another digital on my official test date that it comes up positive🤞🏻🤞🏻, defo the hardest part xx

MyLittlePinkness profile image

I hope I‘m wrong,but all of my chemicals looked like this (I had 4) the one that stuck was dark quite early on. I hope I’m wrong and I’ve seen many good news stories on here. Good luck for your OTD 💕💕💕

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to MyLittlePinkness

Yeah I was defo expecting my tests to be a lot darker this late on but gonna wait for test before testing again and hope for a miracle🤞🏻🤞🏻, thank you so much 🩷🩷

JB124 profile image

you can never know if it’s going to end up being a chemical.. I use to start of with light lines on day 10 which became darker and then dropped and was classed as a chemical (I was never a early tester) and there’s others who start of with light line and ends up going to full term (could just be a late implanter). Just know you’re doing the best you can , keep up with all medication and time will tell. I’ve always found this part the hardest… Wishing you all the best xxxx

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to JB124

Thank you so much!! It’s so hard seeing that positive and not knowing if I should be excited or not🥺!! Gotta make it to my official test date and then I’ll know for sure hopefully!! This is defo the hardest part xxx

I’m hoping this is still looking hopeful, The top 2 pics are from yesterday ( 11dp5dt) and then the last 3 are from today ( 12dp5dt). Lines are still showing faint and still coming on a clear blue digital I really hope this embryo is gonna stick🤞🏻

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DancingQu33n profile image

Really hope it sticks for you🤞 It’s so hard being in limbo but hopefully you can get some reassurance things are heading in the right direction over the next couple of days. When’s your official test date?

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to DancingQu33n

Thank you so so much! My head is everywhere atm and can’t stop crying, I just want this to stick so bad🤞🏻😢. My official test date is wed ( 11.09.24 )

DancingQu33n profile image
DancingQu33n in reply to Musiclover7777777

Oh I’m sorry, it’s so hard isn’t it the whole thing. You’d think a positive would be the end of your worries but it just opens up new ones. Keeping everything crossed for you for Weds. Right now you’re positive, just have to take it day by day and hope for the best. You’ve done everything within your power🤞xx

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to DancingQu33n

Thank you so much❤️ I’m just hoping and praying for good news, I’ll keep you updated xxx

hello, just an update! It’s my official test day today and I’m still getting 1-2 weeks on clear blue digital and when I tested a few days before my lines were still faint☹️, I had some brown discharge this morning and starting to get mild period like cramps. Scan is booked in for the 27th of sept but I don’t have a very good feeling

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Gracey2024 profile image

I know its really hard as it really could go either way, its so hard to know, but it could be late implantation so hang in there a while longer & keep the faith. When I had my chemical, I still had faint lines on & even passed my otd but it never showed on digital so I knew it wasnt right. Just keep taking everything & test again in a few days, the digital should increase to 3+ weeks if hcg is increasing x Mind your head & your heart as much as possible, this not really knowing part can totally mess with you & its just so unfair that after all you've already been through you get stuck in limbo, but your story could be a happy one yet❤️🤞🏻

Musiclover7777777 profile image
Musiclover7777777 in reply to Gracey2024

Thank you gracey❤️, it’s such a long time to be stuck in limbo for and it’s horrible. I keep getting brown discharge and the cramps I feel are getting a little bit more intense but coming and going. I have contacted my gp and waiting for them to get back to me! I’m really hoping they will check my hcg levels so I kinda get an insight on where they are at to maybe try put my mind at ease. I’m just praying for a miracle❤️🤞🏻

just an update, sadly my 2nd transfer has ended in miscarriage💔💔

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