We have transferred our last frozen embryo (5 day blastocyst) 2 weeks ago. I started testing on day 5 because I know almost everyone on this IVF journey knows that’s when they usually starts to see a line. I tested positive on day 5 post embryo transfer. We were so happy thinking that finally we have done it! I was testing everyday to check for line progression. From day 6-8 line is slowly getting darker, then comes day 9 when I start to notice that the line is fading so I was starting to get worried. I felt this sudden heartbreak and already knew that this embryo stopped developing. I was not being negative but I just have this gut feeling. I tested using clearblue digital just so I can still see that “pregnant” sign just to make me feel a little bit better knowing that yes I am pregnant even just for a while. On day 10, I noticed that the line was getting fainter and fainter until day 11 just stark white. I am still testing until today, day 12. BFN. Test day is in 2 days but I already know the answer. Im still going to take all the meds until they tell me to stop knowing full well they will in 2 days time.
I really thought this cycle will be it. We have transferred a perfect 4AA day 5 blastocyst. Our rainbow baby.
We will still do another cycle of IVF. Im not giving up yet. I know this is just part of this journey.