hi, had a frozen embryo transfer 2/01/24. All went well and tested positive on day 15 & day 18. This was followed by brown spotting and some red blood (I just knew it was something bad) Today, I have tested and test coming back with the faintest line so it’s confirmed my doubts. I was on lubion as had 2 failed FET’s previously. As soon as we can we would like to crack on with our last embryo. Has anyone got any suggestions on things we could add into our next transfer. Cyclogest alongside lubion? Steroids, intralipids? My clinic are not the most helpful and I had to really push for lubion or we would have had just cyclogest like the two previous failed transfers. I have always worried that my body rejects the embryo but with getting a positive result I felt pleased, it’s the furtherest we have even been but also heartbroken that I only got to be pregnant for a couple of days and had it dashed away.
Tia x